How do I find the Arn of a S3 bucket?

This article walks you through how to create an instance profile with read, write, update, and delete permissions on a single S3 bucket. You can grant privileges for multiple buckets using a single IAM role and instance profile. It is also possible to use instance profiles to grant only read and list permissions on S3.

Before you begin

This tutorial is designed for workspace administrators. You must have sufficient privileges in the AWS account containing your Databricks workspace, and be a Databricks workspace administrator.

This tutorial assumes the following existing permissions and assets:

  • Privileges to edit the IAM role used to deploy the Databricks workspace.

  • Privileges to create new IAM roles in AWS.

  • Privileges to edit permissions on an S3 bucket.

Step 1: Create an instance profile

In this step, you create a new IAM role and define an inline policy. Together, these settings define the instance profile deployed to EC2 instances. Here you can also add a trust relationship so the instance profile can work with serverless compute resources.

See Create an instance profile.

Step 2: Create an S3 bucket policy

In this step, you add a trust relationship from the S3 bucket to the IAM role you created in Step 1.


S3 buckets have universally unique names and do not require an account ID for universal identification. If you choose to link an S3 bucket to an IAM role and Databricks workspace in a different AWS account, you must specify the account ID when configuring your S3 bucket policy.

Make sure you copied the role ARN from Step 1. And ensure you’re creating the policy on the S3 bucket you specified in your IAM role.

See Create a bucket policy for the target S3 bucket.

Step 3: Modify the IAM role for the Databricks workspace

Databricks uses a role configured during workspace deployment to manage EC2 instances in your AWS account. To make an instance profile available in your Databricks workspace, you need to modify the policy attached to this role.

See Add an S3 IAM role to the EC2 policy.

Step 4: Add the instance profile to the Databricks workspace

As a final step, add the role ARN from Step 1 into your workspace by using Databricks admin console.

See Add an instance profile to Databricks.

Deploy compute resources with an instance profile

Users with permissions to deploy clusters can deploy clusters with any of their assigned instance profiles. All users with access to the cluster gain the permissions as defined by the instance profile.

See Launch a compute resource with the instance profile.

SQL warehouses use a single instance profile for each workspace and then use table ACLs for fine-grained permissions.

See Data object privileges.

Edit instance profile role ARN

For instance profiles that you’ve already created, you can later edit them but only to specify a different IAM role ARN. This step is required for Databricks SQL Serverless to work with an instance profile whose role name (the text after the last slash in the role ARN) and the instance profile name (the text after the last slash in the instance profile ARN) do not match. For related information, see Enable serverless SQL warehouses.

  1. Go to the Admin Console.

  2. Click the Instance Profiles tab.

  3. Click the name of your instance profile that you want to edit.

  4. Click Edit. A dialog appears.

    How do I find the Arn of a S3 bucket?

    Edit the IAM role ARN field and paste in the role ARN associated with your instance profile. As an admin, you can get this value from the AWS console.

  5. Click Save.

An ARN is a non-opaque, constructible identifier, apparently by design. They aren't at all likely to change the documented rules for the S3 ARN format. The cn-north-1 region is a special case, as is GovCloud because those are completely cordoned off from the global AWS partition, not accessible with the same sets of keys. If you're working in multiple partitions, you have to know which partition you're dealing with.

Hope this answer helps you!

What is the Arn of an S3 bucket?

Each resource in AWS has an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). An ARN is a unique identifier of your resource. Its value has no duplicate in other accounts and only exists in your account. It's used especially in IAM policies where you set which resources you will allow access to.

Does AWS account have Arn?

AWS assigns the following unique identifiers to each AWS account: AWS account ID. A 12-digit number, such as 123456789012, that uniquely identifies an AWS account. Many AWS resources include the account ID in their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

What is an ARN?

What is an ARN? An Acquirer Reference Number, or ARN, is a unique number created in credit or debit Visa® and Mastercard® transactions. The ARN is assigned to a transaction as it moves through a payment flow. ARNs are valuable to fraud and dispute shops, issuers, and merchants.

What is the use of ARN in AWS?

Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) uniquely identify AWS resources. We require an ARN when you need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of AWS, such as in IAM policies, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) tags, and API calls.