colombian là gì - Nghĩa của từ colombian

colombian có nghĩa là

A well-mannered Latino that dresses decently and is intelligent


Man did you see that guy, he was like all colombain with his polite vocabulary and all

colombian có nghĩa là

A colombian is person of well raised latin background, and is not subjected to the steryotypical latino image.

They are well dressed, well spoken people that come in a variaty of races and heritages. They are known for the best accent in the spanish speaking world, and yes THEY SPEAK SPANISH!!!!!! Everyone else who says they speak "colombian" are ignorant and probably cant even speak spaninh themselves.

Colombia is also known for the world's most beautiful men and women. Our people can range from dark to lightly tan to even pale skin. DON'T JUDGE THEM BY STERYOTYPES!

Although colombia has been known for drugs in the past, it is mostly European and U.S. user that believe in "colombian" drugs as the best.

The truth is that we colombian's are proud to be who we are.

Oh, and the guy who thought that Scarfacewas a useful reference to colombian's have probably never met one in person.


colombians are proud to be who they are.

colombian có nghĩa là

One of the most kind and hospitable people in the whole world. It's a country with great variety, so a Colombian can be the stereotypical swarthy latino [mestizo], black, white, mulatto, sambo, a native, an european... well, anything. Not everyone looks like Juan Valdez, moreover, it's very hard to find this kind of people settle in the large cities [It's like thinking that every American is a Redneck. Even less are drg consumers, almost everything, from emeralds to cocaine, is given to someone else, so there are not nearly as much stoneheads as you would think.


Juan Pablo Montoya is Colombian [tough he is a bastard xD]
Shakira is [almost, but not quite] colombian.
Carlos Valderrama is Colombian, as is Sofia Vergara, Juan Pablo Angel, and many other people I can't remember.

colombian có nghĩa là

a great Latino who is well mannered. Colombian people are probaly the most beautiful people in the world with their amazing physical features. Colombians are very intelligent people.



colombian có nghĩa là

Decent Latin Americans, who ahve invented and developed more things science wise and in technology than americans, the latinos working at NASA for example are mostly Colombians. Very smart people.

With a very low consuption of drugs, unlike US or Europe, who are the principal buyers.

Very decent people, well mannered and well dressed, Not as many meztizo skin colored people, usually u see everything including lots of blonds,and many people with pale skin, also indians that come from the Ecuador and Peru Because Colombia is much better to live in. Also u see dark skined people and people are usually very beautiful with unique features, and no they dont ahve big heads, the guy who said that simply ahs never been to Colombia.

Colombia has all the possible climates on the world on its territory and it has access to two seas,Many great inventios were created by Colmbians including laser eyes surgery and much more. Colombia is the second happiest place in the world, and the leader on surgery procedures,so if you ever want a great surgery with great medics, your best choice would be Colombians, thet are hard workers and most of the country has gone to collge and own their own bussiness.Also most of the Colombian population speak english or other language so its easy to comunicate with them, the cities are very safe compared to other latin American ciies and it has the most variety.


Colombia has won many times the award as literature capital of the world, also it hots the biggest rock festival of latin america in its capital city, Bogota.

Bogota and other cities of Colombia have had very famous artist, like Shaggy, Iron Maiden, Nightwish, The Rasmus, Sean Paul, Marc Anthony...

There are also many famous Colombians and ppl with colombian heritage aorund the world.

colombian có nghĩa là

Colombian - people from the country of Colombia in South America who usually have extremely beautiful physical features: Known for its beautiful women with blue, green, hazel eyes and brunette hair, and the men with good height and light colored eyes, dark hair. The north of Colombia by Cartagena tends to have darker african mixed people the central and south of colombia usually have the more caucasian light skinned hispanics. Overall colombians are exotic, sexy, and beautiful.


Shakira is one good looking colombian

Taliana Vargas, Miss Colombia was hot

colombian có nghĩa là

Ultimate drug lords of Latin America if not the world. Original wearers of polyester shirts, cocaina compounds, and Pablo Escobar...the original pimp.


That kid run the streets like a straigh Colombian!

colombian có nghĩa là

Term use to describe or refer to a select group of latin- american individuals who have been granted and radiate intelligence, wisdom,grace, and physical beauty; yet for some reason we've misused those virtues in order to make illigal profits and/or obtain personal satisfaction. Still Colombians are truly magnificent and envy around the world


Check out that guy/girl, mannn he/she must be Colombian just look how handsome/beautiful he/she is! I wish I were Colombian!. someguyt:So who won the beauty contest/ Nobel award ? someOtherGuy: A Colombian, once again! I'm tired of them being perfect at everything!

colombian có nghĩa là

A adjective referring to people or objects originating in the mountainous South American nation of Colombia. The volcanic soil and humid weather makes for ideal coca plant growing conditions, and thus "Colombian" is generally used to describe good, high purity cocaine, regardless of it's point of origin.

Also, public opinion seems to hold that Colombian citizens and immigrants tend to have big, round heads, though like most stereotypes, this probably would not hold up under serious scentific study.


In the film Scarface [1983], the title actor's first dealing with cocaine occurs during a drug deal gone wrong. Needless to say, both the drug and the people who deal it are are columbian. The following is dialogue from that film:

Colombian: Yeah, okay, you gonna give me the cash or am I gonna kill your brother first? 'Fore I kill you?

Tony Montana: Try sticking your head up your ass. See if it fits. [an insult referencing the Columbian's big head].

colombian có nghĩa là

also slang for Cocaine


yo, that Colombian got me high like the Andes

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