Clumsy phase là gì

Cùng HocHay học từ vựng IELTS Unit 2: Mental and Physical development các bạn nhé!

Từ vựng IELTS – Unit 2: Mental and physical development 

The body

1.1  How old were you when you first learned to

A   crawl  ………….

B   walk   ………..

C   talk   ………….

D   ride a bike ………….

E   read ………….

F   tie a shoelace?  ………….     


You will hear a talk about early development in children. Listen and complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Social and emotional milestone

Physical milestones

Cognitive and communicativenmilestones


– likes to mimic

– tries to see how parents react to their [1] …………………..

– can sit and stand without help

– can use basic words and [2] …………………..

– uses objects for their

intended purpose

[3] …………………….

– is more [4] …………………….
– takes turns

is able to

– run

– [5] ……………. things

– ride a tricycle

– greater understanding of language

– uses [6] ……………………. in play

Middle childhood

– the [7] ………………… has a greater impact on development

– some children appear grown up, others are [8] ……………..

– growth is not as [9] ……………………. as in earlier stages

– [10] ……………………. and [11] ……………………. are the same size as in adulthood

– good reading and writing

[12] …………………….

Đáp án:

  1. behaviour
  2. gestures
  3. Toddler
  4. independent
  5. climb..
  6. make-believe/ imagination
  7. outside world
  8. immature
  9. rapid
  10. teeth/ eyes
  11. eyes/ teeth
  12. skills


Listen to the talk again and find words that mean the same as the following.

1   learned [a skill]…………………

2   copying people…………………

3    without help………………. .

4   in a natural, unforced way              .

5   developed a skill to a high level……………….. .

6   phase [2 words]…………………

Đáp án:

  1. acquired
  2. imitating
  3. unassisted/ without support
  4. spontaneously
  5. mastered
  6. stage,. period

1.4  WORD BUILDING Complete the table.








Đáp án:










mature/reach maturity



2.1  Read this text about development in adolescence. Then complete the following sentences with words from the text.

The final stage before adulthood is adolescence. This is a period of transition for teenagers and there are many crucial milestones. Socially and emotionally, teens worry that they may not be developing at the same rate as their peers. They become extremely self-conscious and may be overly sensitive about their appearance. Teens may rebel against their parents bur are also more able to accept the consequences of their actions.

This is also a period of enormous physical change and adolescents experience changes in their physical development at a rare unparalleled since infancy. These changes include significant gains in height and weight. Within a year, boys and girls can gain an average of 4.1 inches and 3.5 inches in height respectively. This growth spurt typically occurs two years earlier for girls than foe boys and can tend to make both sexes go through a clumsy phase. In terms of their cognitive development, adolescents have greater reasoning skills and have developed the ability to think logically and hypothetically. They are also able to discuss more abstract concepts. They should also have developed strategies to help them study.

1    First-year students often struggle with the ………. from high school to university.

2    The……………….. at which a change occurs can cause problems for both the very young and the elderly.

3    It can be less stressful to make a presentation to your………………..  rather than to your teachers.

4   The increase in violence among young people may be a……………….. of watching too much violence on TV and in video games.

5   Petrol prices are increasing at a speed that is……………….. since the oil crisis of the 70s.

6   Teenagers……………….. rebel against their parents between the ages of 14 and 16.

7   In part three of the speaking test you are expected to be able to talk about more………………..   topics.

8   Infinity is a very difficult……………….. for children to grasp.

Đáp án:

  1. transition
  2. rate
  3. peers
  4. consequence
  5. unparalleled
  6. may/ typically
  7. abstract
  8. concept

2.2  What stage would you associate the following words and phrases with? Write the words in the correct column below.

crawling                          immature              tolerant

irresponsible                      overindulgent            patient

throw a tantrum                       unsteady

 nurturing           overprotective            rebellious





 Đáp án:








throw a tantrum








2.3  Many words used to talk about human growth can also be used to talk about data and statistics. Complete the sentences with a suitable word from the text in 2.1. You may need to change the form of the words.

1   The p……………….. of greatest stability occurred between 1985 and 1990.

2   The greatest period of g……………….. was in 2004.

3   The figures g………….. from 2,500 to 6,000 in 2007.

4  The company g……………….. an extra 2,000 employees in 2002.

5   Sales increased at a significant r…………………. between 2001 and 2005.

6   The number of migrants roses……………….. from 1980 to 2000.

Đáp án:

  1. period. 
  2. growth. 
  3. grew. 
  4. gained.  
  5. rate
  6. significantly

The mind

3    Match the phrases in A with the definitions in B.


1     keep an open mind

2    bear in mind

3    have something in mind

4   have something on your mind

5   my mind went blank

6  it slipped my mind

7    put your mind at ease

8   broaden the mind


A   increase your knowledge

B    I forgot

C    I couldn’t remember a thing

D     remember

E    try not to judge before you know the facts

F    be worried about something

G    have an idea

H   stop you from worrying

Đáp án:

4.1  Think about your answers to these questions.

1     What do you remember about your early childhood?

2   Do you think you have a good memory or a poor memory?


Now listen to a student answering the questions in 4.1 and make a note of all of the words and phrases connected with memory.

Đáp án:

memory, reminisce,  look back,  remind,  memorise, forget, reminder

4.3  Correct the vocabulary mistakes in these sentences.

1  I will always memory how beautiful the sunset was on that day. ……………

2   I have very fond reminders of my school days……………….. .

3   Could you remember me to buy some bread on the way home?………………….

4  At school we always had to memory long lists of vocabulary………………..

5    I remind how happy our childhood was………………….

Đáp án:

  1. memoryremember
  2. remindersmemories    
  3. rememberremind
  4. memory memorise
  5. remindremember

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