Topic tiếng Anh lớp 6 học kì 2 ngắn nhất



NĂM 2020 - 2021


Part I: Introduce about yourself.

Talking about some personal information

- Name

- Age

- Class/ School

- Family members

- Your hobby

Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers.

My name is ... I am ... years old and I am a student inclass ... in Vinh Thanh Town Secondary School. I am very sociable, humorous and helpful. Mytopic is number ..., talk about... Now I would like to start my topic.

[sociable = outgoing: hòa đồng, humorous: vui tính, helpful: hay giúp
ích, reserved = shy: e thẹn, active: năng động, careful: cẩn thận,...]

Part 2: Một số chủ đề nói tiếng Anh học kì 1 lớp 6 - Talk about given topic

Dàn ý chung:

- Chào giám thị: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello/ Hi, teacher,...


- Nói về topic: Nói trong khoảng 2 - 4 phút về chủ đề đã đưa ra. Nói
chậm rãi, dễ nghe. Dùng đa dạng từ vựng, cấu trúc câu đã học, tránh
lặp từ.

- Kết: That’s all about my topic/ That’s the end of my topic. Thank you
for your listening.

Topic 1: Talk about my dream school

Hello every one!

Today I would like to tell you about my dream school.

My dream school is not very big but modern. It is in the countryside and it is a boarding school forboys and girls. There are 15 classes and 50 teachers. The teachers and students are very friendly andhelpful. There is a swimming pool, a workshop, a lab, 2 computer rooms, a greenhouse and a libraryas well. there is also a big play ground for us to study PE and play sports. We can study in themorning and join the Music, Art, or Sport Clubs in the afternoon. There is no homework so we won’tworry about it anymore. THAT’S THE END OF MY TOPIC. THANKS FOR LISTENING

Topic 2: Describing your school

Gợi ý 1

This is my school. Its name is Dich Vong Hau secondary school. It's on Dich Vong Hau street. It's very beautiful and big. There are twenty classrooms in my school. My school has two hundred fifty students and thirty five teachers. Student in my school are very good. They come from around Dich Vong district. Our teacher are friendly and kind. At school, I learn many subject such as: English, Math, Art ,... .I like English best because it's very entertaining and important for my further education. At break time, I and my friends have a lot of funny activities such as skipping rope, playing hide-and-seek, and so on. Each day at school is a happy day. I love my school very much .

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Bài viết tiếng Anh về trường học

Topic 3: Talk about my house

Gợi ý 1

I live in a small house in the countryside. It is a beautiful house with a front yard and a small gardenfull of vegetables and flowers. My house has four rooms: a living room, 2 bedrooms and a kitchenwith the toilet. There is a smart TV, a sofa with 2 armchairs, a bookshelf and a cupboard in the livingroom. The kitchen is modern with a dishwasher, a washing machine, a fridge, a gas stove, a cookerand a microwave. I like the living room most because my family always get together in the eveningafter dinner. I love my house very much and want to live in my house forever. THAT’S THE ENDOF MY TOPIC. THANKS FOR LISTENING.

Gợi ý 2

I live in a small house with my family in the countryside. It looks quite old but I like it. There is aliving room, a kitchen, a bath room and two bedrooms. In each room, there is an own unique design.In front of my house there is a small yard to grow vegetables and many type of flowers. I live herewith my parents and my sister. I love my house because it is always fresh and comfortable.

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Viết 1 đoạn văn ngắn về ngôi nhà của em bằng tiếng Anh

Topic 4: Talk about my best friend

I have a lot of friends. Of all my friends, Truc Mai is the one I like to spend my time most. Truc Maiis 12 years old and studies in class 6A1 in Vinh Thanh Town secondary school. She lives with herparents and her elder sister, Huynh Mai. Truc Mai is tall and slim and has short black hair. She isgenerous, outgoing, helpful and confident. She often helps her friends and me to do the homework, sowe love her very much. Y, Thu, Tuyen and Ty are her close friend. THAT’S THE END OF MYTOPIC. THANKS FOR LISTENING.


Miêu tả bạn thân bằng Tiếng Anh

Write about your best friend

Topic 4: Talk about my neighborhood

Using the cues below:

- Where is your neighbourhood? [in the city, near a city, in the country, in the mountain, etc.]

- What can you see in your neighbourhood? [streets, houses, trees, hills, shopping centres, schools, a cinema, etc.]

- What do the streets/ the houses/ the shops, etc. in your neighbourhood look like?

- Do you like living in your neighbourhood? Why/ Why not?

Gợi ý 1

I live in Thanh Quoi village, in Vinh Thanh district. It is a small neighborhood. There are some good
things and some bad things about living in my neighborhood. It is great to have outdoor activitiesbecause it has many rivers and large fields, and it has less traffic. There are some small shops near myhouse so it is convenient. there are a hospital, a post office, a small market, and two schools.Everyone here has a backyard and a front yard. I live to live here because the air is fresh, the peopleare very friendly and the food is fresh, too. It is also so quiet and peaceful so you can enjoy thebeautiful scenery. But there are some bad things as well. There are not many entertainment places andit is too quiet. I hope in there future there will be some more places for entertainment. THAT’S THEEND OF MY TOPIC. THANKS FOR LISTENING.

* Xem thêm tại:

Write a paragraph about your neighborhood

Topic 5: Talk about the place you want to visit


Today I would like to tell you about the famous place I want to visit very much. It is Ha Long Bay,one of the most famous and beautiful natural wonders of the world. It is in Quang Ninh province inVietnam. It is over 1.800 kilometres from Can Tho city. You can go there by train, bus or plane. HaLong Bay is very beautiful and magnificent because it has over 900 islands with various sizes andshapes. when you go there, you can join the yatch trip to visit the beautiful islands around the bay.You can also go swimming, play beach games, enjoy fresh seafood and buy a lot of souvenirs for youfriends and relatives. I hope we can go there one day. THAT’S THE END OF MY TOPIC. THANKSFOR LISTENING.

Topic 6: Talk about Tet activities and traditions

Gợi ý

Tet is a traditional holiday of our country, Vietnam.

It often begins in late-January and ends in early-February. With the meaning of seeing the old yearoff and welcoming the new year, Tet becomes a special occasion of reunion for Vietnamese families.At that time, all family members try to come back to their home and get together to make suchpreparations for Tet as buying new clothes and cleaning their house. A branch of apricot blossoms ora Kumquat tree is indispensable decoration for every family in these days. They seem like a fresh airto the house. We display a tray full of fruits and vases of flowers on the ancestral altar.

Some typical Tet's food are sweets, coconut jam, fruit candies, melon seeds, stew pork with eggs, andespecially sticky rice cake. Tet meals are usually bigger and more delicious than our daily ones.

On Tet holiday, people have many recreational activities. Young persons take part in the traditionalgames such as: tug of war, cooking rice, cock fighting, watching lion dance. Many people visitrelatives to wish a happy new year. Adults will give lucky money to children. Woman like going topagoda to wish good things for their family.

In my opinion, I like cozy and fresh Tet atmosphere. All family members gather and talk aboutresolutions for a happy new year. I can hang out with my friend and don't worry about anything


Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp 6 tại đây:

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 theo từng Unit:

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 nâng cao:

Đề thi nói tiếng anh lớp 6 học kì 2 là đề thi mới ra theo chương trình tiếng anh mới lớp 6 của bộ giáo dục. Đề thi dùng để kiểm tra kỹ năng nói tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 6 sau 1 năm học. Đề thi được xây dựng logic, dễ hình dung và dễ kiểm tra đánh giá năng lực của học sinh. Vì vậy phù hợp với cả các thầy cô khi dùng làm đề kiểm tra.

Các bài tập trong đề thi

Các em học sinh lớp 6 khi chuẩn bị thi kì 2 có thể tải đề thi nói này về để luyện tập. Ôn tập với đề thi nói này, các em học sinh lớp 6 sẽ không còn quá lúng túng khi trả lời thi. Không những thế, ôn luyện với đề thi còn giúp các em nâng cao trình độ tiếng anh lớp 6.

Trong đề thi nói tiếng anh gồm có 2 phần chính.

  • Phần đầu kiểm tra kỹ năng nói và giao tiếp của học sinh. Các thầy cô sẽ hỏi học sinh các câu hỏi ngắn về đời sống sinh hoạt hàng ngày. Các em hoàn toàn có thể trả lời dễ dàng phần này.
  • Phần hai là phần phát triển chủ đề. Các em sẽ được thầy cô cho 1 chủ đề cụ thể. Sau đó các em sẽ phát triển chủ đề đó thành một đoạn nói ngắn. Và trả lời câu hỏi giáo viên đứa ra.

Có thể bạn quan tâm:  Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết Tiếng Anh lớp 6 lần 2 năm 2019-2020

Phần sau là phần chủ đề nói mở rông của đề thi.

Kì thi nói tiếng anh lớp 6 kì 2

Đây là một kì thi mới đặt ra theo chương trình của bộ. Vì vậy các em còn khá bỡ ngỡ. Tuy nhiên mức độ của kì thi không quá khó. Vì thế các em cũng không nên quá lo lắng. Các em học sinh lớp 6 sau khi ôn luyện đề thi tải dưới đây hoàn toàn có đủ năng lực để tự tin kiểm tra nói tiếng anh kỳ 2.

Ngoài ra các em có thể tham khảo thêm các đề thi tiếng anh lớp 6, đề thi trắc nghiệm tiếng anh,…để ôn tập tốt nhất.

Tải tài liệu miễn phí ở đây

Theo: Băng Giá

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Bài Viết Liên Quan

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