Which kind of supporting material almost always requires citing a source

  • Supporting Materials. The different types of information you use to develop and support you main points. …
  • Hooks. Aid to help your audience remember your presentation. …
  • Example. …
  • Expert Testimony. …
  • Lay Testimony. …
  • Statistic. …
  • Narrative. …
  • Analogies.

What are the three basic types of supporting materials to bolster a speaker’s point of view?

Good speeches need strong supporting materials to bolster the speaker’s point of view. The three basic types of supporting materials are examples, physics, and testimony.


Which of the following are examples of supporting materials?

Essentially, there are seven types of supporting materials: examples, narratives, definitions, descriptions, historical and scientific fact, statistics, and testimony.

What is the least effective type of supporting material?

An example of using supporting material in your speech

Psychologist H. Stephen Glenn said “Corporal punishment is the least effective method [of discipline].

When developing your speech which of the following would be the best approach to take when seeking sources of information?

When developing your speech, which of the following would be the best approach to take when seeking sources of information? Seek a variety of reliable sources to support your major points. Which of the following is an example of a source qualifier for a quote by John Adams?

What are the five reasons for using support materials?

Terms in this set (10) List five reasons why support materials are important in a speech. Support materials can develop and illustrate ideas, clarify ideas, make a speech more interesting, help listeners remember key ideas, and help prove an assertion.

Which type of supporting material is useful because it helps to dramatize a topic and get the audience to identify with the speech content?

According to your textbook, testimony dramatizes a topic and helps the audience identify with the speaker’s ideas.

Which of the following is the best type of supporting material to use for a logical appeal?

For logical appeals, all types can again be used, though the most effective support is scientific evidence, because it is empirical and true.

How can you gather materials for your speech?

Gathering materials for an effective speech includes skillfully drawing from (1) one’s own knowledge, and knowing how to find needed information from (2) library resources, (3) Internet resources, and (4) conducting research interviews. 1.

Why are examples such effective ways to support ideas in a speech?

Examples are an excellent way to get an audience involved with a speech. 1. They provide concrete details that make ideas specific, personal, and lively. … Researchers have found that examples have more impact on an audience’s beliefs than any other kind of supporting materials.

How do you support a speech?

To do this, there are several ways you can support your claims while adding variety and interest to the overall story of your speech.

  1. Set the Stage. Using exposition is a great way to get your audience all on the same playing field. …
  2. Appeal to Commonalities. …
  3. Finding a Consensus. …
  4. Tell a Story. …
  5. Deconstruct Your Topic.

How do you prepare the support material for a presentation?

STATE main points as concisely as possible. Use simple, declarative sentences to introduce each point you wish to make in the presentation. BALANCE the development given to each main point. Each topic should receive roughly the same amount of time.

What are some examples of these types of support material and how you can use them in a speech?

There are several types of supporting material that you can pull from the sources you find during the research process to add to your speech. They include examples, explanations, statistics, analogies, testimony, and visual aids.

Why supporting materials are important in validating an argument?

Supporting materials are necessary to turn an opinion into a persuasive argument. Being able to say something and have others immediately accept it as truth is a privilege afforded few speakers in few settings.

How do you gather and use supporting material in a speech?

What is support material in a speech?

The term supporting materials refers to the information a person provides to develop and/or justify an idea that is offered for a listener’s consideration.

What is the most common type of support material used in public speeches?

Testimony. The final type of supporting material is testimony. A testimony is an endorsement or point of view from a person who is credible and connected to your topic. Most speeches will include expert testimony from someone who is authoritative on the topic to add weight to your points.

How to Gather and Use Supporting Material in a Speech

Three POWERFUL Tips When Using Supporting Material in a Speech

Supporting Material: Brief Example

Supporting Materials for Public Speaking Students

when offering supporting material in a speech, the speaker should ensure that
what are the key points to keep in mind when using testimony in a speech?
how can a speaker use statistics as supporting material in a presentation?
examples used in speeches are used for which of the following purposes?
types of supporting materials in a speech
importance of supporting material in a speech
support speech examples
supporting materials examples

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What are three types of supporting materials?

The 3 major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony.

What are the types of supporting materials?

Essentially, there are seven types of supporting materials: examples, narratives, definitions, descriptions, historical and scientific fact, statistics, and testimony.

Which is an example of a good source for support material?

The three major kinds of supporting materials are , examples, statistics, and testimony. A specific case used to illustrate or represent a group of people, ideas, conditions, experiences, or the like. A specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point.

Which type of supporting material should you use if you want to dramatize a topic and get the audience to identify with the content in the speech?

According to your textbook, testimony dramatizes a topic and helps the audience identify with the speaker's ideas.