r/woooosh là gì - Nghĩa của từ r/woooosh

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

You didn't get the joke, dude.


Person A: Top 10 anime betrayals
Person B: It's not an anime, dumbass.
Person A: R/ woooosh
Person B: *Looks up r/ woooosh on Urban Dictionary*
Person B: *Sees this*
Person B: Shit.

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

r/woooosh [or just woooosh] is used in response to someone taking sarcasm literally, and you use it to call them out on not picking up on the sarcasm. Origins:
The onemonepia comes from the saying “the joke went over your head” and it’s [literally] the sound of the joke going over the person’s head. The “r/“ component is because that’s how reddit organizes their subreddits r/woooosh is also exclusively referencing the subreddit [a community on reddit] about people not picking up on sarcasm. If you don’t know what reddit is, just say woooosh, otherwise you’re a pretentious idiot who uses vocabulary you don’t know the meaning of to sound cool, but instead reveal you’re actually a dumbass. Also it is correctly spelled with 4 o’s and no h at the beginning


Person A: You know how I tend to stay out of the whole voting issues? Well you know how convicts are allowed to vote in Florida now?
Person B: Yeah?
Person A: Well I think we’re doing something seriously wrong here
Person B: I mean I agree, but why do you think so?
Person A: Because I think ONLY convicts should be allowed to vote
Person B: Are you stupid?
Person A: *deep sigh* r/woooosh Person C: Why did the chicken cross the road
Person D: why
Person C: there was a crosswalk there for pedestrians Person D: haha I like antijokes
Person XXY: r/whosh
Persons C&D: what? that doesn’t even make sense.

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

You didn't get the joke, and I won't tell you why! All I'll do is give you this annoying as fuck message to fuck with you because I'm so fucking funny haha! Have fun dipshit, I hope you regret posting that shit lmao! Oh, you're on YouTube? Too bad, I'm still r/wooooshing you ya moron!


Reddit Guy 1: Nein o'clock!
Guy 2: *Nine o'clock, not nein...
Guy 3: r/woooosh
Guy 2: what, I was just correcting him!
Guy 4: r/woosh, dumbass YouTube Guy 1: Is that guy from the future?
Guy 2: Well, no. He's obviously wearing 80s clothes and is holding a flip phone.
Guy 1: r/woooosh that joke flew over your head dumbass
Guy 3: yeah r/whooooosh faggot
Guy 4: r/wooooshwith4os
Guy 2: and into the towers ya fuckn morons I was trying to be helpful

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

You didn't get the joke, and I won't tell you why! I'll just give you an annoying as fuck message to fuck with you until you realize it's a joke or until you go completely insane in a carousel of frustration and agony because you cannot figure it out on your own and have to ask people who either give you the same annoying as fuck message, or type a fucking monologue explaining the joke you were too dense to understand.


Guy 1: $35 with free shipping seems sketchy.... I think I should buy this one, which costs $30 with $5 shipping.
Guy 2: But... they're the same price!
Guy [3 or 1]: r/woooosh
Guy 2: They're still the same price, what difference does it make?
Guy [3 or 1]: its a joke you dumbass

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

This is the right spelling, talking to you r/whoosh-ers and r/woosh-ers, the sound of a joke flying over your head, made into a subreddit for people to make fun of people who don’t get jokes.


OP: I hate people who beg for likes, like if you agree
TP [Terrible Person]: But you just begged for likes!
OP: r/whoosh
AP [Another Person]: You spelt it wrong, it’s r/woooosh

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

A term mostly found in YouTube comment sections that means “the joke went over your head” and is also a subreddit. Used by people who thinks they have reddit.


Commenter: I think this guy stole your parody song
Person 1: bruh that guy created the official song, this one is a parody
Person 2: r/woooosh
Person 3: r/ihavereddit

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

It is the name of a subreddit in which one posts images of people not getting a joke. The "woooosh" means the sound of the joke that goes over one's head. The term has been twisted ever since the shitty Reddit channels rose, and nowadays, r/woooosh is mostly said by 12 year old children who think that Reddit is cool. In 99% of all known cases, they are funnily enough the ones who missed the joke. Correct a spelling mistake? r/woooosh. The joke is unfunny or overdone? r/woooosh. Asked an earnest question? r/woooosh. Luckily, more and more are getting sick of this shit, so r/woooosh is facing stigmatisation. I pray that one day, we will live in a world without r/woooosh.


Person a: Nobody: YouTube recommendations: Person b: What the fuck man, nobody memes stopped being funny two years ago.
Person a: r/woooosh NORMIE! go back to cringestagram!

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

It’s r/woooosh with 4 o’s and not 2 or 3 o’s or an extra H.


Person A: you got r/woosh’d Person B: it’s r/wooooshwith4os

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

This subreddit has probably been linked outside of reddit more than even inside reddit. It means someone who didn't get the joke and took it seriously. If you encounter someone in Youtube or any other social media who didn't get the joke, just say 'That's the joke' instead.


Reddit comments: Person 1: *says a joke* Person 2: *takes the joke seriously Person 3: r/woooosh

r/woooosh có nghĩa là

This subreddit is known for its people posting comments [mostly on Youtube videos] and it is somebody saying a joke and the little kiddo who doesn't understand the joke says your wrong then they fight to the death or something. The subreddit description says "A subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire." and that's what the subreddit is about.


William: Hey Oliver look at this it looks so real!! Oliver: *looks at Williams phone* That's a plastic dinosaur. Are you ok? William: r/woooosh. I am disappointed in you...

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