Using structured programming techniques the programs processing steps can be identified using

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Nội dung chính

  • Which of the following is a structured programming technique that graphically represents the detailed steps required to solve a problem?
  • What is a graphical tool that shows the steps of program execution?
  • Which of the following refers to tools that are used to provide some assistance in designing coding and testing software?
  • When a programmer is proofreading a printout of a program looking for errors it is referred to as ?

A Graphic presentation of the sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem is called a


Program graph


Program flowchart


Rule diagram


Step chart

Correct Answer : Option [B] - Program flowchart

Note : program flowchart : Used in program design, this tool presents a graphic presentation of the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem 

Published On : June 17, 2021

Category : Computers

Correct Answer : Option [B] - Program flowchart

Note : program flowchart: Used in program design, this tool presents a graphic presentation of the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem 

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Terms in this set [174]

"A ________ is a list of instructions for the computer to follow to accomplish the task of processing data into information.
A] Systems Design
B] Word Processor
C] Program
D] Systems Analysis"


"The list of instructions for the computer to follow to process data into information.
A] System
B] Program
C] Hardware
D] Maintenance"


"The program's objectives, outputs, inputs, and processing requirements are determined during this step.
A] Program Documentation
B] Program Design
C] Program Code
D] Program Specification"

Program Specification

"Program objectives, desired outputs, needed inputs, and processing requirements are all recorded in this.
A] Program Tracking Log
B] Project Management Database
C] Program Specifications Document
D] Management Information System"

Program Specifications Document

"These consist of logically related programming statements.
A] Modules
B] Units
C] Objects
D] Components"


"This is an outline of the logic of the program you will write.
A] Flowcharts
B] Pseudocode
C] Coding
D] Testing"


"Identify the programming tool that uses symbols to show the sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem.
A] Histogram
B] Pseudocode
C] Scatter Diagram
D] Program Flowcharts"

Program Flowcharts

"In this logic structure, one program statement follows another.
A] Sequential
B] Selection
C] Loop
D] Random"


"In this logic structure, the outcome of the decision determines which of the two paths to follow.


"This logic structure involves repeating a sequence as long as a certain condition remains true.
A] Loop
B] Sequence
C] Conditional
D] Selection"


"One of the best ways to code effective programs is to write so-called ________ programs, using the sequential, selection, or repetition logic structures.
A] Unstructured
B] Structured
C] Content-Markup
D] Object-Oriented"


"This is the process of testing and eliminating errors in a program.
A] Debugging
B] Modularizing
C] Coding
D] Clarifying"


"This type of error could be the result of the programmer making an incorrect calculation.
A] Syntax
B] Run time
C] Logic
D] Compiler"


"This is testing a program by a select group of potential users.
A] Manual testing
B] Desk checking
C] Attempt at translation
D] Beta testing"

Beta testing

"This consists of written descriptions and procedures about a program and how to use it.
A] Tabloids
B] Tables
C] Documentation
D] Status Reports"


"As much as 75 percent of the total lifetime cost for an application program is spent on this.
A] Electricity
B] Storage
C] Documentation
D] Maintenance"


"Which of the following refers to tools that are used to provide some assistance in designing, coding, and testing software?


"This type of software development focuses less on the procedures and more on defining the relationships between previously defined procedures.
A] Unstructured
B] Structured
C] Content-Markup
D] Object-Oriented"


"These first-generation languages are hard to use, with one of the reasons being that they are different depending on the make of the computer.
A] Procedural
B] Task-Oriented
C] Natural
D] Machine"


"These second-generation languages use abbreviations or mnemonics that are automatically converted to the appropriate sequence of 1s and 0s.
A] Assembly
B] Object-Oriented
C] Procedural
D] High-Level"


"These third-generation languages are designed to express the logic that can solve general problems.
A] Machine
B] Procedural
C] Assembly
D] Content-Markup"


"A compiler ________.
A] Converts the procedural language one statement at a time
B] Converts the source code into a machine language code
C] Translates instruction codes from assembler language into machine language
D] Uses statements to tell objects to perform actions on themselves"

Converts the source code into a machine language code

"An interpreter ________.
A] Converts and runs the procedural language one statement at a time into machine code
B] Converts the source code into machine language code then runs the object code
C] Uses statements to tell objects to perform actions on themselves
D] Translates software code from assembly language into machine language"

Converts the source code into machine language code then runs the object code

"Fifth-generation languages [5GLs] incorporate the concepts of which of the following?
A] Object-Oriented Programming
B] Artificial intelligence
C] Application generators
D] Abbreviations and mnemonics"

Artificial intelligence

"This type of language uses natural languages to allow humans to communicate more directly to a computer.
A] Machine
B] Assembly
C] High-Level Procedural
D] Problem And Constraint"

Problem And Constraint

"Programming is also called ________ development.
A] Logical
B] Object-Oriented
C] Top-Down
D] Software"


"________ programming techniques consist of top-down program design, pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.
A] Structured
B] Content-Markup
C] Unstructured
D] Object-Oriented"


"Time cards containing statements of hours worked are an example of ________ data.
A] Structured
B] Input
C] Unstructured
D] Output"


"The defining of tasks that are required for input data to be processed into output is part of the ________ step.
A] Standardization
B] Programming techniques
C] Processing requirements
D] Programming documentation"

Processing requirements

"Using structured programming techniques, the program's processing steps can be identified using ________ program design.
A] Logical
B] Object-Oriented
C] 5GL
D] Top-Down"


"________ is [are] an outline of the logic of the program that will be written.
A] Pseudocode
B] Histograms
C] Modules
D] Scatter diagrams"


"Sequential is a type of ________ structure in which one program statement follows another.
A] Module
B] Logic
C] Selection
D] Component"


"The ________ structure occurs when a decision must be made.
A] Sequential
B] Loop
C] Selection
D] Random"


"The repetition, or ________ structure, describes a process that may be repeated as long as a certain condition remains true.
A] Selection
B] Random
C] Sequential
D] Loop"


"Program ________ graphically present the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem.
A] Flowcharts
B] Pseudocode
C] Loops
D] Modules"


"IF-THEN-ELSE is also known as a ________ structure, one of the types of logic structures.
A] Loop
B] Selection
C] Random
D] Sequential"


"One of the six steps of programming is writing the program, also called ________.
A] Pseudocoding
B] Modulation
C] Coding
D] Charting"


"A ________ error occurs when the programmer uses an incorrect calculation or leaves out a programming procedure.
A] Translation
B] Syntax
C] Machine
D] Logic"


"A ________ error is a violation of the rules of the programming language.
A] Syntax
B] Machine
C] Logic
D] Translation"


"Proofreading a printout of a program is known as desk checking or code ________.
A] Calculation
B] Review
C] Modulation
D] Feedback"


"Documentation written for programmers should include text and program flowcharts, ________, and sample output as well as system flowcharts.
A] Pseudocode
B] Logic errors
C] Program listings
D] Syntax errors"

Program listings

"Activities in the program maintenance area fall under two categories: ________ and changing needs.
A] System flowcharts
B] Program listings
C] Sample output
D] Operations"


"In OOP, each ________ contains both the data and processing operations necessary to perform a task.
A] Object
B] Structured program
C] Content component
D] Unstructured program"


"________ languages can be run on more than one kind of computer.
A] Assembly
B] Portable
C] Task-oriented
D] Machine"


"A[n] ________ is a program that provides modules of prewritten code.
A] Machine language
B] Artificial intelligence
C] Application generator
D] Pseudocode"

Application generator

Programming is simply typing words into a computer.

A program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow to process data. Programming follows a six-step process known as the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]."

One of the items to be defined in the program specification is the program's objectives.


Top-down program design is used to identify the program's processing steps after the outputs and inputs have been determined.


Pseudocode is an outline of the logic of the program you would like to write.


A condition must be met before a sequential structure can proceed to the next statement.

~ In a sequential structure, one program statement follows another.
~ The REPETITION or LOOP STRUCTURE describes a process that may be repeated as long as a certain condition remains true."

Pseudocode graphically presents the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem.

~ Pseudocode is an outline of the logic of the program you will write.
~ Program flowcharts graphically present the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem."

The DO WHILE loop means that the loop statements will be executed as long as a certain condition exists.


DO WHILE is an example of a sequential structure.

~ DO WHILE is an example of a Repetition or Loop Structure."

The report at the end of the program design step typically consists of pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.


Coding is only one of the six steps of programming.


A programming language uses symbols, words, and phrases to instruct a computer to perform specific operations.


During the testing process, sometimes a program is checked for errors by following the steps with a calculator and sample data.


For an attempt at translation to work as a form of the testing process, the program must be free of logic errors to be able to run.

~ For an attempt at translation to work as a form of the testing process, the program must be free of SYNTAX errors to be able to run.
~ The program is run through a computer, using a translator program that translates the written program from the programming language into the machine language. "

Program documentation is intended only for end users.

~ Program Documentation is not done just at the end of the programming process, and is carried on throughout all programming steps.
~ In Program Documentation, all prior documentation is reviewed, finalized, and distributed.
~ Documentation is important for people involved with program in future including: users, operators, and programmers."

Program maintenance involves ensuring that current programs are operating error-free, efficiently, and effectively.


CASE tools are used to compile programs to test for logic errors.

~ CASE tools provide automation and assistance in program design, coding, and testing."

C++ is an example of a machine language.

~ C++ is an example of a PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE.
~ C++ is one of the most widely used object-oriented programming languages."

C++ is a procedural language that is widely used by today's programmers.


A 5GL language incorporates the concepts of artificial intelligence to allow a person to provide a system with a problem and some constraints, and then request a solution.


Agile software development starts by getting core functionality of a program working, and then expands on it until the customer is satisfied with the results.



A list of instructions for the computer to follow to process data into information.

The instructions given from a program are made up of:

Statements used in a programming language


A six-step procedure for creating that list of instructions.

What is programing also known as?

Software Development

Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]

A six-step procedure for software development.

What are the six steps of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]?

"1] Program Specification
2] Program Design
3] Program Code [or Coding]
4] Program Test
5] Program Documentation
6] Program Maintenance"

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #1:
Program Specification"

The program's objectives, outputs, inputs, and processing requirements are determined.

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #2:
Program Design"

A solution is created using programming techniques such as topdown program design, pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #3:
Program Code [or Coding]"

The program is written or coded using a programming language.

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #4:
Program Test"

The program is tested or debugged by looking for syntax and logic errors.

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #5:
Program Documentation"

Focuses on formalizing the written description and processes used in the program.

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Step #6:
Program Maintenance"

Completed programs are periodically reviewed to evaluate their accuracy, efficiency, standardization, and ease of use. Changes are made to the program's code as needed.

Software Engineers

Programming professional or programmer who analyzes users' needs and creates application software.

What are other names for the Program Specification step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]?

"~ Program Definition
~ Program Analysis"

Step #1: Program Specification of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] requires that the programmer or end user specify what five items?

"1] Program Objectives
2] Desired Output
3] Input Data Required
4] Processing Requirements
5] Documentation"

"SDLC - Program Specification [Step #1]:
Program Objectives"

A clear statement of the problem the program is trying to solve.

"SDLC - Program Specification [Step #1]:
Desired Output"

"~ List what is wanted to get out of the computer system.
~ Determine what will go into it."

"SDLC - Program Specification [Step #1]:
Input Data Required"

Logs or statements of data processed into the output data wanted

"SDLC - Program Specification [Step #1]:
Processing Requirements"

Define the processing tasks that must happen for input data to be processed into output.

"SDLC - Program Specification [Step #1]:

Ongoing documentation is essential - record program objectives, desired outputs, needed inputs, and required processing

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2]:
Structured Programming Techniques"

Techniques used to plan a solution for Program Design

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2]:
Structured Programming consist of what four techniques?"

"1] Top-Down Program Design
2] Pseudocode
3] Flowcharts
4] Logic Structures "

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Structured Programming Techniques:
Top-Down Program Design "

To identify the program's processing steps

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Structured Programming Techniques:
Program Modules "

Each module is made up of logically related program statements.

Under the rules of Top-Down Design, each module should have how many functions?


Under the rules of Top-Down Program Design, how must the program pass?

In sequence from one module to the next until the computer has processed all modules

What are the three principal computer system operations?

"1] Input
2] Process
3] Output"

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Structured Programming Techniques:

"An outline of the logic of the program you will write.
~ Expresses the logic of what you want the program to do."

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Structured Programming Techniques:
Flowcharts "

Graphically present the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem.

What is one of the most powerful capabilities of computers?

The ability to make logical comparisons.

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Structured Programming Techniques:
Logic Structures "

Programming statements or structures called sequence, selection, or repitition [loop] that control the logical sequence in which computer program instructions are executed.

What are the three Logic Structures used to link various parts of a flow chart?

"1] Sequential Structures
2] Selection Structures
3] Repetition [Loop] Structures"

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Logic Structures:
Sequential Structures"

Structure in which one program statement follows another

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Logic Structures:
Selection Structures"

"Determines which of two paths will be followed when a program must make a decision.
~ Also called IF-THEN-ELSE structures.
~ IF something is true, THEN do option one, or ELSE do option two."

"SDLC - Program Design [Step #2] - Logic Structures:
Repetition [Loop] Structures"

Structure in which a process may be repeated as long as a certain condition remains true.

What is the last step that should be taken in Step #2: Program Design of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]?

Document a report of the logic of the design including the pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3]:

Writing a program using the appropriate computer language

"Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] - Program Code [Step #3]:
What is one of the best ways to code effective programs?"

To write so-called Structured Programs using logic structures

Structured Programs

Program that uses logic structures according to the program design and the language in which you have chosen to write the program. Each language follows techniques like pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.

What are some qualities of a good program?

"~ Reliable
~ Catch obvious and common input errors.
~ Well documented
~ Understandable by other programmers "

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3]:
Programming Language"

"~ A collection of symbols, words, and phrases that instruct a computer to perform a specific task.
~ Process data and information for a wide variety of different types of applications"

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

Extends C to use objects or program modules that can be reused and interchanged between programs

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

A programming language designed by Microsoft to extend C++ for developing applications in the Windows environment

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

Primarily used for Internet applications; similar to C++; runs with a variety of operating systems

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

Embedded into web pages to provide dynamic and interactive content

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

General-purpose programming language that is simple and easy to learn. Frequently used in introductory programming courses

"SDLC - Program Code [Step #3] - Programming Language:

Uses graphical user interface and special code for touch screen interfaces to create apps for Apple iOS devices

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
What are the two types of programming errors?"

"1] Syntax Errors
2] Logic Errors"

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4] - Errors:
Syntax Errors"

Violation of the rules of a language in which the computer program is written.

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4] - Errors:
Logic Errors"

Error that occurs when a programmer has used an incorrect calculation or left out a programming procedure.

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:

Testing and then eliminating errors in a program

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4] - Testing Process:
What are the five steps of the Testing Process that have been devised for finding and removing both types of errors? "

"1] Desk Checking / Code Review
2] Manuall Testing [w/ sample data]
3] Translating
4] Running Program [w/ sample data]
5] Beta Testing [w/ potential users]"

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
Testing Process - Step #1: Desk Checking / Code Review "

A programmer sitting at a desk checks [proofreads] a printout of the program carefully looking for syntax errors and logic errors.

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
Testing Process - Step #2: Manuall Testing [w/ sample data]"

"~ Using sample data, a programmer follows each program statement and performs every calculation.
~ Looking for programming logic errors, the programmer compares the manually calculated values to those calculated by the programs."

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
Testing Process - Step #3: Translating"

"~ Program is run through a computer, using a translator program.
~ Translator attempts to translate the written program from the programming language into the machine language.
~ Program must be free of syntax errors identified by translator program before it will run."

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
Testing Process - Step #4: Running Program [w/ sample data]"

"~ Program is tested for logic errors.
~ Sample data is used to test the correct execution of each program statement."

"SDLC - Program Test [Step #4]:
Testing Process - Step #5: Beta Testing [w/ potential users]"

A select group of potential users try out the program and provide feedback.

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:

"~ Consists of written descriptions and procedures about a program and how to use it.
~ Program documentation is carried on throughout all the programming steps."

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:
What happens with the documentation?"

All the prior documentation is reviewed, finalized, and distributed.

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:
Who is affected by/involved with Documentation?"

"~ Users
~ Operators
~ Programmers"

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:
Documentation for Users"

"~ Need to know how to use the software.
~ Two examples of this sort of documentation are printed manuals and the help option within most applications."

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:
Documentation for Operators"

"~ Must be provided for this segment of people.
~ If the program sends them error messages, they need to know what to do about it."

"SDLC - Program Documentation [Step #5]:
Documentation for Programmers"

"~ As time passes, the creator of original program may not remember details about it.
~ Others wishing to update and modify the program will need adequate documentation
~ Documentation should/may include: text and program flowcharts, program listings, sample output, and system flowcharts"

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
What is the purpose of Program Maintenance?"

To ensure that current programs are operating error-free, efficiently, and effectively.

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
Maintenance Programmer"

Maintains software by updating programs to protect them from errors, improve usability, standardize, and adjust to organizational changes.

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
What are the two categories of activities associated with Program Maintenance?"

"1] Operations
2] Changing Needs"

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
Operations Activities"

Activities concerned with locating and correcting operational errors, making programs easier to use, and standardizing software using structured programming techniques.

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
Changing Needs"

"~ As organizations change over time, their programs must change with them.
~ Programs need adjusting for reasons including: new tax laws, new information needs, and new company policies."

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:

Programming modifications or corrections.

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
Software Updates"

Patches in which modifications to the software are typically more extensive and significant.

"SDLC - Program Maintenance [Step #6]:
Agile Development"

A development methodology that starts by getting core functionality of a program working, then expands on it until the customer is satisfied with the results.

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] determines program objectives, desired output, required input, and processing requirements?

Step #1: Program Specification

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] uses structured programming techniques?

Step #2: Program Design

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] selects programming language and writes the program?

Step #3: Program Code

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] performs desk check [code review] and manual checks; attempts translation; tests using sample data; and beta tests with potential users?

Step #4: Program Test

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] writes procedure for users, operators, and programmers?

Step #5: Program Documentation

Which step of the Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC] adjusts for errors, inefficient or ineffective operations, nonstandard code, and changes over time?

Step #6: Program Maintenance

What are two resources that will help with the efficiency and effectiveness of software development?

"1] Computer-Aided Software Engineering [CASE] Tools
2] Object-Oriented Software Development"

Computer-Aided Software Engineering [CASE] Tools

Provide some automation and assistance in program design, coding, and testing

Object-Oriented Software Development

Focuses less on the procedures and more on defining the relationships between previously defined procedures or "objects."

Object-Oriented Programming [OOP]

A process by which a program is organized into objects.

What do the objects organized by Object-Oriented Programming [OOP] contain?

The data and processing operations necessary to perform a task.

Object-Oriented Programming [OOP] use objects that are:

Reusable and self-contained components.

What is one of the most widely used Object-Oriented Programming [OOP] languages?


Lower Level Programing Languages

"~ Programming language closer to the language the computer itself uses.
~ The computer understands the 0s and 1s that make up bits and bytes."

Higher Level Programing Languages

Programming languages that are closer to the language humans use.

What are the five generations of Programming Languages?

"1] Machine Languages [1st Generation]
2] Assembly Languages [2nd Generation]
3] Procedural Languages [3rd Generation]
4] Task-Oriented Languages [4th Generation]
5] Problem and Constraint Languages [5th Generation]"

The First Generation: Machine Languages

"~ Language in which data is represented in 1s and 0s.
~ Most languages have to be translated into machine language for the computer to process the data."

The Second Generation: Assembly Languages

"~ Uses names instead of numbers.
~ Use abbreviations or mnemonics that are automatically converted to the appropriate sequence of 1s and 0s."

The Third Generation: Procedural Languages

"~ ""3GL"" [Third Generation Languages]
~ Language designed to focus on procedures and how a program will accomplish a specific task."

The Fourth Generation: Task-Oriented Languages

"~ ""4GL"" [Fourth Generation Languages]
~ ""Very high level languages""
~ Language that is nonprocedural and focuses on specifying what the program is to accomplish."

The Fifth Generation: Problem and Constraint Languages

"~ ""5GL"" [Fifth Generation Languages]
~ Language that incorporates the concept of artificial intelligence to allow direct human communication."

Portable Languages

Language that can be run on more than one type of computer.


Software that converts the programmer's procedural language program [source code] into machine language [object code]. This object code can then be saved and run later.

Source Code

Occurs when a programmer originally writes the code for a program in a particular language. It is called this until it is translated by a compiler.

Object Code

Machine language code converted by a compiler from source code. It can be saved and run later.


Software that converts a procedural language one statement at a time into machine language just before the statement is executed. No object code is saved.

Interactive Financial Planning System [IFPS]

A 4GL language used for developing financial models.

Query Languages

Easy-to-use language and understandable to most users. It is used to search and generate reports from a database.

Structured Query Language [SQL]

A program control language used to create sophisticated database applications for requesting information from a database.

What is the most widely used Query Language?

Structured Query Language [SQL]

Why are Application Generators beneficial?

Greatly reduces the time to create an application.

Application Generators

"~ ""Program Coder""
~ Provides modules of prewritten code to accomplish various tasks"

Natural Languages

Language that allows a person to describe a problem and some constraints and then request a solution using a common language like English.

"What language is the following sample statement associated with?
"" 111100100111001111010010000100000111000000101011 """

The First Generation - Machine Languages

"What language is the following sample statement associated with?
"" ADD 210[8,13],02B[4,7] """

The Second Generation - Assembly Languages

"What language is the following sample statement associated with?
"" if [score > = 90] grade = 'A' """

The Third Generation - Procedural Languages

"What language is the following sample statement associated with?
"" SELECT client FROM dailyLog WHERE serviceEnd > 17 """

The Fourth Generation - Task-Oriented Languages

"What language is the following sample statement associated with?
"" Get patientDiagnosis from patientSymptoms "sneezing", "coughing", "aching" """

The Fifth Generation - Problem and Constraint Languages

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Introduction to Programming Using Python

1st EditionY. Daniel Liang

773 solutions

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The ______ function returns true if the character argument is a letter of the alphabet.

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Show that the set of incompressible strings contains no infinite subset that is Turing-recognizable.

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A variable must be _______ before it can be used in a program.

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Which of the following is a structured programming technique that graphically represents the detailed steps required to solve a problem?

Flowchart is a structured programming technique that graphically represents the detailed steps required to solve a program.

What is a graphical tool that shows the steps of program execution?

A flowchart is a graphical representation of various logical steps of a program. These expressions use several shapes, including the geometric ones, to show the step-by-step process with arrows while establishing a data flow. There are 21 different types of flowcharts, and a programming flowchart is one of them.

Which of the following refers to tools that are used to provide some assistance in designing coding and testing software?

Which of the following refers to tools that are used to provide some assistance in designing, coding, and testing software? CASE tools are used to compile programs to test for logic errors.

When a programmer is proofreading a printout of a program looking for errors it is referred to as ?

proofreading a printout of a program is known as desk checking or ____ code review. documentation aimed at programmers should include text and program flowcharts, _____, and sample output as well as system flowcharts. program listings.

What is a structured programming technique?

Structured programming [SP] is a technique devised to improve the reliability and clarity of programs. In SP, control of program flow is restricted to three structures, sequence, IF THEN ELSE, and DO WHILE, or to a structure derivable from a combination of the basic three.

What are the 4 steps of the programming process?

Computer Programming in 4 Steps.
Step 1: Identify the problem. When students are new to CP, we typically start teaching them how to program and code using tutorials. ... .
Step 2: Find a solution. ... .
Step 3: Code it. ... .
Step 4: Test it..

Which of the following is a structured programming technique that graphically represents the detailed steps required to solve a program?

Flowchart is a structured programming technique that graphically represents the detailed steps required to solve a program. Usually, it shows the steps as boxes of different types, and these boxes are connected with arrows.

What are the 5 steps of the programming process?

There are five main ingredients in the programming process:.
Defining the problem..
Planning the solution..
Coding the program..
Testing the program..
Documenting the program..

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