What can I use instead of Remote Desktop Connection Manager?

What is the new alternative for RDMAN 2.7 on Windows 10?

As per the article discussed here:-

The Alternative for Remote Desktop Snap in in mmc from W2k8 onwards was RDMAN 2.7. However, looks like MS has now disabled that due to a security flaw in May this year. So what's the new alternative then? I'm mostly looking for a solution which is applicable for Windows 10 Machines.



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ElevenYu-MSFT · Aug 12, 2020 at 03:10 AM


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ElevenYu-MSFT · Aug 21, 2020 at 02:08 AM


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ShaneYoder-4125 · Sep 08, 2020 at 02:53 PM

mRemoteNG is the closest free app I've found, but there are other free and paid options available.

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TKujala answered Aug 9, '20

Hi @ArunavaDey-2302,

You are right. Remote Destop Connection Manager 2.7 is no longer supported.

Microsoft recommends to MSTSC or universal Remote Desktop client instead of RDMan in Windows 10.



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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Aug 10, '20 | KgstrmMattias-3890 published Jun 23, '21


Now, the only alternative is Remote Desktop client.

Remote Desktop Clients

But you can still use RDCMAN 2.7 if you do not have much concern on the security flaw. And we can share the application installation link for your if you want.

Meanwhile, if you hope there are same functions as RDCMAN 2.7 in Remote Desktop Clients, you can post your suggestions using below link.

Feedback for Microsoft Remote Desktop Clients

Hope the information helps.

Best regards,


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JohnReam-2643 · Aug 28, 2020 at 05:44 PM

"alternative is Remote Desktop client."

That is a non answer to OPs question. RDCMan, the keyword being MANAGER, has a very easy-to-use interface for managing and logging into multiple RDS hosts, as multiple users, etc. These features are non-existent in MSTSC and the RD App and to suggest these as an alternative is just wrong and misleading.

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VladislavZubritsky-4689 · Apr 07, 2021 at 12:57 PM

But you can still use RDCMAN 2.7 if you do not have much concern on the security flaw. And we can share the application installation link for your if you want.

@ElevenYu-MSFT Could you do it please?

Not able to find a link to installer anywhere, and RDCMan hasn't been released yet as part of sys internals.

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JeffPatrick-6931 VladislavZubritsky-4689 · May 25, 2021 at 10:21 AM

yes please share the link.

just normal mstsc is not an alternative

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KgstrmMattias-3890 JeffPatrick-6931 · Jun 23, 2021 at 08:44 AM

Installer is avalible from microsoft..


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LeonLaude answered Jun 23, '21

Hi @ArunavaDey-2302,

Microsoft just released a new version of Remote Desktop Connection Manager, version 2.8:

If the reply was helpful please don't forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you!

Best regards,


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southpacific-it answered Sep 29, '21

I have been using the sysinternals version for a few days. I used previous RDG files and updated passwords as necessary. I am finding that it tends to freeze and needs to be terminated using task manager.

Any input appreciated.


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Pure Capsaicin



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Sep 19, 2020 at 08:49 UTC

Windows Server expert

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Not really. MSFT says to use MSTSC


There are several free alternatives out there: [just two samples]




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Sep 19, 2020 at 12:11 UTC

I use 2 different RDP managers at work one free and the other paid.

mRemoteNG is my personal choice after moving away from the Microsoft RDC manager that I had used for many years. We also ASG Remote desktop in a Citrix desktop, which has a centrally managed SQL database and is AD integrated allowing for personal credentials.


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Sep 19, 2020 at 16:38 UTC

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I live inside Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager free all day long. It's fantastic. My evolution to Devolutions was RDCMAN -> mRemoteNG -> Devolutions.


The fact that you can "type clipboard" makes all the difference in the world.

For example, you have a 32 char garbage password in a password manager. You are RDP to a server, and from there jumping to another. The inside session screen locks. You can't paste into the password field for an unlock. Ditto if it's an iDrac using Java. Devolutions lets you select "Type Clipboard" and it will send the clipboard over as keystrokes. It also integrates with their password manager, although I haven't tried that as we use a different one.

I have Windows and Linux SSH sessions open side by side in tabs.


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PK Vinayachandran

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Sep 19, 2020 at 17:17 UTC


I have a suggestion but not for a RDP solution. Nowadays we facing attacks from the dark web and ransomware s Raas`. So minimize the use of rdp on your network environment as much you can. There is a chance if our PC may hacked and hacker can easily access to the recent servers directory using with saved credentials. Please do not keep any end users network credentials or servers in our PC's.
Better to use file servers with AD environment to reduce the risk of malware's or virus accessibility in end users PC's.
I hope, the abob mentioned helpful for you. Thank you.


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Ghost Chili



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Sep 19, 2020 at 17:27 UTC

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I've been using RDC Manager for many years and tried many other free and paid tools after it was discontinued. Currently, I am using a paid one called Royal TS[X] //www.royalapps.com/ts/win/features on Windows and on macOS and like it. It was something around 60$ for both with a discount. Very happy with it and would recommend trying.


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pob579 Sep 23, 2020 at 00:43 UTC

Thanks to ALL!


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Peter [Action1]

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Jan 26, 2021 at 20:51 UTC

Brand Representative for Action1 RMM


Action1 offers a remote desktop function for secure access to your PCs and servers from anywhere in the world. You just need to install the Action1 agent and connect to the Internet. Action1 does not require installation of any additional 3rd party tools. Also, this solution provides a number of useful features such as:

  • patch management
  • install software remotely
  • IT asset inventory
  • endpoint management and more.

Action1 is entirely free to use to manage up to 50 endpoints and suits well for enterprises too. Sign up for a free version to test for your organization.

  • Action1 RMM[19]

  • pob579



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What Is RDP?

RDP, short for Remote Desktop Protocol, is a protocol developed by Microsoft. It allows you to connect to another computer using a graphical user interface, so you can interact with the remote machine. You can control a remote desktop session and delete or copy text between applications running on the host machine and the guest machine. This helps with remote troubleshooting and issue resolution, so IT staff won’t need to go directly to the computer experiencing the problem.

However, with the rise of cybercrime have come warnings about the security of RDP. Moreover, several RDP alternatives have appeared on the market, many of which offer much more in the way of capabilities depending on your specific needs. If you’re looking for an alternative to Remote Desktop Protocol, consider the options below.

  1. SolarWinds Dameware Remote Support
  2. SolarWinds Dameware Remote Everywhere
  3. Royal TS
  4. Screens
  5. Terminals

What Is a Remote Desktop Connection Manager?

A remote desktop connection manager is used to manage remote desktop administration for the different connections and sessions you have. Typical enterprises have multiple Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP] sessions per day and managing these manually means having to repeatedly enter your credentials. Logging in and keeping track of these sessions can become tiresome even without having to make SSH or Telnet connections for troubleshooting.

A remote desktop connection manager or RDP client consolidates your connections in one place, so you don’t have to log in to numerous remote connection sessions per day.

Best Remote Desktop Connection Managers

There are several good remote desktop connection managers available today. Here are my top five.

1. SolarWinds Dameware Remote Support

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan] is useful for establishing regular remote connections. Like other tools, it can save login credentials, so you don’t need to enter your credentials every time you want to create a remote connection.

RDCMan also supports connections between virtual machines and consoles, allows you to establish smart groups, and gives you the ability to import servers from a text file. This tool is useful for supporting RDP connections, but it cannot support other protocols for a broader range of remote connections. It’s essentially an RDP client, and other tools are much broader in terms of their protocol offerings.

You can download RDCMan for free through the Microsoft website.

4. Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager

With this remote desktop manager, you can automatically launch and consolidate connections in one centralized window. You can also save your login credentials with “one-click” connections, making it easier to manage multiple remote sessions.

Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager makes it possible to share your remote sessions with your team members and manage and control other users’ access to accounts. With secure password vaults and two-factor authentication, this tool takes a secure approach to remote desktop connection management.

A free trial of the Enterprise Edition is available.

5. mRemoteNG

mRemoteNG is an open-source software designed to serve as a centralized tool for managing remote connections. It allows you to see your remote connections in an interface relying on a tabbing system, and it supports several protocols for establishing remote connections, including RDP, VNC, ICA, SSH, Telnet, HTTP/HTTPS, rlogin, and raw socket connections.

This free tool is light on features. As such, it’s best suited for home users and IT staff in a small business without the budget for a professional tool.

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