In which topology there is a central controller or hub?

Star topology has Central Controller or Hub - Networking

  • Home >> Category >> Programming Language [MCQ] questions >> Networking
    Q.Which topology has a Central Controller or a Hub?
    - Published on 25 Aug 15

    a. Bus
    b. Star
    c. Mesh
    d. Tree

    ANSWER: Star

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      • Prajakta Pandit-Posted on23 Oct 15

        - Network topology can be viewed as a geometric representation of all the links in a network.

        - Star topology has a central controller or a hub. Each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually called a hub. The devices are not directly linked together.

        - In Mesh topology, every node has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other node.

        - In Bus topology, one cable acts as a backbone to link all the nodes in the network.

        - In Tree topology, nodes in a tree are linked together to a central hub. Not every device connects directly to the central hub. Nodes can also connect to a secondary hub that in turn connects to the central hub.

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