So sánh trong tiếng anh bài tập

Bài tập về So sánh trong Tiếng Anh cực hay có lời giải

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1. So sánh bằng

Dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật, hiện tượng có tính tương đồng, giống nhau

Đối với loại so sánh này, chúng ta không cần phân biệt tính từ ngắn và dài

- Cấu trúc [với tính từ]: S + V + as + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: Lan is as young as Hoa. [Lan thì bằng tuổi Hoa.]

- Cấu trúc [với danh từ đếm được]:

S + V + as many + plural noun + as + noun/ pronoun/ Clause

Ví dụ: My brother has as many toys as me. [Anh trai tôi có nhiều đồ chơi như tôi.]

- Cấu trúc [với danh từ không đếm được]:

S + V + as many + uncountable noun + as + noun/ pronoun/ clause

Ví dụ: I have as much money as my brother. [Tôi có cùng số tiền với anh tôi.]

2. So sánh hơn

*Tính/ trạng từ ngắn: S + V + adj/advngắn - er + than + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: My house is smaller than her house. [Nhà của tôi nhỏ hơn nhà của cô ấy.]

Lưu ý về cách thêm “er” đối với tính/ trạng từ ngắn:

Đối với tính/ trạng từ kết thúc bằng chữ “e” thì ta chỉ thêm “r” Large → larger
Đối với tính/ trạng từ kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm thì ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối Big → bigger
Đối với các tính từ kết thúc bằng “y” thì ta chuyển “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “er” Noisy → noisier
Đối với tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng “y, ow, er, et, el” thì ta vẫn chia các từ này theo công thức so sánh hơn đối với tính từ ngắn Narrow → narrower
Happy → happier
Quiet → quieter
Clever → cleverer

*Tính/ trạng từ dài: S + V + more + adj/advdài + than + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: Jenny is more beautiful than me. [Jenny thì đẹp hơn tôi.]

*Bảng tính từ so sánh bất quy tắc:

Tính/ Trạng từ So sánh hơn Nghĩa
Good/ well Better Tốt hơn
Bad/ badly Worse Tệ hơn
Little Less Ít hơn
Much/ many More Nhiều hơn
Far Farther/ Further Xa hơn

3. So sánh hơn nhất

Dùng để so sánh 3 người, vật, hiện tượng trở lên

*Tính/ trạng từ ngắn: S + V + the + adj/advngắn- est

Ví dụ: This is the longest river in the world. [Đây là con sông dài nhất trên thế giới.]

Lưu ý về cách thêm “est” đối với tính/ trạng từ ngắn:

Đối với tính/ trạng từ kết thúc bằng chữ “e” thì ta chỉ thêm “st” Large → the largest
Đối với tính/ trạng từ kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm thì ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối Big → the biggest
Đối với các tính từ kết thúc bằng “y” thì ta chuyển “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “er” Noisy → the noisiest
Đối với tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng “y, ow, er, et, el” thì ta vẫn chia các từ này theo công thức so sánh hơn đối với tính từ ngắn Narrow → the narrowest
Happy → the happiest
Quiet → the quietest
Clever → the cleverest

*Tính/ trạng từ dài: S + V + the most + adj/advdài

Ví dụ: She is the most beautiful girl in my class. [Cô ấy là cô gái xinh nhất lớp tôi.]

*Bảng tính từ so sánh bất quy tắc:

Tính/ Trạng từ So sánh hơn Nghĩa
Good/ well The best Tốt nhất
Bad/ badly The worst Tệ nhất
Little The least Ít nhất
Much/ many The most Nhiều nhất
Far The farthest/ the furthest Xa nhất

4. So sánh kép

Khi cần diễn tả những ý nghĩ như “càng…. càng…” người ta dùng thể so sánh kép [double comparative]. Thể so sánh kép được tạo thành tùy theo số lượng ý mà ta muốn diễn đạt.

*Nếu chỉ có 1 ý:

- Đối với tính từ ngắn: Adj/ advngắn-er + and + adj/advngắn-er

Ví dụ: It is getting hotter and hotter. [Trời càng ngày càng nóng]

- Đối với tính từ dài: More and more + adj/advdài

Ví dụ: The storm became more and more violent. [Cơn bão càng ngày càng dữ dội]

*Nếu có 2 ý:

- Đối với tính từ ngắn: The + adj/ advngắn-er + S + V, The + adj/ advngắn-er + S + V

Ví dụ: The taller she gets, the thinner she is. [Cô ấy càng cao, cô ấy càng gầy.]

- Đối với tính từ dài: The + more + adj/ advdài + S + V, The + more + adj/ advngắn + S + V

Ví dụ: The more beautiful she is, the more attractive she gets. [Cô ấy càng xinh cô ấy càng thu hút.]

*The more + S + V, the more + S + V

Ví dụ: The more I know her, the more I hate her. [Tôi càng biết cô ấy, tôi càng thấy ghét cô ấy.]

Task 1. Hoàn thành câu bằng dạng so sánh đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. Her daughter is ......her [beautiful].

2. Summer is….......season of the year [hot]

3. That dog isn’ looks [dangerous]

4. In the past, people were .......than today [polite]

5. It than it was yesterday [cold]

6. Our hotel was .......than all the others in the town [cheap]

7. What’s .......river in the world [long]

8. It was an awful day. It was of my life [bad]

9. Everest is.......mountain in the world. It is .......than any other mountain [high]

10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s .......[comfortable]

Hiển thị đáp án

1. Her daughter is as beautiful as her.

2. Summer is the hottest season of the year.

3. That dog isn’t as dangerous as it looks.

4. In the past, people were more polite than today.

5. It is colder today than it was yesterday.

6. Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.

7. What’s the longest river in the world.

8. It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.

9. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.

10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable.

Task 2. Viết lại các câu sau bắt đầu bằng từ cho trước sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi

1. This is the most delicious cake I’ve ever tasted.

⇒ I’ve.......

2. I’ve never met any more dependable person than George.

⇒ George is.......

3. There isn’t anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.

⇒ Your mother is.......

4. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John.

⇒ Mr John is.......

5. Have you got any bigger than that one?

⇒ Is this.......?

Hiển thị đáp án

1. I’ve never tasted a more delicious cake than this one.

2. George is the most dependable person I’ve ever met.

3. Your mother is more kind-hearted than anyone.

4. Mr John is the best teacher in this school.

5. Is this the smallest hat you’ve got?

Task 3. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Sarah is chemistry than Susan.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

2. I don’t work so father.

A. so

B. as

C. than

D. more

3. Sam is the .......student in my class.

A. tall

B. most all

C. taller

D. tallest

4. No one in my class is .......beautiful.......her.

A. as/as

B. more/as

C. as/than

D. the/more

5. Going by train isn’t .......convenient as going by car.

A. so

B. as

C. more

D. A and B are correct

6. The test is not .......difficult was last month.

A. as/as

B. so/as

C. more/as

D. A and B are correct

7. Peter usually drives .......Mary

A. more fast

B. fast than

C. faster than

D. B and C are correct

8. She cooked .......than you.

A. well

B. more good

C. better

D. more well

9. This film is .......interesting than that film.

A. most

B. less

C. as

D. so

10. My salary is .......his salary.

A. high

B. more high

C. higher than

D. more higher than

Hiển thị đáp án











Task 4. Viết lại câu với từ cho sẵn

1. The apartment is big. The rent is high.

⇒ The bigger ........

2. We set off soon. We will arrive soon.

⇒ The sooner.........

3. The joke is good. The laughter is loud.

⇒ The better.........

4. She gets fat. She feels tired.

⇒ The fatter ........

5. As he gets older, he wants to travel less.

⇒ The older .........

6. The children are excited with the difficult games.

⇒ The more ........

7. People dive fast. Many accidents happen.

⇒ The faster ........

8. I meet him much. I hate him much

⇒ The more .........

9. My boss works better when he is pressed for time,

⇒ The less .........

10. As he has much money, he wants to spend much.

⇒ The more ..........

Hiển thị đáp án

1. The bigger the apartment is, the higher the rent is..

2. The sooner we set off, the sooner we will arrive.

3. The better the joke is, the louder the laughter is.

4. The fatter she gets, the more tired she feels.

5. The older he gets, the less he want to travel.

6. The more difficult the games are, the more excited the children are.

7. The faster people drive, the more accidents happen..

8. The more I meet him, the more I hate him.

9. The less time my boss has, the better he works.

10. The more money he has, the more he wants to spend.

Task 5. Viết lại câu với từ cho sẵn

1. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.

⇒ The more .......

2. He speaks too much and people feel bored.

⇒ The more .......

3. The growth in the economy makes people’s living condition better.

⇒ The more .......

4. He learned a lot of things as he traveled far.

⇒ The farther .......

Hiển thị đáp án

1. The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have.

2. The more he speaks, the more bored people feel.

3. The more the economy grows, the better people’s living condition is.

4. The farther he traveled, the more he learned.

Task 6. Dùng các hình thức so sánh với tính từ trong ngoặc

1. Mary is 10 years old. Julie is 8 years old. Mary is [old]............................Julie.

2. The Alps are very high. They are [high]..........................mountains in Europe.

3. An ocean is [large]................................ a sea.

4. A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less money.

A Rolls Royce is [expensive]...............................a Twingo.

5. John's results were good. Fred's results were very poor. Fred's results were [bad]................................John's.

6. This exercise is not difficult. It's [easy]...............................I expected.

7. The weather is not good today - it's raining. I hope the weather will be [good] week.

8. People are not friendly in big cities. They are usually [friendly] small towns.

9. In the government of a country, the President is [important].....................person.

10. People say that Chinese is [difficult] learn than English.

Hiển thị đáp án

1. older than

2. higher than

3. larger than

4. more expensive

5. worse than

6. easier than

7. better

8. friendlier

9. the most important

10. more difficult

Task 7. Chia dạng đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc

1. The movie was [interesting]................than the one on TV.

2. We've got [little]............................time than I thought.

3. This shirt is too small. I need a [ large]

4. Lan is [clever].................and [pretty]...................than Lien.

5. She is [nice]...........................than I expected.

6. This was the [big] I've ever visited.

7. Who between the two workers is the [good].......................?

8. This old machine is [powerful]................than we thought.

9. The farmers have never had a [rich]............ harvest than that.

10. Which is [difficult]........................, English or Math?

Hiển thị đáp án

1. more interesting

2. less

3. larger

4. cleverer - prettier

5. nicer

6. biggest

7. best

8. more powerful

9. richer

10. more difficult

Task 8. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

⇒ Her new house........

2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.

⇒ Peter........

3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

⇒ The white dress........

4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.

⇒ According to me, Maths........

5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

⇒ Mary........

6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.

⇒ The Nile........

7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

⇒ No mountain........

8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.

⇒ She is........

9. He works much. He feels tired.

⇒ The more........

10. This computer works better than that one.

⇒ That computer........

Hiển thị đáp án

1. Her new house isn't so/ as big as her old one.

2. Peter is the tallest in my class.

3. The white dress isn't so/ as expensive as the black one.

4. According to me, Maths isn't so/ as easy as English.

5. Mary is the most intelligent in my group.

6. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

7. No mountain in the world is higher than Mount Everest.

8. She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.

9. The more he works, the more tired he feels.

10. That computer doesn't work so/ as well as that one.

Xem thêm các bài tập Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cực hay có lời giải chi tiết khác:

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Trang trước Trang sau

Bài tập về câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh

  • I. Bài tập tự luyện về câu so sánh
  • II. Bài tập về câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh [Có đáp án]

I. Bài tập tự luyện về câu so sánh

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one [better/ best].

2. Pat's car is [faster/ fastest] than Dan's.

3. John is [less/ least] athletic of all the men.

4. Does Fred feel [weller/ better] today than he did yesterday?

5. My cat is the [prettier/ prettiest] of the two.

6. This vegetable soup tastes very [good/ best].

7. David is the [happier/ happiest] person that we know.

8. This summery is [the better/ the best] of the pair.

9. Jim has as [few/ fewer] opportunities to play tennis as I do.

10. The museum is [the further/ the furthest] away of the three buildings.

II. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets.

1. Learning to speak a language is often much [easy] _____________________ than learning to write it.

2. This hotel must be [expensive]____________________ than the small one next door.

3. He is certainly [unusual]___________________person I have ever met.

4. His latest film is [interesting]_____________________ than his previous ones.

5. What is [difficult]_______________________ thing you have ever done?

6. Losing your credit card is [bad]_______________________ than losing your money.

7. Bringing up children is one of [hard]_____________________ jobs in the world.

8. When I saw her, she looked much [thin]______________________ than I remembered her.

III. Complete the sentences below, using the suitable comparison form of the adjectives from the box. One of these adjectives is used twice.

warm comfortable cheap intelligent lucky simple boring hot difficult

1. This exercise is too easy – can't we try a ____________________ one?

2. England is too cold in spring – let's go to Spain where is ____________________.

3. She comes top in all exams – she must be _________________________ girl in the class.

4. The temperature in July reaches forty – four degrees – it's ______________________ month of the year.

5. Let's buy this video – it doesn't cost too much – it's ______________________ the other one.

6. When I passed my driving test, it was the _________________________ day of my life.

7. Lying down in bed is ___________________________ sitting on a hard chair.

8. I could hardly keep awake – it was _______________________________ film I've ever seen.

9. She's ______________________________ person I know – she is always winning prizes in lotteries.

10. I can't do this test – can you give me a ______________________________ one?

IV. Match the phrases in A with suitable ones in B and C to make meaningful sentences.


1. Jonathan is

2. My great-great aunt is

3. London is

4. Alaska is

5. The guitar player is

6. The Nile is

7. My parents' room is

8. The Mercedes is

9. Sarah is

10. June 21th is

A. the biggest state

B. the longest river

C. the best musician

D. the fastest runner

E. the biggest city

F. the oldest person

G. the most expensive

H. the longest day

I. the youngest

J. the biggest

m. in the group.

n. in my family.

o. in the team.

p. in the world.

q. in Britain.

r. in the USA.

s. of the four bedrooms.

t. of the five girls.

u. of the three cars.

v. of the year.

V. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown.

1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but today it is only six degrees.


2. I expected my friends arrived at about 4p.m. In fact they arrived at 2:30.

My friends________________________________________.

3. Jane cooks better than her sister.

Jane's sister______________________________.

4. Tom is the best football player in this team.

Nobody in this team________________________.

5. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.

The speed of light______________________.

6. Jack is younger than he looks.

Jack isn't______________________________.

7. I didn't spend as much money as you do.


8. I have never met anyone as interesting as he is.

He is____________________________________.

VI. Complete the sentences below, using Comparative + and + comparative

1. The company expanded rapidly. It grew [big] ___________ all the time.

2. Cathy got [bored] ____________ in her job. In the end, she left.

3. My bag seemed to get [heavy] ____________ as I carried them.

4. As I waited for my interview, I became [nervous] __________.

5. As the day went on, the weather got [bad] ____________.

6. Healthcare is becoming [expensive] _______________

7. As the conversation went on, Tom became [talkative] _________

8. These days, [many] ________________ people are learning English.

9. The company's share price went [high] ______________.

10. Life got [good] _________________for boss Bob Watt as the company became [successful]____________.

11. Life in the modern world is becoming [complex] ________________.

12. When I get excited, my heart beats [fast] _________________.

13. The little boy seemed to get [upset]______________.

14. It's getting [difficult]___________________ to find a job.

15. The noise got [loud]_____________ as we approached the house.

VII. Complete the sentences below, using the information in brackets.

1. The older you get, _______________[You are understanding].

2. The younger you are, ________________[you learn quickly].

3. The earlier we start, ____________ [it is good].

4. The bigger a supermarket is, ______________ [the choice is wide].

5. The more you learn, ______________________ [you know a lot about the world].

6. The more we practice a language, _________ [we can speak fluently].

7. The more he plays sport, _________________ [he looks healthy].

8. The higher the humidity is, _________________ [people feel uncomfortable].

VIII. Complete the sentences below, using The comparative..., the comparative...

1. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.

_____________________ the delay [was], ________________________ the crowd became.

2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is.

________________________ an artist [is], ______________________________ the picture is.

3. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed.

____________________________ I go to bed, __________________________I sleep.

4. I don't spend much time with my family because I work so hard.

______________ I work, _____________ I spend with my family.

5. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars comes into the city.

_________ cars come into the city, _____________ the traffic moves.

6. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get.

______ you get, _________________ you sweat.

7. It's hard to concentrate when you are tired.

__________ you are, ________________ it is to concentrate.

8. How much petrol a car uses depends on how big the engine is.

_________ the engine [is], ___________ the car uses.

9. If a knife is sharp, it is easy to cut something with.

________________ a knife [is], _____________ it is to cut something.

10. I became increasingly nervous about her fast driving.

______________________ she drove, _________________________ I became.

IX. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

1. His previous CD wasn’t as popular as this one.

→ This CD......................................... ...............................................................

2. I haven’t taken as much interest in football as you have.

→ You have....................................... ...............................................................

3. I was less interested in the film than I had expected.

→ The film......................................... ...............................................................

4. Britain isn’t as warm as Greece.

→ Greece.......................................... ...............................................................

5. I have been to fewer countries than you have.

→ I haven’t ....................................... ..............................................................

6. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?

→ Is this............................................ ...............................................................

7. He lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful.

→ If he .............................................. ...............................................................

8. He has never behaved so violently before.

→ He is behaving.............................. ...............................................................

9. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.

→ The more....................................... ...............................................................

10. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.

→ The less......................................... ...............................................................

X. Which is correct or both of them? Underline the correct answer[s].

1. My older/ elder sister is a TV producer.

2. I’m surprised Mary is only 25. I thought she was older/ elder.

3. Jane’s younger sister is still at school. Her older/ elder sister is a nurse.

4. Is she younger than you? – No, she is older/ elder than me.

5. I must ring home today and find out if there’s any further/ father news about my grandmother and her operation.

6. Paris is further/ father north than Tokyo.

7. John ran further/ father than his friend did.

8. I gave my old laptop to my sister because I had no further/ father use for it.

9. This is the latest/ last news.

10. This is the latest/ last time I lend you my car.

11. I think this is his latest/ last but not his latest/ last literacy work.

12. This jacket is the latest/ last fashion.

XI. Choose the best answer.

1. Peter is ________ student in my class.

A. taller than

B. so tall as

C. the tallest

D. tallest

2. Jane is not ________ as her brother.

A. more intelligent

B. so intelligent

C. intelligenter

D. intelligent

3. Can Tho is ________ from Sai Gon than Bien Hoa is.

A. farther

B. further

C. far

D. farer

4. Bao Yen sings ________ than this singer.

A. well

B. better

C. gooder

D. weller

5. The ________ we start, the sooner we will be back.

A. early

B. earliest

C. earlier

D. early

6. The harder this student works, ________ he becomes.

A. the most understanding

B. the more understanding

C. more understanding

D. understandinger

7. My father is ________ as yours.

A. old

B. as old

C. older

D. so old

8. HCM city is ________ than Hanoi.

A. large

B. largest

C. more large

D. larger

9. She is the ________ daughter in her family.

A. older

B. more old

C. eldest

D. oldest

10. She speaks English as ________ as you.

A. clear

B. clearly

C. clearness

D. clearer

11. The ________ he is, the more miserable he gets.

A. richer

B. more rich

C. rich

D. the richer

12. He drives as ________ his father does.

A. careful as

B. more carefully

C. the most careful

D. carefully as

13. I’ll be there ________ I can.

A. sooner as

B. no sooner as

C. as soon as

D. soonest as

14. Of the two sisters, Linda is ________.

A. beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. the most beautiful

D. so beautiful as

15. ________ I get to know her, the more I like her.

A. For more

B. More

C. The more

D. The most

16. In stead of slowing down, he drove ________.

A. more fastly

B. faster

C. more faster

D. faster more

17. Hotels have developed ________ restaurants.

A. as rapidly as

B. so rapidly that

C. as rapid as

D. as rapid than

18. Commercial centres are ________ they were many years ago.

A. as popular than

B. more popular than

C. the most popular

D. most popular than

19. What’s the ________ film you have ever seen?

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the better

20. The ________ accident in the history of the city happened last night.

A. badest

B. most bad

C. worse

D. worst

21. He finished the test ________ of all.

A. rapidly

B. more rapidly

C. the most rapidly

D. rapid

22. This is ________ man of all I’ve known.

A. best

B. better

C. good

D. the best

23. The man bought ________ books that he needed assistance to carry them.

A. such many

B. too many

C. so much

D. so many

24. He ________ to be offered that job.

A. was such inexperienced

B. was not experienced enough

C. was too inexperienced

D. both

B and C

25. He ________ I was scared.

A. drove too fast that

B. drove so fastly that

C. drove so fast that

D. drove such fast that

26. ________ the man gets, ________ he becomes.

A. The more old/ the more weak

B. The older/ the weaker

C. The older/ the weakest

D. older/ weaker

27. I did ________ than I expected on the test, but not really badly.

A. worst

B. the worst

C. more bad

D. worse

28. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting ________.

A. badder and badder

B. worse and worse

C. worst and worst

D.more and more worse

29. Health care in the country is said to become ________.

A. good and good

B. best and best

C. the better and the better

D. better and better

30. ________ people use the internet every day.

A. Many and many

B. Most and most

C. More and more

D. The more

II. Bài tập về câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh [Có đáp án]

EX 1. Use double comparartive to complete these following sentences

1. They are big, they fall fast.

→ The .............................................................

2. It is hot, I feel miserable.

→ The .............................................................

3. I look into your eyes much, I love you much.

→ The .............................................................

4. He got old, he became bad-tempered.

→ The .............................................................

5- He worked hard. He felt very bad.

→ The .............................................................

6- When we think of the exam, we get more and more excited.

→ The .............................................................

7- As this road gets busier, it becomes more and more dangerous.

→ The .............................................................

8- When you get near to the Equator, the temperature becomes high.

→ The .............................................................

9- If she stays in England a long time, her English will be very good.

→ The .............................................................

10- You write fast, your writing becomes illegible.

→ The .............................................................

11. She is mature, she becomes beautiful.

→ The .............................................................

12. He study much, he becames stupid.

→ The .............................................................

13. He drinks much water, he becomes thirsty.

→ The .............................................................

14. He is mature, he becomes intelligent

→ The .............................................................

15. You speak English much, your English will be good.

→ The .............................................................

16. People save much paper, much wood pulp is preserved

→ The .............................................................

17. We make much paper, it becomes cheap.

→ The .............................................................

18. Petrol becomes expensive, people drive little.

→ The .............................................................

19. You make much money, you spend much.

→ The .............................................................

20. You work hard, you will get good results.

→ The .............................................................

21. You learn with him much, you will know him well.

→ The .............................................................

22. Many people live in this city, they need many services.

→ The .............................................................

23. You do much exercise, you are fit.

→ The .............................................................

24. He wrote much, his writing becomes good.

→ The .............................................................

25. They use much wood pulp, they cut many trees.

→ The .............................................................

26. They travel much, they know about the world good.

→ The .............................................................

27. Jack eats much, he becomes fat.

→ The .............................................................

28. We start late, we get into many traffic jams.

→ The .............................................................

29. We breathe much polluted air, we will get weak.

→ The .............................................................

30. Means of transport are cheap, they become popular.

→ The .............................................................

31. She studies hard, she will get good grades.

→ The .............................................................

32. You rest much, you will feel better.

→ The .............................................................

33. The weather is warmer, I feel better.

→ The .............................................................

34. We leave early, we will arrive soon.

→ The .............................................................

35. We have much knowledge, we become wise.

→ The .............................................................

36. You are young, you learn easily.

→ The .............................................................

37. the hotel is expensive, the services are good.

→ The .............................................................

38. You use much electricity, your bill will be high.

→ The .............................................................

39. I thought about the plan, I like it little.

→ The .............................................................

40. He is old, he learns slowly.

→ The .............................................................

41. She eats much, she will become fat

→ The .............................................................

42. She is older, she becomes more beautiful

→ The .............................................................

43. You have much, you want more

→ The .............................................................

44. I waited long. I got angry

→ The .............................................................

45. I live far. I feel homesick

→ The .............................................................

46. He got old. He became quiet

→ The .............................................................

47. he drove fast. I became nervous

→ The .............................................................

48. A flat is big. The rent is high

→ The .............................................................

49. The sun is high, the shadow is low.

→ The .............................................................

50. I study much, I know lots of.

→ The .............................................................

51. I know alot, I forget much.

→ The .............................................................

52. I forget much , I know little.

→The .............................................................

EX2: Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps.

1. Today is a ................ day. The sun shines all the time.

a. windy b. sunny c. cloudy d. rainy

2. Ba is a hard- working student and he works ...................... on all the subjects .

a. hard b. slowly c. carelessly d. carefully

3. In the South of Viet Nam, there are only two ............. a year.

a. times b. days c. seasons d. periods

4. It is very .............. because the wind blows quite hard.

a. sunny b. rainy c. snowy d. windy

5. In class you must listen .................. to the teacher.

a. hardly b. boringly c. carelessly d. carefully

6. The children are playing ................. . They should be quite.

a. quietly b. eagerly c. happily d. noisily

7. In the sunny season, the .............. shine[s] almost all the days.

a. snow b. clouds c. floods d. sun

8. The ................ today is higher than yesterday. It must be over 37 C .

a. degree b. level c. humidity d. temperature

9. Viet Nam has a tropical...................

a. climate b. weather c. temperature d. season

10. My mother can dance very .............. She is a professional dancer.

a. sweetly b . softly c. loudly d. beautifully

11. In Viet Nam , it is normally................ in the South than in the North.

a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. hoter

12. The food is ............... than the last time I ate it.

a. badder b. bad c. worse d. worst

13. Ho Chi Minh city is .............. than Hanoi.

a. big b. bigger c. biggest d. biger

14. Children often learn very .................... things around them.

a. quickly b. quicker c. quickest d. quick

15. She can not sing ............... but she can play the piano beautifully.

a. good b. best c. goodly d. well

16. Helen always ............. with John in every school dancing competition.

a. dances b. dance c. dancing d, danced

17. It ............... dangerous to swim in deep rivers.

a. are b. is c. being d. be

18. The boy ................. at home yesterday evening.

a. stay b. staying c. stayed d. stays

19. Last time, he .................. very slowly.

a. driving b. drove c. driven d. drived

20. I now .............. speak English perfectly.

a. can b. was c. could d. did

21. Jack is now ................. than he used to be.

a. happy b. happier c. happiest d. happyer

22. The tourist company was .............. down the street than I had thought.

a. farther b. far c. farer d. farest

23. There is nothing ............ than going swimming in hot weather.

a. gooder b. good c. better d. best

24. He tried very ........... but still failled the exame.

a. hardly b. hard c. harder d. hardest

25. She came to school ........... and had to stand outside for 15 minutes.

a. late b. lately c. latest d. latter

26. He was ................ successful with the business.

a. complete b. completion c. completeness d. completely

27. I ........... everything will be all right soon.

a. hope b. hopes c. hoping d. hoped


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1. The bigger they are, the faster they fall.

2. The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel

3. The more I look into your eyes, the more I love you.

4. The older he got, the more bad-temper he became.

5- The harder he worked , the worse he felt .

6- The more we think of the exam, the more excited we get

7- The busier this road gets, the more dangerous it becomes

8- The nearer you get to the equator, the higherthe temperature becomes.

9- The longer she stays in England , the better her English will be

10- The faster you write, the more illegible your writing becomes

12. the more he study, the more stupid he becames.

11. The more mature she is, the more beautiful she becomes.

13. The more water he drinks, The thirstier he becomes.

14. The more mature he is, the more intelligent he becomes

15. The more you speak English, the better your English will be.

16. The more paper people save , the more wood pulp is preserved

17. The more paper we make, the cheaper it becomes.

18. The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive.

19. The more money you make, the more you spend.

20. The harder you work, the better results you will get.

21. The more I learn with him, the better you will know him .

22. The more people live in this city, the more services they need.

23. The more exercise you do, the fitter you are.

24. The more he wrote, the better his writing becomes.

25. The more wood pulp they use, the more trees they cut.

26. The more they travel,the better they know about the world.

27. The more Jack eat , the fatterhe becomes.

28. The later we start, the more traffic jams we get into.

29. The more polluted air we breathe, the weaker we will get.

30. The cheaper means of transport are, the more popular they become.

31. The harder she studies, the better grades she will get.

32. The more you rest, the better you will feel.

33. The warmer the weather is, the better I feel.

34. The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.

35. The more knowledge we have, the wiser we become.

36. The younger you are, the more easily you learn.

37. The more expensive the hotel is, the better the services are.

38. The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.

39.The more I thought about the plan, the less I like it

40. The older he is , the slowlier he learns.

41. The more she eats, the fatter she will become

42. The older she is, The more beautiful she become

43. The more you have, the more you want

44. The longer I waited, the angrier I got

45. The farther I live, the more homesick I feel.

46. The older he got, the quieter he became

47. The faster she drove, the more nervous I became

48. The bigger a flat is, the higher the rent is.

49. The sun is high, the shadow is low.

50. The more I study, the more I know

51. The more I know, the more I forget

52. The more I forget, the less I know.


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Bài này gồm các dạng bài luyện tập về so sánh hay có đáp án.

  • Các dạng so sánh của tính từ và trạng từ [Comparison]

Xem thêm: So sánh với tính từ và trạng từ [Comparison]


[Exercise on comparison]

Bài 1: Viết dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất của các tính từ và trạng từ sau:

Tính từ/ Trạng từ

So sánh hơn

So sánh hơn nhất

1. beautiful

2. hot

3. crazy

4. slowly

5. few

6. little

7. bad

8. good

9. attractive

10. big

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau.

1. She is ....... singer I’ve ever met.

A. worse B. bad C. the worst D. badly

2. Mary is ....... responsible as Peter.

A. more B. the most C. much D. as

3. It is ....... in the city than it is in the country.

A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy

4. She sings ……….. among the singers I have known.

A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful

C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully

5. She is ....... student in my class.

A. most hard-working B. more hard-working

C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working

6. The English test was ....... than I thought it would be.

A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier

7. English is thought to be ....... than Math.

A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest

8. Jupiter is ....... planet in the solar system.

A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest

9. She runs …… in my class.

A. the slowest B. the most slow C. the slowly D. the most slowly

10. My house is ....... hers.

A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than

11. Her office is ....... away than mine.

A. father B . more far C. farther D. farer

12. Tom is ....... than David.

A. handsome B. the more handsome

C. more handsome D. the most handsome

13. He did the test ……….. I did.

A. as bad as B. badder than C. more badly than D. worse than

14. A boat is ....... than a plane.

A. slower B. slowest C. more slow D. more slower

15. My new sofa is ....... than the old one.

A. more comfortable B. comfortably

C. more comfortabler D. comfortable

16. My sister dances ……….. than me.

A. gooder B. weller C. better D. more good

17. My bedroom is ....... room in my house.

A. tidier than B. the tidiest

C. the most tidy D. more tidier

18. This road is ....... than that road.

A. narrower B. narrow C. the most narrow D. more narrower

19. He drives ……. his brother.

A. more careful than B. more carefully

C. more carefully than D. as careful as

20. It was ....... day of the year.

A. the colder B. the coldest C. coldest D. colder

Bài 3: Điền vào chỗ trống dạng so sánh đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. He is [clever] ……………………. student in my group.
2. She can’t stay [long] …………………….than 30 minutes.
3. It’s [good] ……………………. holiday I’ve had.
4. Well, the place looks [clean] …………………….now.
5. The red shirt is better but it’s [expensive] ……………………. than the white one.
6. I’ll try to finish the job [quick].…………………….
7. Being a firefighter is [dangerous] ……………………. than being a builder.
8. Lan sings [ sweet ] ………………..than Hoa
9. This is [exciting] ……………………. film I’ve ever seen.
10. He runs [ fast ]………………….of all.
11. My Tam is one of [popular] ……………………. singers in my country.
12. Which planet is [close] ……………………. to the Sun?
13. Carol sings as [beautiful] …………………….as Mary, but Cindy sings the [beautiful] …………………….
14. The weather this summer is even [hot] ……………………. than last summer.
15. Your accent is [ bad ] …………………..than mine.
16. Hot dogs are [good] …………………….than hamburgers.
17. They live in a [big] ……………………. house, but Fred lives in a [big] ……………………. one.
18. French is considered to be [difficult] …………………….than English, but Chinese is the [difficult] …………………….language.
19. It’s the [large]……………………. company in the country.
Bài 4: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
-> Her new house…………………………………….........

2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
-> Peter ……………………………………………….

3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
-> The white dress ……………………………………………

4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
-> According to me, Maths ………………………………….

5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
-> Mary ……………………………………………………….

6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
-> The Nile …………………………………………………..

7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

-> No mountain ……………………………………………...

8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.

-> She is ……………………………………………………..

9. He works much. He feels tired.

-> The more …………………………………………………

10. This computer works better than that one.

-> That computer ……………………………………………..

11. The apartment is big. The rent is high.

-> The bigger ………………………………………………….

12. We set off soon. We will arrive soon.

-> The sooner ……………………………………………………

13. The joke is good. The laughter is loud.

-> The better ……………………………………………….……..

14. She gets fat. She feels tired.

-> The fatter ……………………………………………….………

15. As he gets older, he wants to travel less.

-> The older ……………………………………………….………

16. The children are excited with the difficult games.

-> The more ……………………………………………….………

17. People dive fast. Many accidents happen.

-> The faster ……………………………………………….………

18. I meet him much. I hate him much

-> The more ……………………………………………….………

19. My boss works better when he is pressed for time,

-> The less ……………………………………………….…………

20. As he has much money, he wants to spend much.

-> The more ……………………………………………….…………

21. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.

-> The more ……………………………………………………………

22. He speaks too much and people feel bored.

-> The more ……………………………………………………………

23. The growth in the economy makes people’s living condition better.

-> The more ……………………………………………………………..

24. People learn a lot of things as they travel far.

-> The farther …………………………………………………………….


Bài 1:

Tính từ/ Trạng từ

So sánh hơn

So sánh hơn nhất

1. beautifully


the most beautifully

2. hot


the hottest

3. crazy


the craziest

4. slowly

more slowly

the most slowly

5. few


the fewest

6. little


the least

7. bad


the worst

8. good


the best

9. attractive

more attractive

the most attractive

10. big


the biggest

Bài 2:

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C

6. D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D

11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. A

16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B

Bài 3:

1. the cleverest
2. longer
3. the best
4. cleaner
5. more expensive
6. more quickly
7. more dangerous
8. more sweetly
9. the most exciting
10. the fastest
11. the most popular
12. the closest
13. beautifully – most beautifully
14. hotter
15. worse
16. better
17. big - bigger
18. more difficult - the most difficult
19. largest

Bài 4:

1. Her new house isn’t so/as big as her old one.

2. Peter is the tallest in my class.

3. The white dress isn’t so/ as expensive as the black one.

4. According to me, Maths isn’t so/as easy as English.

5. Mary is the most intelligent in my group.

6. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

7. No mountain in the world is higher than Mount Everest.

8. She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.

9. The more he works, the more tired he feels.

10. That computer doesn’t work so/as well as that one.

11. The bigger the apartment is, the higher the rent is.

12.The better the joke is, the louder the laughter is.

14. The fatter she gets, the more tired she feels.

15. The older he gets, the less he want to travel.

16. The more difficult the games are, the more excited the children are.

17. The faster people drive, the more accidents happen.

18.The more I meet him, the more I hate him.

19. The less time my boss has, the better he works.

20. The more money he has, the more he wants to spend.

21. The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have.

22.The more he speaks, the more bored people feel.

23.The more the economy grows, the better people’s living condition is.

24. The farther people travel, the more the learn.

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Cấu trúc và các dạng câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất

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3.7 [73.75%] 2001 votes

Strawberry, orange or vanilla?

  • I like strawberry most, but vanilla is sweeter
  • I don’t like vanilla, but strawberry is so delicious as orange
  • Orange is not as sugary as vanilla
  • Strawberry is the best…

Có rất nhiều cách nói khi so sánh hai hoặc nhiều vật bất kỳ trong tiếng Anh. Thi thoảng chúng ta bối rối nên dùng luckier hay more lucky, better hay better than. Cùng Step Up tìm hiểu cấu trúc so sánh, các dạng câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh và cách sử dụng trong thực tế tiếng Anh nhé!

Các cấu trúc so sánh trong tiếng Anh cơ bản:

So sánh bằng

Sử dụng khi so sánh cái này như cái kia, bằng cái kia.

Công thức: as + adj/adv + as hoặc so + adj/adv + as

Ví dụ: Nam sings as beautifully as a singer.[ Nam hát hay như ca sĩ.]

So sánh hơn

Sử dụng khi so sánh cái này hơn cái kia

Công thức:

– Với tính từ, trạng từ 1 âm tiết: adj/adv- er + than

Ví dụ: Hang is taller than Thao. [ Hằng cao hơn Thảo]

– Với tính từ, trạng từ 2 âm tiết trở lên: more + adj/adv + than

Ví dụ: Hang is more beautiful than Thao. [ Hằng xinh hơn Thảo]

I. So sánh hơn kém

So sánh hơn được dùng để so sánh giữa 2 người, sự việc, sự vật, hiện tượng.

So sánh hơn kém

Chúng ta phân chia hai loại

  • So sánh với tính từ ngắn – có 1 âm tiết
  • So sánh với tính từ dài – có 2 âm tiết trở lên

1. So sánh hơn với tính từ ngắn

Công thức so sánh với tính từ ngắn

Có 2 cách so sánh bằng tiếng Anh, trong đó so sánh hơn dùng để để so sánh giữa người [hoặc vật] này với người [hoặc vật] khác.

Cấu trúc

S + to be + adj + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun

Quy tắc thêm “Er” sau tính từ

  • Tính từ ngắn là tính từ có 1 âm tiết. Chúng ta thêm er phía sau tính từ để thể hiện sự so sánh hơn.
  • Công thức có thể áp dụng với trạng từ có 1 âm tiết và 1 số tính từ 2 âm tiết có tận cùng bằng -ow, -y, -le, như dưới đây.
  • Nếu tận cuối cùng âm y thì đổi thành I ngắn trước khi thêm er
  • Nếu tính từ mà có bắt đầu bằng phụ âm, nguyên âm và phụ âm thì phụ âm cuối phải gấp đôi trước khi thêm er.

Ví dụ

  • big [to, lớn] -> bigger [to hơn, lớn hơn]
  • fast [nhanh] -> faster [nhanh hơn]
  • quiet [yên lặng] -> quieter [yên lặng hơn]
  • happy [hạnh phúc] -> happier [hạnh phúc hơn]
  • clever [thông minh] -> cleverer [thông minh hơn]
  • narrow [hẹp] -> narrower [hẹp hơn]
  • simple [đơn giản] -> simpler [đơn giản hơn]

Ví dụ:Tom is taller than Bin.[Tom cao hơn Bin.]

2. So sánh hơn với tính từ dài

Công thức so sánh với tính từ dài

S + V + more/less + adj/adv + than + N/pronoun

Biến đổi tính từ, trạng từ trong câu so sánh hơn

Đối với tính từ dài, có 2 âm tiết trở lên thì ta thêm more vào trước tính từ [hoặc trạng từ] để thể hiện so sánh hơn kém.

Tuy nhiên, không áp dụng với các từ hai âm tiết kết thúc bằng đuôi -er, -ow, -y, -le].

Ví dụ

  • useful [hữu ích] -> more useful [hữu ích hơn]
  • boring [tẻ nhạt] -> more boring [tẻ nhạt hơn]
  • tired [mệt] -> more tired [mệt hơn]
  • quickly [nhanh] -> more quickly [nhanh hơn]
  • quietly [yên tĩnh] -> more quietly [yên tĩnh hơn]
  • beautiful [đẹp] -> more beautiful [đẹp hơn]
  • interesting [thú vị] -> more interesting [thú vị hơn]

3. Lưu ý sử dụng công thức so sánh hơn

  • Sau than là đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ, không phải tân ngữ
  • Khi so sánh một vật hay một người với tất cả vật, người còn lại thì ta thêm else
  • Khi so sánh một vật hoặc một người với tất cả người hoặc vật còn lại thì ta phải thêm “else” sau anything/anybody.
  • Ở mệnh đề quan hệ, chủ ngữ sau “than“, ”as” có thể bỏ được nếu 2 chủ ngữ trùng nhau.
  • Các tân ngữ có thể bị loại bỏ sau các động từ ở mệnh đề sau “than” và “as“
  • Chúng ta cũng có thể thay cấu trúc not as…as bằng not so…as để nói rằng cái gì đó là không bằng cái kia [So sánh không bằng], nhưng KHÔNG thay as…as bằng so…as.

Ví dụ:He is smarter than anybody else in the class.

[Anh ấy thông minh hơn bất kỳ ai khác trong lớp.]

Xem thêm bài viết đáng chú ý

  • Cách dùng Cấu trúc câu hỏi how often trong tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất
  • Phân biệt cấu trúc A lot of, Lots of, Plenty of, A large amount of, A great deal of
  • Cấu trúc Not until, Only when – Cách dùng chi tiết có bài tập


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I. Tính/ trạng từ ngắn và tính/ trạng từ dài

1. Tính/ trạng từ ngắn

  • Là tính/ trạng từ có một âm tiết
    Ví dụ: Thin, long, small, fast,…
  • Là tính/ trạng từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng “y, ow, er, et, el”.
    Ví dụ: Noisy, narrow, quiet, clever, gentle,…

2. Tính/ trạng từ dài

  • Là tính/ trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên và không kết thúc bằng “y, ow, er, et, el
    Ví dụ: Beautiful, difficult, different, carefully, slowly,…
  • Ngoại lệ: Có một số tính từ hai âm tiết có thể vừa là tính từ ngắn, vừa là tính từ dài.
    Ví dụ:
    Common → commoner/ more common
    Polite → politer/ more polite

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