chand là gì - Nghĩa của từ chand

chand có nghĩa là


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Chand is hot

chand có nghĩa là

Portmanteau of Chimp and Hands. Used to describe an individuals inability to roll joints due to deterioration in either physical dexterity or mental competence, often resulting from prior consumption of Mariujana.

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Dude, I've got chands can you roll?

chand có nghĩa là

very crazy popular and pretty individual can be rude when she wants to attitude problems , boy CRAZY!!!! but is loyal and loves her friends to the moon

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she is such a chand

chand có nghĩa là

Mukesh Chand Mathur was legendary playback singer or Bollywood. His also known as Golden voice or voice of millenium. His career lasted for span of more than 30 years, during which he gave hits like Kisiki muskurahaton pe ho nisar, kahin door jab din dhal jaye, etc.

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"Each word from his lips was a pearl. No one could sing the way Mukesh Chand Mathur did, with the right diction, inflexion and intonation. His vocal timbre was out of this world" Said Salil Chowdhury [music giám đốc]

chand có nghĩa là

Chanded [v] – to get really fucked up usually with a combination of marijuana, alcohol, and juul pods, and gravitate towards women much older than you who are likely of foreign origin. Getting Chanded correlates with increased likelihood of pregnancy and owing that girl half of your income for the rest of your life. Or, to get fucked in the ass by The Donald.

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"dude I was so chanded last night that I can't remember whether I used a condom. Apparently I brought home a 33 year old girl from Brazil" "yeah dude you totally acted like you were chanded during that meeting with our landlord the next morning he couldn't believe you were only 21." "I was really tired and sore from working out so he must have thought I got Chanded in the white house last night"

chand có nghĩa là

It's an Persian slang which means how much for your beautiful body? it's often used by an Iranian man [not necessarily gay] after meeting another young and attractive male with a nice body. considering gay sex is now more common in Iran, asking this question is a signature move toward finding a man and convincing him to have sex.

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- hi, maale chand?
+ free for you.
- oh you are Naughty Boy, aren't you?
+ sure I am. - hey, Maale Chand.
+ expensive.
- I think I can afford it.
+ If you can, then let's check out your place.

chand có nghĩa là

A term people use when someone makes their hair look like Sia .

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Chandeli where Chandeli here bih!

chand có nghĩa là

Chand boys and girls. One thing about Chand's if you get with one your life will be set for ever. They will take you a far way. Watch out for the Chand boys though they will steal your heart. The Chand's get the money. They run 128.

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I use to date one of the Chand Boy's and he changed my life forever. Chand boys and girls forever.

chand có nghĩa là

The greatest FIFA player in MFR

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Chand is really good at fifa and especially the striker position

chand có nghĩa là

A dadless immigrant who will chore you and blow your house up faster than his dad left him.

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"Bro don't fuck with me, I'll Amit Chand your ass."

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