the wingman là gì - Nghĩa của từ the wingman

the wingman có nghĩa là

A Wingman is a guy you bring along with you on singles
outings (like to bars) that helps you out with the women.

Typically in these ways :
The Wingman will always be there to “occupy” least
attractive girl of the pair so that you may engage in the “hotty
• Often, when an attractive girl is out with an ugly friend, she often feels restricted to not leave that ugly friend alone, thus making the hot girl, un-touchable.
• When the wingman technique is used, both girls are
approached by the men, and the Wingman automatically
engages in conversation with the ugly girl.
• Now that the hot friend sees that the ugly girl has finally found a man, she is now free to start scouting.
• This is where you come in “unexpectidly” and “accidentaly”, and begin catching up on “old times” with the Wingman.
• The Wingman then offers the ugly girl to dance, (which
rarley happens to her) so she wont be able to resist.

Two situations may arise:
1.) She tells her hot friend to come along, in which you
automatically MUST be invited, since you know the
Wingman, and have already been introduced to the hotty.
2.) They go dance, leaving you and the hotty in for
some solid face time.
• At the end of the night, after you have worked your
magic, the Wingman, AND ONLY THE WINGMAN, offers
the girls to comeback to his place for a little ‘after party’.
• Once everyone arrives, the Wingman “occupies” the
ugly girl IN ANOTHER ROOM, leaving yourself and the
sweet sweet little hotty alone so that you can bang her, bang her like a drum....

Important note: Keep in mind that a wingman
should never be too inexperienced or he will hold
you back…the Wingman should always be of equal
or greater knowledge then you.

Learning and practiceing the Wingman support system
is an unbelievable asset if done right. Your wingman is
an invaluable assistant for you so don't underestimate
the value of finding a Wingman that can work with you.
"Hey Buddy, are you gonna be my Wingman tonight?"


"I need a Wingman, ASAP!"

"If you need a Wingman, I'm here for you buddy"

the wingman có nghĩa là

1. A friend of yours who will distract the fat hater friend so you can hook up with the hot girl. opposite of a cockblocker

orig. US Air Force n. A pilot whose plane is positioned behind and outside the leader in a formation of flying aircraft.


Aight man, I'll be wingman this time, but you owe me big time.

the wingman có nghĩa là

A Wingman is a buddy that takes care of the ugly fat friend who is always standing two feet next to the hot chick you want to get with. The Wingman is also responsible for going along with any lies you may tell during the evening. If you say you are from Italy and are just visiting for the weekend your Wingman is forced to back up that story and any other lies you tell the hot chick.


Rocco was my Wingman last night. He occupied that hot chicks ugly fat friend so I could go in for the kill. Rocco is truly a "Wingman".

the wingman có nghĩa là

taking one for the team, so your buddy can live the dream

song: wingman - coors light
This chick's rockin' your bro on the dance floor, but she towing an anchor, a junior investment banker... she's talken about her self and not much more, wohh ohhh, so buy her a beer.. that's the reason your here... mighty wingman
your taking one for the team, so your buddy can live the dream...


Dylan and Bryant took one for the Team, so our friend Joe could get some...

the wingman có nghĩa là

"The original military term wingman defined a pilot who supports another pilot in a dangerous flying environment. Today we honor that bravery by using the same term to describe a guy who misleads someone into sleeping with you."


Man #1: Excuse me, miss?
Hottie: Yes?
Man#1: Care to dance?
Hottie: Oh, I wish I could, but i'm here with my friend, Janice.
Man #2 (wingman): Hello, Janice. My, what a fetching third chin you have. May I buy us both several, several drinks?

the wingman có nghĩa là

A wingman is a friend that you can bring to a bar or party in order to find women more easily.
The wingman is useful in case you don't already know a single women that is interested in hanging out and getting laid. A wingman avoids going out to a bar or party alone, which may not be fun and women may not be interested in guys hanging out alone. If several women are hanging out together, it is easier to approach women if you are with a wingman. While you are talking to the girl you are interested in, the wingman will take care of the other girls.
Usually the wingman is a single man, however he does not need to be single and it could be women, also known as wingwoman or winggirl. If you cannot find any friend interested in being your wingman, you may find one close to your city on websites or online groups of social networks of the "pickup artist" community.


I need a wingman for this weekend!

the wingman có nghĩa là

A male/female who helps, protects, supports, or guides another male/female; a friend or close associate.


He was in danger so I asked if I could be his wingman.

the wingman có nghĩa là

A rating for a girl that means that she's not quite datable or fuckable, but you would take a hit and bang her in a wingman situation


"Hey man, I'm really going for that girl at the bar. Wanna be my wingman with her blonde friend?" "Yeah, i'll do it, she's wingmanable." "How about the blonde with the rack and a few extra pounds?" "Definitely wingmanable"

the wingman có nghĩa là

A fellow man who makes one or more sacrifices so that you, his friend, can have the best chance at hooking up with a woman in any given situation.


Japser is a thoroughbred wingman: he ate the garlic clove out of that olive so I wouldn't have dragon breath

the wingman có nghĩa là

The 10 Wingmanments (Rules of being a wingman) 1. Thou shall respect the shotgun rule above all else. 2. Thou shall remain in formation without complaint regardless of target assigned. 3. Thou shall pursue target with convincing vigour. 4. Thou shall not pull a switcheroo without prior consent. 5. Thou shall get a round in. (Regardless who's money is used) 6. Honour thy wingman's intentions and have no strong opinions. (A simple shrug will suffice) 7. Thou shalt not abandon target until all objectives are complete. 8. Thou shall never be the voice of reason. 9. Wingman unto others as you would have them wingman unto you. 10. Thou shall remain silent when questioned about past missions.


Jewcob: Shotgun the blonde one... Mamba: Nah come on! her mate is rough and you've got a girlfriend anyway! Jewcob: Remember the Wingmanments. Mamba: Fair play, go get the beers in.