What is the most common type of business letter were all elements are left justified?


By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe the fifteen parts of a standard business letter.
  • Access sample business letters and write a sample business letter.


Letters are brief messages sent to recipients that are often outside the organization [Bovee & Thill, 2010].They are often printed on letterhead paper, and represent the business or organization in one or two pages. Shorter messages may include e-mails or memos, either hard copy or electronic, while reports tend to be three or more pages in length.

While e-mail and text messages may be used more frequently today, the effective business letter remains a common form of written communication. It can serve to introduce you to a potential employer, announce a product or service, or even serve to communicate feelings and emotions. We’ll examine the basic outline of a letter and then focus on specific products or writing assignments.

All writing assignments have expectations in terms of language and format. The audience or reader may have their own idea of what constitutes a specific type of letter, and your organization may have its own format and requirements. This chapter outlines common elements across letters, and attention should be directed to the expectations associated with your particular writing assignment. There are many types of letters, and many adaptations in terms of form and content, but in this chapter, we discuss the fifteen elements of a traditional block-style letter.

Letters may serve to introduce your skills and qualifications to prospective employers, deliver important or specific information, or serve as documentation of an event or decision. Regardless of the type of letter you need to write, it can contain up to fifteen elements in five areas. While you may not use all the elements in every case or context, they are listed in Table 13.1 “Elements of a Business Letter”.

Table 13.1 Elements of a Business Letter

1. Return Address This is your address where someone could send a reply. If your letter includes a letterhead with this information, either in the header [across the top of the page] or the footer [along the bottom of the page], you do not need to include it before the date.
2. Date The date should be placed at the top, right or left justified, five lines from the top of the page or letterhead logo.
3. Reference [Re:] Like a subject line in an e-mail, this is where you indicate what the letter is in reference to, the subject or purpose of the document.
4. Delivery [Optional] Sometimes you want to indicate on the letter itself how it was delivered. This can make it clear to a third party that the letter was delivered via a specific method, such as certified mail [a legal requirement for some types of documents].
5. Recipient Note [Optional] This is where you can indicate if the letter is personal or confidential.

6. Salutation A common salutation may be “Dear Mr. [full name].” But if you are unsure about titles [i.e., Mrs., Ms., Dr.], you may simply write the recipient’s name [e.g., “Dear Cameron Rai”] followed by a colon. A comma after the salutation is correct for personal letters, but a colon should be used in business. The salutation “To whom it may concern” is appropriate for letters of recommendation or other letters that are intended to be read by any and all individuals. If this is not the case with your letter, but you are unsure of how to address your recipient, make every effort to find out to whom the letter should be specifically addressed. For many, there is no sweeter sound than that of their name, and to spell it incorrectly runs the risk of alienating the reader before your letter has even been read. Avoid the use of impersonal salutations like “Dear Prospective Customer,” as the lack of personalization can alienate a future client.
7. Introduction This is your opening paragraph, and may include an attention statement, a reference to the purpose of the document, or an introduction of the person or topic depending on the type of letter. An emphatic opening involves using the most significant or important element of the letter in the introduction. Readers tend to pay attention to openings, and it makes sense to outline the expectations for the reader up front. Just as you would preview your topic in a speech, the clear opening in your introductions establishes context and facilitates comprehension.
8. Body If you have a list of points, a series of facts, or a number of questions, they belong in the body of your letter. You may choose organizational devices to draw attention, such as a bullet list, or simply number them. Readers may skip over information in the body of your letter, so make sure you emphasize the key points clearly. This is your core content, where you can outline and support several key points. Brevity is important, but so is clear support for main point[s]. Specific, meaningful information needs to be clear, concise, and accurate.
9. Conclusion An emphatic closing mirrors your introduction with the added element of tying the main points together, clearly demonstrating their relationship. The conclusion can serve to remind the reader, but should not introduce new information. A clear summary sentence will strengthen your writing and enhance your effectiveness. If your letter requests or implies action, the conclusion needs to make clear what you expect to happen. It is usually courteous to conclude by thanking the recipient for his or her attention, and to invite them to contact you if you can be of help or if they have questions. This paragraph reiterates the main points and their relationship to each other, reinforcing the main point or purpose.
10. Close “Sincerely” or “Cordially” are standard business closing statements. [“Love,” “Yours Truly,” and “BFF” are closing statements suitable for personal correspondence, but not for business.] Closing statements are normally placed one or two lines under the conclusion and include a hanging comma, as in Sincerely,
11. Signature Five lines after the close, you should type your name [required] and, on the line below it, your title [optional].
12. Preparation Line If the letter was prepared, or word-processed, by someone other than the signatory [you], then inclusion of initials is common, as in MJD or abc.
13. Enclosures/Attachments Just like an e-mail with an attachment, the letter sometimes has additional documents that are delivered with it. This line indicates what the reader can look for in terms of documents included with the letter, such as brochures, reports, or related business documents.
14. Courtesy Copies or “CC” The abbreviation “CC” once stood for carbon copies but now refers to courtesy copies. Just like a “CC” option in an e-mail, it indicates the relevant parties that will also receive a copy of the document.
15. Logo/Contact Information A formal business letter normally includes a logo or contact information for the organization in the header [top of page] or footer [bottom of page].

Strategies for Effective Letters

Remember that a letter has five main areas:

  1. The heading, which establishes the sender, often including address and date
  2. The introduction, which establishes the purpose
  3. The body, which articulates the message
  4. The conclusion, which restates the main point and may include a call to action
  5. The signature line, which sometimes includes the contact information

A sample letter is shown in Figure 13.5 “Sample Business Letter”.

Figure 13.5 Sample Business Letter

Always remember that letters represent you and your company in your absence. In order to communicate effectively and project a positive image,

  • be clear, concise, specific, and respectful;
  • each word should contribute to your purpose;
  • each paragraph should focus on one idea;
  • the parts of the letter should form a complete message;
  • the letter should be free of errors.

Key Takeaways

  • Letters are brief, print messages often used externally to inform or persuade customers, vendors, or the public.
  • A letter has fifteen parts, each fulfilling a specific function.
  • Exercises

    1. Create a draft letter introducing a product or service to a new client. Post and share with classmates.

    2. Find a business letter [for example, an offer you received from a credit card company or a solicitation for a donation] and share it with your classmates. Look for common elements and points of difference.

    3. Now that you have reviewed a sample letter, and learned about the five areas and fifteen basic parts of any business letter, write a business letter that informs a prospective client or customer of a new product or service.

    Which is the most common type of business letter?

    Sales Letters Sales letters are the most common types of letters formats in business. letters are written to the prospective customer or the target audience to introduce your business and urge them to take action. This is why sales letters should capture the audience's attention in its first line.

    Which of the styles of the business correspondence has all elements are left justified on the page?

    The main formats for business letters in the US are called full block format and modified block format. Full block format means that all the elements of the letter are left-justified so that the start of each line is at the left-hand margin.

    What is written on the left top of the business letter?

    The salutation is a greeting. Its placement belongs two spaces below the inside address and always justified to the left margin of the letter. It should include the title and full name of the recipient, followed by a colon.

    What style of business letter has all of the lines beginning at the left margin?

    Block Letter Format: The common block letter format has all of the text flush with the left margin. Paragraphs are doubled spaced, and all lines of text are single spaced.

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