Poggers nghĩa là gì

Twitch đã cấm biểu tượng cảm xúc PogChamp phổ biến hôm thứ Tư sau khi người được mô tả trong đó xuất bản các dòng tweet “khuyến khích bạo lực hơn nữa” sau một cuộc bạo động tại Điện Capitol Hoa Kỳ.

Twitch cho biết: “Chúng tôi đã quyết định xóa biểu tượng cảm xúc PogChamp sau các tuyên bố sau khi biểu tượng cảm xúc khuyến khích bạo lực hơn nữa sau những gì diễn ra ở Điện Capitol hôm nay,” Twitch cho biết trong một tuyên bố vào tối thứ Tư. “Chúng tôi muốn tình cảm và việc sử dụng Pog được tồn tại – ý nghĩa của nó lớn hơn nhiều so với bản thân người được miêu tả hoặc hình ảnh – và nó có một vị trí lớn trong văn hóa Twitch. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi không thể tiếp tục cho phép sử dụng hình ảnh này. “

Chúng tôi đã đưa ra quyết định xóa biểu tượng cảm xúc PogChamp các tuyên bố sau đây khỏi biểu tượng cảm xúc khuyến khích bạo lực tiếp theo sau những gì diễn ra ở Điện Capitol hôm nay.

– Twitch (@Twitch) Ngày 7 tháng 1 năm 2021

Biểu tượng cảm xúc PogChamp là một trong những biểu tượng lâu đời nhất trên Twitch và được người xem sử dụng rộng rãi để thể hiện sự phấn khích trong các cuộc trò chuyện trực tuyến. PogChamp hay còn gọi là “pogger” đã trở thành đồng nghĩa với văn hóa chơi game và các nền tảng phát trực tuyến như Twitch do sự phổ biến của nó. “Poggers”, phiên bản rút gọn của biểu tượng cảm xúc, đã trở thành một meme chung thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên trong vài năm qua.

Quyết định cấm PogChamp của Twitch được đưa ra sau khi khuôn mặt được miêu tả trong biểu tượng cảm xúc chuyên nghiệp Máy bay chiến đấu đường phố cầu thủ Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez, đã xuất bản các dòng tweet hôm thứ Tư đặt câu hỏi liệu “tình trạng bất ổn dân sự” có xảy ra nữa hay không sau khi một phụ nữ bị bắn tại Điện Capitol. Đầu thứ Tư, Những người biểu tình ủng hộ Trump đã xông vào tòa nhà Capitol, trì hoãn một cuộc bỏ phiếu để xác nhận kết quả của cuộc bầu cử năm 2020.

“Chúng tôi sẽ làm việc với cộng đồng để thiết kế một biểu tượng cảm xúc mới cho những khoảnh khắc cường điệu nhất trên Twitch,” Twitch cho biết trên Twitter hôm thứ Tư.

Nguồn The Verge

The other day a strange word landed on my screen. “POGGERS,” it read, floating with seeming innocence in the middle of a sentence.

Bạn đang xem: Poggers

At first I thought I was witnessing yet another “member-berries” nostalgia moment—someone dragging me back to the 90s and our inexplicable love of stacking tiny circles of cardboard with printed images on them.

“Are Pogs making a comeback?” I wondered.

No, turns out not (sad, I know). So, I dug in. There are a handful of uses of this expression that I came across, though some are more common than others.

Primarily, we’ll be wading through some weird meme-ry from the heart of Twitch-streaming, but we’ll also go deep to find every use of the term we can find. Here’s the basics:

What is the meaning of Poggers?

Nowadays, “poggers” refers to a specific emoticon available on Twitch which depicts a surprised-looking Pepe the Frog. The word “poggers” is used to express excitement during a game when something exciting occurs.

Nature of Poggers

Poggers nghĩa là gì

Let’s get one thing out of the way: Poggers, in its current, Twitch-based incarnation, is a product of the internet.

That means there’s no one official, Oxford English Dictionary definition and no one unified standard of usage.

Ask a dozen people what it means, or how to use it, and it seems you’ll get a dozen answers, each with their own nuance.

So, I’ll be discussing this word based on what I learned and where all the myriad thoughts about the term seem to point.

::best Patrick Bateman impression:: There is an idea of poggers, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real poggers, only an entity, something illusory…

Poggers and the Fam

Poggers nghĩa là gì

“Poggers” belongs to a sort of family of words that includes “PogChamp” and “MonkaS.” All three of these are derived from BetterTTV emotes used on Twitch.

I… should probably back up and explain what some of those words mean as well. Let’s go in reverse order.

Twitch is a website where people can live stream from their computers. Basically, someone broadcasts their computer screen and a bunch of people watch.

Originally this was for gaming, but its uses have spread to music, writing, and other sorts of general broadcasts.

Still, it’s primarily focused on gaming, and the world of Twitch gaming is where this article is going to focus.

Alongside the streaming video there is always a chatroom, and here is where the emotes come in…

Emotes are basically just emojis on steroids. Whereas emojis are limited, you can download as many emotes as you like to pepper into your chat text to color things up.

They’re tiny images that can often create a sense of personality or community or simply liven up the discussion.

As mentioned, emotes need to be downloaded, and many require purchase or subscription. This brings us to BetterTTV.

BetterTTV (aka Better Twitch TV aka BTTV) offers a bunch of free services when you download them for your browser.

Included in this are a huge library of emotes, including Poggers and the aforementioned MonkaS.

Pogger Precursor

::best Freud impression:: To understand zee Pogger, vee must first understand its antecedent in zee dual mother-und-father-figure, zee PogChamp…

Searching for information on PogChamp brought me to the Know Your Meme site and a poorly sourced reference page with a slew of comments remarking that it “needs work.”

Glancing around the internet offered little more help. From Twitter to Quora to Reddit—nothing.

Then, finally I click a blue link: Dictionary.com. Finally! A clear explanation.

PogChamp is the O.G. emote in this story, debuting on Twitch in 2012. It features the face of vlogger/streamer Gootecks making a goofy, surprised face.

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The emote is used, or the expression “PogChamp” is said, in order to express surprise when someone does something particularly awesome in the gaming stream.

The image itself dates back to November 2010 when, during a stream, Gootecks made the face in response to his camera being knocked into.

The term “PogChamp” would arrive almost a year later on October 26 in another video. In that video, Gootecks offers a MadCatz gaming controller in a promo featuring the old 90s game of Pogs (we’ll return to that later).

At the end, he says, “Pog champions.”

Gooteck’s face spread across the internet, first simply being cut and pasted onto other images—typical meme-style—with “PogChamp” being the term used to refer to it.

This PogChamp meme, for a while, became the face of Team Fortress 2 raffles.

Then, in November 2012, his surprised face got added to Twitch as an emote. Beyond Twitch, PogChamp entered meatspace as an actual spoken expression of excited surprise.

There is some suggestion online that “POG” stands for “Player Of the Game,” and while this may be a term used elsewhere in gaming, I can find no reliable sources that suggest it is directly related to the PogChamp meme.

This seems to be a case of a backronym forming.

Poggers on Patrol

Poggers is an emote which became available on September 24, 2017.

It features a surprised Pepe the Frog and is used in place of Gootecks’s PogChamp to express even more excitement. Like PogChamp, “Poggers” is also a spoken or typed expression.

That’s… that’s basically it.

Wait—who’s Pepe the Frog you ask?

Oh dear…

Pepe the Frog: from silly zine to troublesome toad

Pepe the Frog has its origins way back in 2005 in a proto-zine called Playtime by a cartoonist named Matt Furie.

The character grew to popularity in the zine Boy’s Club. However, it didn’t become a meme until 2008, when it was uploaded to “/b/” on 4chan.

If you don’t know what “/b/” and 4chan are, consider yourself blessed and investigate no further. I certainly won’t be elaborating here.

All you need to know is that 4chan is a sort of internet forum focused around pictures.

The image of Pepe saying, “Feels Good Man,” shot to memetic notoriety and took on a life of its own.

Wide variations of Pepe were distributed far and wide. For a long, long time, Pepe was just a simple, harmless meme.

Pepe’s last moments in an uncritical spotlight was in 2014.

One year later, during the United States Presidential election, Pepe would be taken over by far-right voices and his innocence would be lost forever.

Since then, Pepe has gone through many transformations, and can still be seen in some less, er, extreme lights, but overall his image—whatever image he once had—has been tarnished.

While I don’t know if “Poggers” itself has any far-right connotations, it may be wise to take the history of Pepe the Frog into account if you wish to use the “Poggers” meme.

PogChamp (Play of Game Champion) là 1 biểu tượng cảm xúc của nền tảng phát sóng trực tiếp Twitch TV. Biểu tượng cảm xúc này thường được sử dụng để thể hiện sự phấn khích, sự ngạc nhiên hoặc để chế giễu, mỉa mai khi muốn trêu chọc.

Bạn đang xem: Pogchamp là gì?