Where are movies on iPhone 11

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  1. Open the Google TV app
  2. At the top, tap your Profile picture.
  3. Tap Google TV settings.
  4. Under “Downloads,” tap Network.
  5. Tap Download on any network.

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  • #1

I’m curently at the airport and watching a few download movies and tv shows from Netflix on my IPhone PM . I do this when it’s inconvenient to watch a full length movie on a bigger screen TV , or if I’m on the subway heading to work .

Do you guys watch movies on your iPhone because you enjoy it? Or just when you are in a pinch and it’s the most convienent way? Ex. trips & long commutes.

  • #2

Yes. I have an iPad which I could use but probably 85% of the time I use my iPhone. I just prefer the oled screen

  • #3

Yes. I have an iPad which I could use but probably 85% of the time I use my iPhone. I just prefer the oled screen

Watching some shows on Apple TV + with Dolby vision do look fantastic on the iPhone pro max!

  • #4

Watching some shows on Apple TV + with Dolby vision do look fantastic on the iPhone pro max!

I have the 11 pro... it’s still fine. I prefer over my iPad Pro 11 tbh lol

  • #5

I went on vacation once to a place that had no internet, so I loaded up a bunch of movies on my iPhone and watched a movie before bed. It worked fantastic and I never thought the screen was too small.

Pair that with headphones and its like you're in a theater lol

  • #6

I’m curently at the airport and watching a few download movies and tv shows from Netflix on my IPhone PM . I do this when it’s inconvenient to watch a full length movie on a bigger screen TV , or if I’m on the subway heading to work .

Do you guys watch movies on your iPhone because you enjoy it? Or just when you are in a pinch and it’s the most convienent way? Ex. trips & long commutes.

Sometimes, it's do-able but i prefer a TV or larger screen for sure.

  • #7

No never my 11 pro is too small, i use my iPad 11", great on a plane with my Bose 700.

  • #8

While travelling on a bus the other night I tried watching a movie on my pro max, but I just couldn't get into it. There's really no sense of immersion, and the whole thing just seems too much like an ad hoc solution to something I very much prefer doing with the right equipment.

It's a good thing my ears aren't as discriminatory as my eyes.

  • #9

While travelling on a bus the other night I tried watching a movie on my pro max, but I just couldn't get into it. There's really no sense of immersion, and the whole thing just seems too much like an ad hoc solution to something I very much prefer doing with the right equipment.

It's a good thing my ears aren't as discriminatory as my eyes.

What current iPhone device are you currently using ?

  • #10

What current iPhone device are you currently using ?

iPhone 11 Pro Max.

  • #11

I do it either to pass time in certain situations or because I just like watching movies on my phone, which is why I got the biggest screen possible. I use Infuse, which makes having a movie library on the phone incredibly easy.

Comparing the “experience” to a TV is incredibly ridiculous. It serves a very specific purpose and if you’re disappointed because your iPhone isn’t a TV you’re doing something wrong.

  • #12

I watch football and YouTube on my phone when travelling or at the gym but for normal use at home will always pick iPad for this.

6.7 iPhone 12 pro will make it more reason to watch stuff on though.

  • #13

I do About 60% of all my streaming, movie & TV watching from my iPhone 11 Pro Max. Also about 90% of my internet surfing from it rather than a desktop.

It’s the convenience of being able to do things around the house from room to room with my phone. Since I work a lot, I try to maximize my down time like while I’m making & eating breakfast, lunch, dinner in the kitchen. I’ll set the phone on something.

In the morning or evening where I’m just laying around bed, I don’t have a TV in bedroom, so I just hang out with my dog, relax, watch shows.

I have one nice TV in the house but my wife and I watch only about 40% of the same shows together, so I find myself sitting in another room on the coach hanging out with my dog watching my shows on my phone occasionally when not doing other activities.

Yes it’s a very small screen compared to a TV but it’s less than arm length from my eyes and it is a crisp 0LED TV in your hands, no doubt about it.

I came from an X this year, so the bigger display size was welcome and I love it. I don’t think there are a lot of people like me. Lol.

  • #14

I don’t really watch movies on my phone but I’m not completely against it. I’d rather watch a movie on my iPad mini, iPad Pro 10.5 or on my TV. However I do watch TV shows and YouTube on my 11 pro max.

  • #15

I watch football and YouTube on my phone when travelling or at the gym but for normal use at home will always pick iPad for this.

6.7 iPhone 12 pro will make it more reason to watch stuff on though.

A fraction of an inch larger will make it better? The 10.2” iPad is like $2xx and in my opinion is better than even the largest phone. If I were on a tight budget I think I would honestly prefer something like an iPhone 11 and a base model iPad.

  • #16

A fraction of an inch larger will make it better? The 10.2” iPad is like $2xx and in my opinion is better than even the largest phone. If I were on a tight budget I think I would honestly prefer something like an iPhone 11 and a base model iPad.

Any kind of screen increase is a bonus...more reason to not always pick up the iPad

  • #17

I don't enjoy it but I'll do it when I'm on a plane.

  • #18

A fraction of an inch larger will make it better? The 10.2” iPad is like $2xx and in my opinion is better than even the largest phone. If I were on a tight budget I think I would honestly prefer something like an iPhone 11 and a base model iPad.

If I was on a budget I’d rather have the 11 pro max and no iPad. My phone is my favourite device. I upgrade it every year and I use it for about 80% of all the computing stuff I do. I have an iPad Pro and iPad mini and MacBook but my phone will always be my favourite because of the sheer convenience factor and it’s such a personal device.

  • #19

Sometimes I'll watch a TV show on my phone in a pinch but usually I use my iPad or TV.

  • #20

I’m curently at the airport and watching a few download movies and tv shows from Netflix on my IPhone PM . I do this when it’s inconvenient to watch a full length movie on a bigger screen TV , or if I’m on the subway heading to work .

Do you guys watch movies on your iPhone because you enjoy it? Or just when you are in a pinch and it’s the most convienent way? Ex. trips & long commutes.

Never ever do this it will lead to you having to wear glasses. I'll give you a simple example; at my work I started about 3 years ago very few people maybe 2 or 3 were wearing glasses [a dept of more than 40 people] and now 3 years later more than have of them wear glasses all because they were looking at the screen any chance they get [people do this on trains now, while walking even its embarrasing really like they have no life]...just helping out not trying to be provocative...better read a physical book or magazine [not electronic unless its kindle and even that is so-so]

  • #21

Never have, probably never will...

Although, even less chance since I sold my 11 Pro and am now using my SE lol.

  • #22

Yes, I travel 9 months of the year and my iPhone is awesome to watch film. I watch blogs on it, surfing videos and iTunes Dolby Vision / Dolby Atmos films through my AirPods Pro.
I LOVE the experience.

Back home we have an LG B7 55" OLED TV with Apple TV 4K and i'll admit, I notice things more in a film on my iPhone rather than the huge TV screen.

Perfect combo iPhone with AirPods Pro and iTunes Dolby Vision/Atmos films AND Apple TV 4K for your TV.

Never have, probably never will...

Although, even less chance since I sold my 11 Pro and am now using my SE lol.

My Fiancé has the SE and watching iTunes film on it is a very nice experience - buttery smooth motion!

Never ever do this it will lead to you having to wear glasses. I'll give you a simple example; at my work I started about 3 years ago very few people maybe 2 or 3 were wearing glasses [a dept of more than 40 people] and now 3 years later more than have of them wear glasses all because they were looking at the screen any chance they get [people do this on trains now, while walking even its embarrasing really like they have no life]...just helping out not trying to be provocative...better read a physical book or magazine [not electronic unless its kindle and even that is so-so]

NO!!!!!!! That's not true. I'd liken that more to diet or lack of a great diet with superfoods and exercise. People have been looking at screens for 25 years!

That reminds me of the SONY Walkman launch and loads of reports stating that there will be a new generation of people with complete deafness / hearing loss. Guess what? That really didn't happen did it?

It's eyes aging that is the problem and just with EVERYTHING with the human body it's about preserving it - things like ALCOHOL, drugs, preservative, processed gunk cause SEVERE ageing along with food filled with hormones, steroids, antibiotics and crap. As a MSc qualified Nutrionist and competing natural bodybuilder, I can tell you that it's diet and exercise that preserve OR damage those eyes - not your iPhone!

Wanna stay young - it's simple really travel, eat well and exercise [Don't sit indoors watching TV and binge watching as that really will age you and make you very fat / obese if not careful!!!!!!!!]

Last edited: Feb 18, 2020

  • #23

I prefer my iPad for the occasional entertainment that isn’t coming from the living room tv.

  • #24

Wanna stay young - it's simple really travel, eat well and exercise [Don't sit indoors watching TV and binge watching as that really will age you and make you very fat / obese if not careful!!!!!!!!]

And that's not always true. Plenty of skinny people have to sit down for work all day. If your a nutritionist you would know it's what and how much you put in your mouth that makes you fat..

Never have, probably never will...

Although, even less chance since I sold my 11 Pro and am now using my SE lol.

why would you do that?

  • #25

I use whatever screen is most convenient and at times that happens to be my iPhone. Have definitely watched more than a few movies/TV shows on it.

Where are movies stored on an iPhone 11?

With Optimize Storage, smaller, space-saving photos and videos are kept on your device while all of your original, full-resolution versions are stored in iCloud. And as long as you have enough space in iCloud, you can store as many photos and videos as you want.

Where is the movies folder on iPhone?

To find a list of all shows and movies that you purchased or rented in the iTunes Store, open the Library tab and select TV Shows or Movies. On your iPhone and iPad, the Library tab also shows your recent purchases and any home videos that you transferred to your device.

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