Resident evil 4 vs 5 review năm 2024

Resident Evil 5 is usually touted as the start of the series' decline, but really it's a truly great successor to the beloved fourth game.

The grandaddy of survival horror games, Resident Evil has certainly seen its share of ups and downs over the years. Nowhere is that more evident than when players look at the series' releases in the '00s. Many fans of the series see Resident Evil 5 as the start of the series decline while hailing Resident Evil 4 as a masterpiece. It's certainly hard to argue the success of the fourth game given how many times it has been re-released, but Resident Evil 5 is a masterful successor to that game.

While it may be true that Resident Evil 4 contains more tense moments and horror, Resident Evil 5 takes the more action-horror style of 4 and runs with it. The game certainly has more action going on than previous games, but scenes like the opening where Chris and his new partner Sheva first encounter the new Las Plagas parasite show that producers definitely had the story of the last game in mind when making this title. The Las Plagas link and the types of creatures that Chris and Sheva encounter make a good case that this and the previous game are linked and that plot elements that started in Resident Evil 4 are still here.

The gameplay helps show how masterful a successor the game is as well. When Resident Evil 4 released, the control was much more fluid and featured a behind-the-shoulder camera, deviating from the zoomed-out camera and tank controls of older titles. Resident Evil 5 continues this trend, allowing the most control the games offered at that time. The game also improved other concepts from the last game, such as being able to upgrade weapons with no merchant or the ability to equip weapons or items during play instead of from a menu. Resident Evil 5 too what its predecessor did and absolutely improved what was there.

When looking at the gameplay, another way it proves itself is the addition of co-op mode. Unlike the last game where Leon was accompanied by Ashley Graham, a character who served mostly as a glorified escort mission and was unable to fight back, this game brings us African BSAA agent Sheva Alomar, who serves as Chris' partner and is able to help out either as an AI or as a second player. This is the game that saw co-op become a thing for the series. Aside from moments where the AI doesn't work as well as it could, it really helps the game out by making it a more filled-out experience. The last game introduced the idea of partners through Ashley and Luis Sera, but here is where the concept was ironed out and fully realized.

Players are treated to the end of two storylines in the game on top of all the improvements. Resident Evil 5 serves not only to bring a sort of finale to the Las Plagas debacle started in the previous game, but it also serves to bring players to the conclusion of another story. Throughout the game, Chris is not only haunted by visions of former partner Jill Valentine, but also by the still looming threat of Albert Wesker. This game brings the fight against Wesker to a close in an explosive way, letting the series move on to new villains. It's a game with multiple conclusions, and it's one that serves as probably the best continuation in the whole series because it both continues and ends the story started in the fourth game but also manages to tell a story that reaches back to other series plotlines.

Given all the improvements, connections, and story elements in the game, it's hard to see why some would mark the game as the start of a decline. The game may focus a bit more on action than previous entries did, but along the way, the elements of gameplay introduced previously were made even better. Along with a story that ties up old and new plots, several narrative links and refining the control scheme, Resident Evil 5 really did a lot for the series moving forward. When all this is taken into account, Resident Evil 5 truly is a masterful successor to Resident Evil 4.

The gorgeous graphics, the superb sound, the great [if sometimes twitchy] AI of your partner and the jaw-dropping gameplay take everything that was brilliant about Resident Evil 4 and ramp it up to the next level, making for one of the best gaming experiences ever!

Resident Evil 5 doesn’t revolutionize Resident Evil 4’s gameplay, but it does provide a solid and entertaining entry in the series.

What can i say ! Perfect literally perfect game What can i say ! Perfect literally perfect game What can i say ! Perfect literally perfect game

Very Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

The setting change works well, and the story will please series followers, with surprises and comebacks which will thrill Resident Evil fans. Resident Evil 5 offers a quality experience, despite some incongruities - all of them can be overlood -, which will engage us in front of the TV for hours, thanks to its gameplay and its high doses of action, tension and fun.

It’s not going to revolutionize videogames and is definitely not a huge step forward in the series, but it contains some of the coolest set pieces and most incredible boss fights I have ever seen in my entire life. And that makes me very happy.

It is a great game, one that is a faithful update to a game that only four years ago attained universal acclaim, but in that time, things have changed and, for better and for worse, Resident Evil 5 has only made baby steps when compared to the giant leaps that its predecessor made, and because of this, won’t be getting near that perfect 10. The issues with A.I and the controls will put off some of the more fickle gamers, but for those of you who part with their £40, like an A.I controlled Sheva to a horde of zombies, you’ll find plenty here to get your teeth into – fans and newcomers alike.

Thanks to the game's stubborn loyalty to stop-and-shoot, the result is distinctive, but with suspect partner AI to contend with, this is a game that only truly comes into its own with a friend who's up for a challenge.

Hours of fun to be had here and a lot of replay ability. I don’t see many flaws with this game and it’s hella fun. Add to your collection.

Good game in terms of graphics, but in terms of history I didn't like it very much

Expanding upon the third person format laid out in the previous game, the fifth instalment in the long running series has a less atmospheric setting and the story seems to be running out of ideas; it has moved away completely from the zombies that used to be the series' bread and butter and is now completely monster-orientated. It also teams you up with an computer-controlled partner for the duration who's as much a hindrance as help thanks to inconsistent AI. Still a solid action adventure, but Resident Evil 4 is much better.

1 of the worst resident evils to date. Rather then making it a solo game and then adding co-op after it's the other way round. You don't have enough inventory space so you spend half your time managing stuff. Even if you remove the annoyance of co op changes the game is still terrible. With constant QTEs and bullet sponge enemies. They obviously added more enemies for 2 players but playing solo your AI companion is useless. The QTEs are so short it's like they want you to fail them and then remember the pattern and do it again just to pad the game out more. This hole game has terrible art direction and everything feels the same and forgettable with only a couple chapters that looked different. The environment feels so static and boring. Only once did they actually have something going on in the background which was the exact same part they used in the demo back when this game launched. The hole game just felt like a drag where I was so frustrated managing 2 inventory, dying to annoying QTEs where sometimes it's less then a single second to react [I play guitar hero on expert] so unless you're holding your finger on the button before hand then you ain't hitting them. And half the game having no ammo and then the second half having more then enough. And the controls and character movement are just awful. When you aim and movement the camera at the same time it will aim miles off aswell. There was a couple bosses that were fun but the main boss was the worst one out them all. Your just running around the hole time. If they remake this game I seriously hope they change the hole thing and just use the same story. New voice acting, art style, inventory management and obviously make it single player. Re5 feels like an early PS2 game but it launched on the Xbox 360/PS3. There is some elements of fun but they get ruined by the filler plastered all over the place.

Es tan malo que cuando lo juegas cooperativo parece hasta divertido. En este punto la saga se transformó en un call of duty zombies

Which is better Resident Evil 4 or Resident Evil 5?

The simple reason why Resident Evil 4 is so loved while Resident Evil 5 is so hated is the simple fact that Resident 5 was the first game in the franchise that first introduced co-op gameplay. When two players can play the game together. Co-op gameplay is bad for horror games.

Is RE5 better than RE4 reddit?

RE5 has better graphics, a cleaned interface, and more intuitive controls, but that's because RE4 walked before RE5 could run. RE5 built on the success of RE4, and while it enhanced features that were set before, it did not revolutionize gaming in the same way. For me it's the pacing and playing solo.

Is Resident Evil 5 longer than 4?

How does this compare to the other original numbered entries in the Resident Evil franchise? According to the Main Story completion on, Resident Evil Village is the fourth-longest Resident Evil game behind Resident Evil 6's 21.5 hours, Resident Evil 4's 16 hours, and Resident Evil 5's 12 hours.

What is the difference between Resident Evil 4 Remake and PS5?

On the PS5, Xbox and PC version, you can enable ray-tracing in the resolution mode with an extra option to toggle-on better hair rendering as well. Another obvious change you may notice has to do with the quality of the environment. The quality of the fog and other environmental effects are less on the PS4.

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