Từ tiếng Anh dài nhất bắt đầu bằng chữ S

Tổng hợp Những từ tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ S đầy đủ, chi tiết nhất. Cùng Top lời giải tìm hiểu ví dụ của những từ tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ S đơn giản, dễ hiểu nhất.

1. sack[n] [v] /sæk/ bào tải; đóng bao, bỏ vào bao

Ví dụ:Thecornwasstoredinlargesacks.

2. sad[adj] /sæd/ buồn, buồn bã

Ví dụ:

-I've justreceivedsome very sadnews.

- She gave a sadsmile.

3. safe[adj] /seif/ an toàn, chắc chắn, đáng tin

Ví dụ: In somecitiesyou don'tfeelsafe going outaloneatnight.

4. sail[v] [n] /seil/ đi tàu, thuyền, nhổ neo; buồm, cánh buồm, chuyến đi bằng thuyền buồm

Ví dụ:

- Theboatsailed along/down thecoast.

- As thebattleshipsailed by/past, everyone ondeckwaved.

- Theshipwas sailingtoChina.

5. sailor[n] /seilə/ thủy thủ

Ví dụ:

- He was ayoungsailor on his firstseavoyage.

- A sailorthrewaropeashoreand wetiedtheboatto apost.

- Theybombedtwonavygunboats,killing12 sailors.

- Theraceattractstop-class sailors from around theworld.

6. salad[n] /’sæləd/ sa lát [xà lách trộng dầu dấm]; rau sống

Ví dụ:

- Iorderedsomepastaand amixedsalad.

- Thesalmonwasaccompaniedby afreshgreensalad.

7. salary[n] /ˈsæləri/ tiền lương

Ví dụ:

- Hisnetmonthlysalary is €2,500.

- She'sonquitea good/decentsalary in herpresentjob.

8. sale[n] /seil/ việc bán hàng

Ví dụ:

- The saleofcigarettes/alcoholisforbidden.

- Thebuildingcompanygetscommissionon eachhousesale.

- I haven'tmadea sale allmorning.

- They'lldropthepriceratherthanlosethe sale.

9. salt[n] /sɔ:lt/ muối

Ví dụ:

- Thesauceneedsa little salt.

- Mostsnackfoodsare high in salt.

- Peoplegenerallyeatfartoo much salt intheirdiet.

- I veryrarelyaddsalt tofood.

- You mustn'taddsalt tobabies'food.

10. same[adj] pro[n] /seim/ đều đều, đơn điệu; cũng như thế, vẫn cái đó

Ví dụ:

- Mytwinsisterand I have the samenose.

- She waswearingexactlythe samedressasI was.

- Hilary's the sameageasme.

11.sample[n] /´sa:mpl/ mẫu, hàng mẫu

Ví dụ:

- Weaskedarandomsample ofpeoplewhat theythought.

- Thestudywascarriedout with such asmallsample thatitsresultsareinvalid

- Water samples taken fromstreamswereanalysedforcontaminationbychemicals.

12. sand[n] /sænd/ cát

Ví dụ:

- Thechildwastracingpatternsin the sand with astick.

- Baby Martha waswrigglinghertoesin the sand.

- Ishookthe sand out of mytowel.

- I like tofeelthe sand between mytoes.

- Bymiddaythe sand was toohottowalkon.

13. satisfaction[n] /,sætis’fæk∫n/ sự làm cho thỏa mãn, toại nguyện; sự trả nợ, bồi thường

Ví dụ:

- For me,jobsatisfaction is moreimportantthan themoney.

- Shehadthe satisfactionofknowingthat she'd done everything she could.

14. Saturday[n] [abbr. Sat.] /’sætədi/ thứ 7

Ví dụ:

- He'sleavingonSaturday.

- MostfootballmatchesareplayedonSaturdays.

- ThepartyisnextSaturday.

- We went out for ameallastSaturday.

- Joel wasbornon a Saturday.

15.sauce[n] /sɔ:s/ nước xốt, nước chấm

Ví dụ:

- Add apinchofsaltto the sauce.

- Stir the saucegentlyuntil itbeginstoboil.

- Thicken the sauce with a littleflour.

16.save[v] /seiv/ cứu, lưu

Ví dụ:

- Wearingseatbeltshas saved manylives.

- Hefellin theriverbut hisfriendsaved himfromdrowning.

- He had toborrowmoneyto save hisbusiness.

- He wasdesperatelytryingto savetheirfailingmarriage.

17.say[v] /sei/ nói

Ví dụ:

- How do you say "goodbye" inFrench?

- I'msorry, what did you say?

18.scene[n] /si:n/ cảnh, phong cảnh

Ví dụ:

- Thewholeof thebanquetscene ismimed.

- In the first scene, thecameramovesslowlyacrosstheroom.

- It took sevenretakesto get the sceneexactlyright.

19.schedule[n] [v] /´ʃkedju:l/ kế hoạch làm việc, bản liệt kê; lên thời khóa biểu, lên kế hoạch

Ví dụ:

- What'sourschedule for thismorning?

- Thetrainingschedule wasn't very wellthoughtout.

- We are already twomonthsbehind schedule.

- Ifourschedulescoincide, we'll go to Spain together

20.school[n] /sku:l/ đàn cá, bầy cá

Ví dụ:

- They'rebuildinga new school in thetown.

- Shedrivesthekidsto school everymorning.

21.science[n] /’saiəns/ khoa học, khoa học tự nhiên

Ví dụ:

- Wespokewith a fewdietitianstohelpusunderstandwhat the sciencetellsus aboutceleryjuiceandyourhealth.

- Thegovernmentinsistedthat it wouldfollowthe science withregardto thewearingoffacemasks.

22.scientist[n] /’saiəntist/ nhà khoa học

Ví dụ:

- Acoupleofdecadesago scientistsnoticedPanama'sclimatewasslowlygrowingdrier.

- There are scientists who say that theresultsof theresearchareflawed.

23.score[n] [v] /skɔ:/ điểm số, bản thắng, tỷ số; đạt được, thành công, cho điểm

Ví dụ:

- Glennon scored thedecidinggoalin thefinalminuteof thematch.

- They scored twogoalsearly on in thegame.

- The scored anequalizerduring theclosingminutesof thematch.

- UK You scoredfullmarksin thetest- ten out of ten!

- She hascertainlyscored asuccesswith herlatestnovel.

24.screen[n] /skrin/ màn che, màn ảnh, màn hình; phim ảnh nói chung

Ví dụ:

- Click theiconin thebottomright-handcornerof the screen.

- Laserimageswereprojectedonto a screen.

- On screen he had morecharismathan anyactorof hisgeneration.

- Thetelevisionalso comes in acompact36 cm screensize,idealforbedroomorkitchenuse.

25.sea[n] /si:/ biển

Ví dụ:We wentswimmingin thesea.

26.search[n] [v] /sə:t∫/ sự tìm kiếm, sự thăm dò, sự điều tra; tìm kiếm, thăm dò, điều tra

Ví dụ:

- Thepolicesearched thewoodsforthemissingboy.

- She searched hisfaceforsomesignofforgiveness, but itremainedexpressionless.

27.season[n] /´si:zən/ mùa

Ví dụ:The BritishfootballseasonbeginsinAugust.

28.secret[adj] [n] /’si:krit/ bí mật; điều bí mật

Ví dụ:

- Why did you have to go andtellBobabout myillness? You just can'tkeepa secret, can you?

- Aclosecoupleshould have no secretsfromeach other.

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