Risk ving nghĩa là gì

















Nếu bạn không mài dao thường xuyên, thì khả năng cao là bạn sẽ cắt vào tay.

Q: risk life and limb có nghĩa là gì?

A: it's a saying. it means you will do anything and everything you can to reach your goals.

Q: The slight risk added zest to the experience. có nghĩa là gì?

A: Kiểm tra câu hỏi để xem câu trả lời

Q: at risk of caving under its own self-destructive tendencies có nghĩa là gì?

A: In other words, the administration may be defeated, or fail completely, because of its habit of making bad mistakes.

Q: thwart your risk có nghĩa là gì?

A: @prominencial mitigate or reduce or make your risk smaller

Q: There is also the risk that you will learn things that you couldn't have imagined that you would learn or that you couldn't have imagined that you would have wanted to learn có nghĩa là gì?

A: "couldn't have" previously were incapable of thinking of; "would have wanted to learn" You could not imagine that you would desire the information you would learn. I agree that it is a difficult passage.

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với risk.

A: Some risks are worth taking.The surgery was risky, but thankfully it went well.

I risked it all for you.

He really risked it all for him/her/them .

It’s a little risky.Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger or a problem/conflict.

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với risk

A: 1. We took a big risk by going on this dangerous mission.

2. It is risky to go alone.

3. I know the risks, but I want to do it anyway.

4. She is going to risk it all to save her.

5. I know my life is at risk, but I'm not scared.

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với at a risk of.

A: @Ri-na The two common phrases are:

At the risk of...

At risk of...

At the risk of sending you to sleep, let me tell you all about my penguins.

At the risk of repeating myself, allow me to describe my new penguin aquarium.

We are at risk of running out of bananas.

He left himself at risk of missing the train.[I've never heard of any "offensive or stupid" meaning.]

You can make a sentence with "at a risk of" in it but I think it's less common.

Because of the heat it was at a risk of exploding.

You could also say that without "a" in it.

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với at risk / in danger.

A: "Getting out of your car on the freeway can be dangerous." " I laugh in the face of danger. [hahaha]" "I too like to live dangerously."

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa "take a risk of doing xx" và "run the risk of doing xx" ?

A: hmmm... now that I think of it, “to take a risk” sounds a bit more active, like you’re moving out of your own volition and free will, that you are the one choosing to take up a challenge or risk. “To run a risk” sounds a bit more passive, and a bit like you are less in control [though this may not always be the case].

For example, you will sometimes hear people to urge their friends or colleagues, “come on! Take risks! Be daring!”

You will hardly hear them say “Come on! Run risks! Be daring!”

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa risk analysis và risks analysis ?

A: “Risk analysis” is about one “risk”, “risks analysis” is about more than one risk

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa to risk và to peril ?

A: I've never heard "peril" used as a verb so wouldn't say "to peril". As a noun, "peril" is like a risk of danger or a very serious risk.

"If this traffic doesn't clear up there is a risk that we will be late" vs. "he stayed out of the water to avoid the perils of shark bites"

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa risk và hazard ?

A: "Hazard"- a situation or thing that can potentially harm a person"Risk"- the possibility that death/injury/illness might occur when exposed to a hazard.

Eg; Someone might fall down and hurt him or herself [risk] if the spilled coffee on the floor [hazard] is not cleaned properly.

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa come at risk và come with risk ?

A: Here is an two examples showing the difference:

"There comes a risk if you start a business. "

"Starting a business comes with a risk.

"Starting a business comes at a risk"

The second and third sentence have the exact same meaning. To me it appears they have the same meaning.

Though if you change "comes at a risk" to "comes a risk" you can use it as a starting clause in the sentence.

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? to take a risk
to run a risk

what's the differences between them? and would you give me some examples?

A: I’ve never heard anyone say to run a risk. It’s always been to take a risk

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? “the risks of smoking OR the dangers of smoking “ what’s the right one?

A: Both are right and both are said, but "the risks of smoking" is more common.

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? there is a risk of getting involved in crime. is this natural??

A: Add "a" after "in" or you could put "crimes" instead of "crime"

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? reducing risks [in a professional report or résumé ]

A: yup im sure u csn use it

Q: Which is better? "Evaluated A whether the risk is sufficiently decreased by xxx" or "Evaluated A to see if the risk is sufficiently decreased by xxx" cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: "Evaluated whether contraceptive training sufficiently reduced the risk of unplanned pregnancy by xx%.""Evaluated contraceptive training as to its effect on unplanned pregnancy rates."

"Evaluated contraceptive training's reduction of risk of unplanned pregnancy."

"whether" might be the wrong word choice if you want to talk about a specific % number. It makes it sound more like a problem with only two opposite options. [Up or down, Reduction or expansion, growth or decline, etc]

Both "Risk reduced by" and "risk decreased by" sound natural, but my ear prefers "reduce" over "decrease" and I don't know why.

"Individuals with contraceptive training have a decreased risk of unplanned pregnancy."

"Evaluated contraceptive training to decrease risk of pregnancy by xx%"

Q: Please don't risk losing your driving licence. Drive well! cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: Don't risk losing your license: drive carefully!

Q: We have to quantify the risk of the project once again because of the faulty descision we made by the neglect of duty. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: It depends... There really isn't a simple answer that is a 'one size fits all.' It's hard to explain, but what I mean by that is that there are different tones for written pieces that isn't really meant to be read aloud, and for pieces of text that are. This one is grammatically correct in written context, and it would also be correct if you added a comma to it.

Basically just access whether or not if what you're writing is to be read aloud or not. If it is then read it aloud, if not then just make sure it's grammatically correct in written form.

Q: What does "risk everything and ride out the storm" mean?

So with an inevitable crash looming, what are Main Street investors to do? One option is to sell all your stocks and stuff your money under the mattress, and another option is to risk everything and ride out the storm.

A: It meanest to keep your investments as they are, accepting the risk of them losing their value in the upcoming stock market crash. Riding out a storm means to stay in place and wait for it to pass instead of trying to go somewhere else to avoid the storm. In this case the "storm" is a stock market crash.

Q: What does 'risk posture' mean in the following sentence ?

If you ask us to go to Mars today, we don’t think we’re in the right risk posture.


A: That sounds improper.

He means : humans currently don't know how to engineer the right machines and knowledge to live on Mars.

HiNative là một nền tảng để người dùng trao đổi kiến thức của mình về các ngôn ngữ và nền văn hóa khác nhau. Chúng tôi không thể đảm bảo rằng tất cả các câu trả lời đều chính xác 100%.

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