The musculoskeletal system adapts to the changes that occur during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting time- but it is also a time of great change in a woman’s body. There are many changes that occur during the process of growing a baby- here is a short summary of the changes that occur throughout the pregnancy.

The musculoskeletal system adapts to the changes that occur during pregnancy

Pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is affected both during pregnancy and during the birth. It is important to address this post birth, with the help of a physiotherapist to regain normal strength and support for the pelvic contents and to help with continence. Pelvic floor training should start during the pregnancy and continue after the birth, until normal function is achieved.

Visceral issues

There are a number of potential visceral issues (effects on the organs), that begin to occur during pregnancy and can continue post pregnancy. As the foetus grows and the uterus becomes larger, there is increased pressure on the kidneys (which also increase in size during pregnancy), the liver, and stomach, as well as the other organs. This reduces the mobility of the diaphragm, which will affect breathing, digestion, bowel function and this can continue after the baby is born. There is also increased pressure on the bladder. Reduced mobility in the visceral system can cause stiffness and pain in the back; altered alignment in the pelvis and neural symptoms.

Core control and strength

As the abdominal muscles are stretched throughout the pregnancy, there is a loss of tone and strength. It is possible to continue to work on the strength of the abdominal and core muscles throughout pregnancy, under the guidance of a physiotherapist or Pilates teacher, who will take into account the stages of pregnancy. There will also be a normal split in the tendon vertically in the middle of the abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), which means care will need to be taken in the rehabilitation of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy, and the advice of a physiotherapist or Pilates teacher should be followed.

Pelvic and Spinal alignment

Pelvic pain is common during and after pregnancy. This is in part due to increased laxity of the ligaments around the pelvis, in the pubic symphysis and around the sacro-iliac joints (SI joints). It is also due to the position of the pelvis caused by flexibility and strength changes, and the size of the bump. The pelvis can tip anteriorly, which will put additional stress on the SI joints and the pubic symphysis. This will mean the bump is lying slightly more in front of the pelvic rim, rather than on top of it, and will cause increased tightness in the back muscles to support this. Some of the anterior tilt of the pelvis is due to tightness in the quadriceps muscles (the muscles down the front of the thighs) which attach into the front of the pelvis and will tip it forwards. This tightness can be further increased by the pressure of the baby on the femoral nerves as they pass through the pelvis and into the thigh. The femoral nerves are the nerves which innervate the quadriceps muscles and if irritated, can cause increased muscle tone, and tighten the quads further.

Read ‘Other changes to your body during preganancy’, here.


During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is released immediately, which helps to prepare the ligaments in the pelvis for birth. Relaxin starts to affect the ligaments of the pelvis from six weeks, and reaches it’s peak at twelve weeks. This high level continues throughout pregnancy and not only affects the ligaments around the pelvis, but also affects all the other ligaments in the body, causing there to be more joint play in all joints. The pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joints are particularly affected by relaxin. This laxity in the ligaments around the pelvis, hips and feet will alter the lower limb biomechanics which further affects the stability of the pelvis, and this can result in pain.

The musculoskeletal system adapts to the changes that occur during pregnancy

Upper back pain

Postural changes, increased laxity in ligaments, greater weight anteriorly due to the baby bump, a larger bust size, and breast feeding will all contribute to upper back pain. It is recommended that attention is paid to posture, both during pregnancy and after the birth. Using a pillow or two to support the baby on your lap when feeding will help to take some pressure off your upper back. A supportive bra will also help to relieve upper back pain.

Pectoral muscles (the muscles across the front of the chest) also get tight due to sitting in a more rounded position. Stretching these will help to maintain posture by helping to prevent rounded shoulders.)

Laxity in ligaments in the feet

Relaxin not only affects the ligaments around the pelvis but can also have a marked effect on the ligaments in the feet, which are also under increased strain due to increased body weight. It is advisable to wear supportive shoes, and wear orthotics if you have been prescribed them, even around the house, especially if your ligaments have become very loose and you can see that your feet are becoming more flat than usual.

Swelling in legs

It is normal to have altered circulation in the lower legs, which can result in swelling in the lower legs and feet. It is advisable to sit with the feet elevated for periods of time daily to help with venous return.

Pain under ribs/ heartburn

It is a normal complaint during pregnancy to experience pain under the ribs and heartburn as the uterus and baby increase in size and begin to push up under the diaphragm. It can help to take the arms overhead to reduce this pressure.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tingling and numbness in the hand due to swelling in the carpal tunnel which is a bony canal formed by the bones in the wrist (carpal bones) and the ligament running across the back of the wrist. The median nerve passes through the canal which is relatively narrow, and the swelling that occurs with pregnancy can reduce the space in the canal and compress the nerve, resulting in pins and needles in the hands, weakness in the thumb and a dull ache in the hands and arms. Raising the hands and arms, resting them frequently if typing and supporting the hands on a pillow at night can all help to relieve symptoms.


Constantly challenging ourselves to be the best

We are dedicated to continually training, challenging and developing ourselves to ensure we are at the leading edge of our profession. The best practices are constantly evolving and Alison leads the internal training at the clinic, working with the team, in small groups and individually ensuring that all staff provide the same high standards of care. All members of CSPC staff also attend regular external training. Many of these courses are run at the clinic with external educators to further expand our knowledge and experience.

Alison Rose

Clinic Director | Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Jenny Birch

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Damian Buck

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Carl Clifford

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Wesley Davidson

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Louisa Edmonston

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Graeme Everard

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Lucy Gledhill

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Carol Hegarty

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Claire Merrett

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Candice Milner

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Neil Smitherman

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

John Swain

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Vikki Mills

Physiotherapist MCSP HCPC

Julianna Richardson

Soft Tissue Therapist

Ian Mitchell

Soft Tissue Therapist

Hannah Watkinson

BSc (Hons) Podiatry, MCHS, HPC registered

Cara Sloss

Clinical and Sports Dietitian, RD SENr




Over the years I have worked with a number of the physios at CSPC, I have found them to be up to date with their thinking and treatments, willing to share their knowledge with one and other and clients. I always recommend CSPC to friends and clients. They have helped hold body and soul together, thank you.

I am absolutely delighted with the shockwave treatment I have received at CSPC physiotherapy Clinic and the results it has produced. Each session has measurably reduced the size of my bursitis to the point it has almost gone, with corresponding improvement in my range of movement and comfort in the affected area. It has also ameliorated calcification in my shoulder. A great big thank you to Alison and Julianna for your help!

I cannot believe how well I feel. Four years ago, I felt consigned to the ‘rust pile’, today I feel ‘shiny’ and ready for the next challenge. CSPC can seriously alter your way of life …for the better.

Within the one hour appointment I received hands on treatment that relieved most of my pain and by the evening I was breathing and moving pain free. By the following morning I was back to ‘full dad duties’ much to the surprise of my partner, who with seeing how quickly I had recovered, started to think I’d made it all up to have a good rest!

After a long car journey to Leeds, I arrived with some discomfort in my upper back that worsened over the next day to the point that I could hardly breathe or move without feeling excruciating pain.

I’d done a gym session a week or so previously and had felt some discomfort in my back but rested and thought nothing of it. A long car journey combined with caring for two young children resulted in me having excruciating back pain and if it wasn’t for getting an emergency appointment at CSPC physiotherapy clinic I would not have made it home and probably checked myself into A&E!

Within the one hour appointment I received hands on treatment that relieved most of my pain and by the evening I was breathing and moving pain free. By the following morning I was back to ‘full dad duties’ much to the surprise of my partner, who with seeing how quickly I had recovered, started to think I’d made it all up to have a good rest!
Thanks CSPC physiotherapy for getting me back to my best – super quickly!





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How does the musculoskeletal system change during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the alteration of the mechanics requires the lower-extremity joints to adapt by absorbing extra force. Hip, knee, foot pain and leg spasms have been identified as the most common lower-extremity problems experienced during pregnancy.

How does the body adapt during pregnancy?

Your heartbeat and breathing rate are faster. Your breasts become tender, larger and heavier. Your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, so you feel like you need to urinate a lot. You may feel swinging moods.