Cam 9 Test 3 Listening Answers

1. 300
2. Sunshade
3. balcony
4. forest/forests
5. 319
6. 10,000
7. relative
8. missed
9. item
10. Ludlow

11. C - I went on a trip to a theme park near Birmingham and decided we could do a much better job!
12. A - So we set up a small one ourselves based on the miniature railway and we opened to the public for iust a month that year. 1984 - in July - our driest month - because our children said thev didn't want our quests to have a miserable, wet visit.
13. C - a million and a half people have been through our doors since we opened.
14. E - I only concern mvself with looking after the mechanical side of things
15. H - Liz now devotes all her energies to recruiting and supporting the large sguadron of workers,
16. F - Sarah has now returned to the park and makes sure the visitors are kept fed and watered,
17. C - Duncan, has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction
18. G - and his new wife. Judith, has also joined the team in charge of retail.
19. 120 - the Go-Kart arena which is 120 souare metres in area.
20. 5 to 12 - We wanted to enable 5-12 year olds to use the oo-karts.

21. fishing industry - Yes, it's the fishing industry.
22. statistics - I think I'm coping well with statistics, and I'm never bored by it.
23. note-taking - I'm very weak at note-taking. My teachers always used to say that.
24. confidence - It really helps build confidence, you know, having to present something to others
25. ideas - The drawback is that everyone in the group seems to share the same ideas ... thev keep being repeated in all the dissertations
26. student support - You could also try a service called 'Student Support'
27. places - Yes, unfortunately there are only a few places.
28. general - They'll be a good source of reference but the problem is thev are sometimes too general
29. 3. times - Read everything three times - that'll really fix them in your mind.
30. 25 - Fine, we'll go for the 25

31. B - Their chief aim was to create somewhere that was as environmentallv-friendiv as possible.
32. A - The price was relatively low, and they liked the idea of recycling the land, as it were
33. glass - That was made of a double laver of very strong glass.
34. insulation - And the walls had a laver of foam around them too, to increase the insulation.
35. windows - Sunlight floods in through the glass wall, and to maximise it there are lots of mirrors and windows inside the house
36. electricity - it's possible that in future the house mav even generate an electricity surplus
37. floor/floors - For example, the floors are made of reclaimed wood.
38. waste - the system for dealing with the waste produced in the house. This is dealt with organically
39. concrete - It's true that the actual construction of the house was harmful to the environment, mainly because thev had to use massive amounts of concrete
40. 15. years - However, once the initial ,debt' has been cleared - and it's been calculated that this will only take fifteen years - this underground house won't cost anything

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