customer services là gì - Nghĩa của từ customer services

customer services có nghĩa là

A job which causes your anus to hurt because you've been bending over backward and taking it from whiny, complaining, bratty, idiots all freaking day long.

See also: HELL.


Me: I need a new job.
Friend: What kinda of job are you looking for?
Me: Anything other than customer service. I'd rather scoop the poop off streets.

customer services có nghĩa là

Santa Clause.
Easter Bunny.
Good Customer Service from nexon.
A funny Family Circus cartoon.
Bisexual, Vampire Teen Wizards. What do these things have in common? None of them are real. They're all imaginary. I will explain Nexon's approach to customer service in one sentence and then some more sentences after:
"We have your money, fuck you, we have your money." Example: You forgot your password.
You click the link "recover PW" under log in.
You are NOT sent your password. You have your real password reset. You are then sent a temporary password to log in with. Your only option to check your account info is a reset password option. There is no info on your account for you to review. NOTHING. When you attempt to change your password to a new one, you'll find that your temporary PW doesn't count toward changing it. Thus, they've completely blocked you from ever logging back in on that account, as even if you remember your old PW somehow, it's now been reset to a random string of letters and numbers. So basically, you need to remember your PW to recover your forgotten PW. To use their customer service to open a ticket, you'll need to log in. The ticket must consist of your two security questions, the second of which, ISN'T TOLD TO YOU. Not only that but Nexon has been known to change your security questions without notice!
So if you forgot that question, you can open a separate ticket to recover THAT! Oh yeah, you can only have one ticket open at a time. It may also takes literally months to get a response.
If you somehow miss the notice of this fact, ALL of your tickets will be deleted. If your email changes.
...You're fucked. Because they ONLY send your info to your original email. If it was closed for any reason. You're fucked.
Why bother helping you when they can just wait for you to make a new account and spend more money starting over? If you are a friend of a GM you WILL be allowed to cheat and hack the game without punishment. This has been proven countless times. One player actually sent a report about themselves hacking and was given a canned response thanking the player for the report. Proving Nexon isn't paying attention, nor do they give a rat's ass. Nexon is now infamous for having THE worst customer service of all time. Maple Story is the third highest grossing MMORPG (making 100-500 million dollars annually) in the world and despite this, their security, forum/website, staff and policies are not only unprofessional, they are underhanded, deceitful, spiteful and shamelessly evil.


Like military intelligence, "acting naturally", jumbo shrimp and Microsoft Works -Nexon Customer Service is an oxymoron.

customer services có nghĩa là

A service that a company provides to individuals. 90% of what customer service representatives deal with are people known as idiots. These idiots are losers, whiners and no do-gooders that have nothing else to do with their time.


You realize this after working in a phone center for a short amount of time.

customer services có nghĩa là

Something that isnt what it used to be. Customer service workers get paid to lower themselves and kiss ass to ungrateful, stupid pricks known as the "public." Customer service workers only have their positions while obtaining a college degree, so they can get out of customer service hell and kiss ungratefull customers goodby for a real job that offers a future and more financial security.


Customer service workers get a bad rap from the ignorant public. They like their position no more than the patrons who look down on them. I used to be in customer service (the food/restaurant industry), and would spit in the food of idiots who would piss me off and look down on me for providing a service for their pathetic, ungrateful ass. When working in customer service, you immediately see how stupid people have become today.

customer services có nghĩa là

A job which causes your ass to bleed like hell, your psyche to be corrupted by severe hatred and psychosis, and which has significantly increased the suicide rate of humans. You always have to take it up the ass by these whiny, bitchy, brain-fucked assholes that are called "customers" who do nothing but scream, complain, and make your life a living hell. Finding an actual intelligent and non-bitchy customer is like selling a pack of Grand Prix cigarettes: it's so fucking rare that it almost never happens.


-"I'm sorry but I do not have enough money to cash this payroll check at the moment."
"What? No, I want a manager, right now."
"Fine, bitch, I'll call a manager for you, but it's not going to change the fact that I don't have enough money in my fucking till." -"OMG THIS IS THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE I HAVE EVER HAD, YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE ANY MORE CHEETOS IN STOCK, THAT'S IT IM NEVER COMING HERE AGAIN, WALMART IS GOING TO DRIVE YOUR ASS OUT OF TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Go ahead. I'm a full-time college student working almost a full-time job at minimum wage, sleep-deprived and hardly getting homework done on time. You don't know how few shits I give." -"I want your number to corporate because these cookies rang up 99 cents more than advertised!!!" -"OMG THATS IT IM REPORTING YOU GUYS TO THE BBB FOR FALSE ADVERTISING!!!!"
"Cool story bro, want a fucking trophy or something?" -"I swear, once I graduate and receive my degree, I'm going to kiss all of you asshole customers goodbye for a real job!"

customer services có nghĩa là



Guy 1: So, I was hacked right? So I sent in a ticket to Nexon Customer Service.
Guy 2: What?

customer services có nghĩa là



Hey, i'd like to order some food.
......We closed.
But the sign says you're open 24 hours!
......WE CLOSED!!! nice customer service, bitch..

customer services có nghĩa là

The people a company hires , in the attempt of cleaning up its mistakes and inconsistencies.


I was on hold for 45 minutes trying to get through to customer service!

customer services có nghĩa là

When you raise your voice to a higher pitch to sound nicer or sweeter.


Crystal, your customer service voice is so different from your regular voice!”

customer services có nghĩa là

Horrible customer service, really. They will not take "NO" for an answer. For example, you try to remove your credit card info from your account, instead, the guy keeps trying to persuade you into buying more shit until you hang up or give in. Fucking assholes.


Me: "See, I can't have my account automatically renew itself because I don't have the dough. And I don't have internet anymore." Xbox Customer Service: Yeah... well, I completely understand. I mean times are hard and the economy is bad, but see, you get 3 months for 14.99 and 400 Microsoft points free to use at your leisure." *senario repeats*