prettyboy là gì - Nghĩa của từ prettyboy

prettyboy có nghĩa là

[n.] a masculine man who has feminine features[face usually].


He is such a prettyboy.

prettyboy có nghĩa là

A male most likely in teen years who spend an abnormal amount of time on their looks. Thinks that looking good is the most important thing in the world.Known to be ultra- eye candy. They are often told the should be a model of some kind. They have HUGE egos, and thinks they can get any girl they want. Usually extremely popular & a heart throb with the ladies.In most cases are players or juggle several relationships with women at once. These kinds of guys run high in the black race.


Girl: "Omg, have you ever met Travis! He is GEORGEOUS!"
Freind:" I know I seen him!, but you already know his type girl!."
Girl: "I know he's a 100% prettyboy"

prettyboy có nghĩa là

A somewhat new-ish [yet very common] stereotype that developed in the London/Kent/Essex/Hertfordshire area in England, and is now spreading to many other area's of the country.

- All prettyboy clothes are expensive, and are usually from shops such as Topman and River Island.
- Tight, girly-coloured [pink, yellow, etc] t-shirts that are of no readily identifiable brand and usually have some kind of scrawled pattern or design on the front. No more than 2 layers of clothing can be worn at any time, even in the winter.
- Tight, plain, expensive jeans.
- Trainers, usually white and in girly colours.
- Gelled [but more commonly waxed now a days] hair, sometimes with highlights. Grown quite long.
- Socialise only with other prettyboys/girls.
- Never participate in violence, but love gossiping when fights do erupt, and talking about "what they would have done" in an effort to show masculinity to their girl friends.
- Wear moderate amounts of jewellary.
- Do not go out much. Spend as little time on the streets as possible, as they realise they are a vulnerable target for muggings and random violence.
- Prettyboys are usually friendly, but can come across as irritating, and cocky.
- Prettyboys are usually very wealthy, but can come from a range of social backgrounds. Some prettyboys are ex-rudeboys who see the rudeboy culture as immature.
- Most are popular with girls, as prettyboys dress specifically to appeal to women.
- Follow a strict social strucutre religously. They think they "have a place" in their school/college, and know who they can "talk down to" and who to "suck up to."
- Most will claim they listen to a mix of R&B, hiphop and rock, but really just listen to whatever is in the charts at the moment.

Personally I find prettyboys the scum of the earth, due to their narrow-minded lifestyle and a life amibition to go out with the "buffest" girl in their school.

They like to argue that all groups "follow" each other.
This is not true, and is a weak defense.
Some prettyboys actively admit they wear what the most popular people are wearing. Correct, rudeboys, grungers, etc DO have a sense of style that they stick to, but it is nowhere near as single-minded as the prettboy style.
Don't pretend you don't understand what I just said either... its obvious and you know it!


normal man : "we started on some prettyboys at a house party last night. they shit themselves"

person 1 : "what's your friend like?"
person 2 : "he's a prettyboy"
person 1 : "what a loser"

rudeboy : "*kiss teeth* see dem prettyboys over dere blud..set me da shank init, mans gona jack dem up standard"

prettyboy có nghĩa là

n: a boy of pretty situations when things look neat to the thought of someone, Prettyboy is the type of guy that will master the whole status or style and dress that way with the utmost game of how he is suppose to look, very much into class.


you know that was Prettyboy very neat how he got the status looking, check him out, He's a model.

prettyboy có nghĩa là

a guy who thinks they are above everyone else; a guy who pretends to be a ladies man but really has zero swag


Just because he thinks he is a PrettyBoy he can get all the girls. It is a common belief that PrettyBoy is metrosexual.

prettyboy có nghĩa là

A sexy sexy bitch who posts on Flamevault!


Prettyboy is one sexy bitch

prettyboy có nghĩa là

Prettyboy; noun A boy obsessed with appearence and looking good. Originated from a danish boy called Tobias Løwenheim Brúhn Hansen who is the biggest prettyboy ever registered, and holds the world record in being a PB.


1:"Hey, look at the sissy boy over there"
2:"Yeah, that is Tobias Løwenheim, he's the biggest Prettyboy"

prettyboy có nghĩa là

A genuinely nice, attractive male, who smokes a lot and is falsely accused of kidnapping his son, whom he loves very much.


You, sir, are a chain smoking, kidnapping, prettyboy

prettyboy có nghĩa là

Hairless males [usually shaven] who dominate advertisements, as well as gracing the covers of celebrity magazines and romance novels everywhere. It might be part of the metrosexual movement, and hopefully, it doesn't lead to a societal norm of hairy women.


Married to Big Bear, who has a chest like a rug, Heather finds the proliferation of smooth-chested prettyboys in popular culture annoying.

prettyboy có nghĩa là

Prettyboy carti is someone who grinds all day an night and doesn't let people overwhelm the wit there bullshit and got all the bitchs


Aye yiu see that prettyboy carti Marcus is now prettyboy carti

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