Get the word out là gì

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“If [the] word gets out” = nếu lời đồn ra ngoài -> nghĩa là nếu hoặc ngay khi mọi người bắt đầu phát hiện ra điều này; nếu hoặc ngay khi thông tin bắt đầu lan truyền.

Ví dụ

"Yes three [adverse findings] is too many" says Moyna, "and I think if the word gets out there that it's lax, before you know it, it's ten, it's 15.

Scheuermann thinks the 14-day quarantine [thời gian cách ly, kiểm dịch] will minimize the virus' reach, but only if the word gets out. Scott discusses the policy at his thrice-weekly press conferences [cuộc họp báo 3 lần mỗi tuần], but Scheuermann fears the message "gets lost in the shuffle [sự ăn nói mập mờ, hành động lẩn tránh]."

If the party openly kills a citizen, then that will prompt an immediate response if the word gets out, especially if the victim has family members. Similarly, a large city run by a fanatical tyrant [báo chúa, kẻ bạo ngược] will be far quicker to mobilize a response to crimes committed on the street. Strahd von Zarovich might be amused by the players' petty attempts at mobilizing a resistance movement against him, but murdering guards that bear his colors on the street should lead to a swift and decisive response [phản ứng nhanh và quyết đoán].

Ka Tina

Bài trước: "Get down pat" nghĩa là gì?

Đợi mãi một lời giải thích từ người ấy. Photo by Vladimir Fedotov 

"Get the word" = có lời nói -> nghĩa là học cách giải thích cho điều gì hoặc nhận một sự giải thích cuối cùng và có căn cứ xác thực.

Ví dụ

“We had more food than we had people last week,” Deacon told the Record. “We were prepared for 48 people and we had 27. We have more food than we have people, so we want to get the word out.”

The song Katniss wasn’t supposed to sing [and that climbed the Billboard charts after Lawrence sang it in the movie] is performed in the prequel [cuốn phim]. Those haunting lyrics? They get the word.

According to Space Policy Online, in a statement emailed to the NASA workforce [số nhân viên], Loverro said that he took a "risk" and "made a mistake," but he did not elaborate on what exactly prompted his resignation [sự từ chức]. spoke with Loverro to try to get the word about the nature of the "mistake."

Ka Tina

Bài trước: "Get the whip hand"

get the word out Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

get the word out

tell the message, spread the word The easiest way for us to get the word out is on the Internet.

get the chat out

To advertise a specific allotment of information. Hey, the bold is canceled due to the rain—get the chat out. The ambition of this affairs is to get the chat out about the dangers of opioids.Learn more: get, out, word


If you get the word out, you inform or let people or the public know about something.

Country: International English | Subject Area: General | Usage Type: Both or All Words Used

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See also:

  • View examples in Google: Get the word out
  • Idiom Definition
  • Idiom Quizzes

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