Mic up là gì

Many Roblox players have seen the term “mic up” written in the game’s text chat. But, what does mic up mean in Roblox? Here’s an explainer on the definition of this common phrase.

Why do players say ‘mic up’ in Roblox?

Roblox features an in-game text chat system for players to communicate with each other online. Some Roblox games also feature comms systems that allow users to trigger premade voice lines, each based on a common saying. In some instances, however, that isn’t enough for effective team communication.

The term “mic up” suggests that users should voice chat using a microphone in Roblox. There is no vocal chat system in Roblox, so players must group up within a third-party chat application like Discord. Players should only mic up and chat with friends, not strangers. Roblox features safety measures to protect its users, but these are not valid when using other apps to voice call.

Although it can be innocent, mic up can also be a mean and aggressive term. In certain Roblox games, like The Streets, accepting a voice call can lead to encountering bad language and abuse. As the interaction occurs outside of Roblox, any offending players will most likely not be punished if a report is issued.

On the other hand, the safe chat system ensures that younger players are protected from these kinds of communications in-game. As a result, sticking to the in-game text chat will be the best option for many Roblox players.

When playing Roblox on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S, users will get a party or private chat invite instead. Again, it’s advisable that young players decline the invitation unless it comes directly from a friend.

With the meaning of mic up explained, why not check out these other Roblox guides? Bookmarking the error code 279 and 267 fix will be of help to those that receive them in the future.

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Nhiều trò chơi Roblox yêu cầu bạn phải ‘nói chuyện’ với những người chơi khác để hoàn thành mục tiêu. Có một hệ thống trò chuyện mà bạn có thể sử dụng để nhập và thảo luận mọi thứ với những người chơi khác trong mỗi trò chơi. Nhưng nếu bạn muốn nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp của mình, bạn có thể thử hát với bạn bè. Bạn hỏi mic up có nghĩa là gì trong Roblox? Đây là những gì bạn cần biết.

Mic Up có nghĩa là gì trong Roblox?

Thuật ngữ “Mic up” về cơ bản có nghĩa là bạn cần sử dụng micrô trong khi chơi . Vì vậy, nếu người chơi yêu cầu bạn bật micrô, điều đó có nghĩa là họ muốn bạn nói chuyện bằng cách sử dụng micrô trên nền tảng như Discord trong khi chơi trò chơi Roblox. Bạn bè có thể đến với nhau trên máy chủ Discord và giao tiếp với nhau theo cách này trong khi cùng nhau thưởng thức trò chơi.

Trong trường hợp bạn kết thúc trò chuyện với người lạ, hãy cẩn thận, vì mọi người có thể khá hung hăng trong cuộc trò chuyện thoại. Một số người có thể yêu cầu bạn “bật mic lên” một cách thô lỗ và nếu bạn từ chối, họ có thể nói rằng bạn ‘quá sợ hãi khi trò chuyện với họ trên Discord’. Điều này thường xảy ra trong các trò chơi có một cộng đồng độc hại. Nếu bạn quyết định tiếp tục với người lạ và nhận được một số phản hồi ác ý, Roblox sẽ không thể làm gì với điều đó. Đó là bởi vì việc trao đổi này sẽ diễn ra trên nền tảng của bên thứ ba chứ không phải chính Roblox.

Bây giờ, trong trường hợp bạn không muốn sử dụng các tùy chọn trò chuyện thoại bên ngoài, bạn có thể chỉ cần nhấn phím / trên bàn phím để mở cửa sổ trò chuyện. Đây là cuộc trò chuyện trong trò chơi và người chơi không thể sử dụng các từ ngữ lăng mạ ở đây. Đó là bởi vì Roblox lọc ra nội dung không phù hợp và có nhiều cài đặt an toàn khác nhau. Vì phần lớn người chơi là thanh thiếu niên và trẻ em, điều quan trọng là giao tiếp phải an toàn cho họ.

Nhưng nếu bạn quyết định thử trò chuyện thoại và micrô trong Roblox, thì như đã đề cập ở trên, điều đó có nghĩa là bạn phải sử dụng Discord để trò chuyện thoại với họ.

Nghĩa là gì: abrupt abrupt /ə'brʌpt/

  • tính từ
    • bất ngờ, đột ngột; vội vã
      • an abrupt turn: chỗ ngoặc bất ngờ
      • an abrupt departure: sự ra đi vội vã [đột ngột]
    • cộc lốc, lấc cấc, thô lỗ
      • an abrupt answers: câu trả lời cộc lốc
      • abrupt manners: cách cư xử lấc cấc
    • dốc đứng, hiểm trở, gian nan
      • abrupt coast: bờ biển dốc đứng
      • the road to science is very abrupt: con đường đi tới khoa học rất gian nan
    • bị đốn, bị chặt cụt; như thể bị đốn, bị chặt cụt [cây...]

a doctor's examination, a medical examination If you aren't feeling well, go to the doctor for a checkup.1.two 二个I'll come back in a couple of weeks.我两周后就回来。2.several几个

Let's have a couple of drinks.我们喝几杯吧。

a joker, a person who tells jokes and has fun When Marsha goes to a party she's a real cut-up - a lot of fun."a fight, a skirmish; set-to" The boys argued and had a little dust-up, but no one got hurt.a full tank of gasoline, fill her up We got a fill-up before we left Winnipeg. The truck needed gas.If you have a hitch in your giddy-up, you're not feeling well. ['A hitch in your gittie-up' is also used.]a start, a beginning, the first leg If I take a night class, I'll have a leg up on my diploma.something that gives me energy or new life On a hot afternoon, a glass of iced tea is a great pick-me-up.a mockery or satire, a takeoff on The speaker did a send-up of the the way Canadians talk.[See keep a stiff upper lip]a lot of fuss over something small: "Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup."A result that is still unclear and can go either way.If you have an ace up your sleeve, you have something that will give you an advantage that other people don't know about.1.exert influence on产生影响The medicine acted on his fever at once.这种药很快使他退烧了。2.follow;behave according to遵照(行事)She acted on the doctor's advice.她遵医嘱行事。

You should act upon this letter at once,or it will be too late.你应该马上按这封信的意思去做,不然就会太晚了。

not work right, give pain or problems My stomach is acting up today. I don't feel well.put into practice;behave in such a way that one's actions are in accord with(expectations,a promise,one's reputation,etc.)按照(期望、诺言、自己的声誉等)行事What you say means very little unless you act up to it.你要是说而不做,你的话就没有多大意思了。

I hope you'll act up to the good advice they've given you.我希望你能按照他们给你出的好主意办。

v., informal 1. To behave badly; act rudely or impolitely. The dog acted up as the postman came to the door. 2. To work or run poorly [as a after all machine]; skip; miss. The car acted up because the spark plugs were dirty.1.exert influence on产生影响The medicine acted on his fever at once.这种药很快使他退烧了。2.follow;behave according to遵照(行事)She acted on the doctor's advice.她遵医嘱行事。

You should act upon this letter at once,or it will be too late.你应该马上按这封信的意思去做,不然就会太晚了。

cannabisseem consistent or reasonable The things that he said about his boss don1.amount to;make a total of合计,总共The money he spent added up to more than $ 1,000.他花的钱合计超过了1000美元。The bills add up to exactly £1,000.这些账单加起来正好1000英镑。Eight and ten add up to eighteen.8加10等于18。2.mean;signify意味着;意思是The evidence all adds up to a case of murder.全部证据都表明这是一件谋杀案。The rain,the mosquitoes and the crowded cabin all added up to a spoiled vacation.下雨、蚊子和拥挤的小屋,意味着这假期过得糟透了。

His long answer just adds up to a refusal.他的冗长的回答实际上意味着拒绝。

v. 1. To make a total of; amount to. The bill added up to $12.95. 2. informal To mean; result in. The rain, the mosquitoes, and the heat added up to a spoiled vacation.v. 1. To come to the correct amount. The numbers wouldn't add up. 2. informal To make sense; be understandable. His story didn't add up.threaten by moving towards逼近;靠近
The enemy advanced on Rome,and at last conquered it.敌军向罗马城逼近,最后攻陷了它。threaten by moving towards逼近;靠近
The enemy advanced on Rome,and at last conquered it.敌军向罗马城逼近,最后攻陷了它。1.have the same opinion about就…取得相同的意见Musicians rarely agree on the way a piece of music should be played.对于一支曲子应该怎样演奏,音乐家们很少有相同的意见。The two sides agreed on a cease fire.双方达成了停火协议。2.decide on决定We agreed on leaving there the next day.我们一致同意第 2天离开那里。

We've agreed on fighting the evil in society.我们决定同社会上的邪恶作斗争。

1.have the same opinion about就…取得相同的意见Musicians rarely agree on the way a piece of music should be played.对于一支曲子应该怎样演奏,音乐家们很少有相同的意见。The two sides agreed on a cease fire.双方达成了停火协议。2.decide on决定We agreed on leaving there the next day.我们一致同意第 2天离开那里。

We've agreed on fighting the evil in society.我们决定同社会上的邪恶作斗争。

Idiom[s]: [all] balled up


troubled; confused; in a mess. [Slang.]• Look at you! You're really all balled up!• John is all balled up because his car was stolen.• Of course this typewriter won't work. It's all balled up. Idiom[s]: [all] dressed up


dressed in one's best clothes; dressed formally.• We're all dressed up to go out to dinner.• I really hate to get all dressed up just to go somewhere to eat. You're prepared for something that isn't going to happen.really drunk; really intoxicated; really high; totally obliteratedeager, enthused, gung ho Ian gets all fired up when he sees Kari. There's love in his eyes.as good as the ads say, live up to the reports The new computer isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's not so hot.combined His brother is president and vice-president all rolled up in one.all sewed up
see sew up.excited, nervous Al gets all shook up when he sees Gina. He likes her a lot.adj., slang In a state of great emotional upheaval; disturbed; agitated. What are you so shook up about?clean and dressed in your best clothes, dressed up The young farmers got all spruced up for the dance.the golf ball is on the tee, everything is ready The parade is ready to begin. It's all teed up.all up
Defeated; also, near death. For example, The home team knew it was all up when their star quarterback was injured, or The party lost their way over a week ago and in this subzero weather I'm sure it's all up with them. This idiom uses up in the sense of “finished.” [Early 1700s] Also see all over, def. 4.to be sexually involved with someone:"Don't mack on him; he's all up in Katie"
when someone is intrusive about something that is none of their business and about which they know nothing:in my businessadj. phr., informal Near to certain death or defeat without any more chance or hope. With their ammunition gone the patrol knew that it was all up with them.failed in business or career Barry's all washed up. His business is bankrupt.Idiom[s]: all worked up [over something] AND all worked up [about something]


excited and agitated about something.• Tom is all worked up over the threat of a new war.• Don't get all worked up about something that you can't do anything about.• Bill is all worked up again. It's bad for his health. Idiom[s]: all worked up [over something] AND all worked up [about something]


excited and agitated about something.• Tom is all worked up over the threat of a new war.• Don't get all worked up about something that you can't do anything about.• Bill is all worked up again. It's bad for his health. an important card to play, an important fact to reveal To survive, one needs an ace up one's sleeve - a special talent.1.respond to对…做出反应;响应We answered up to the appeal quickly.我们迅速响应了这个呼吁。At the roll call,the men answered up to their names.点名时,士兵们应答迅速。2.have a ready reply to对…对答如流

The little boy answered up to all the questions except two.除了两个问题外,这个孩子对答如流。

pay, produce a necessary amount of money I had to ante up a lot of money to get my car fixed.
informal To fit a portable microphone to a person or thing. A noun or pronoun can be used between "mic" and "up." I still need to mic up the guests before we begin the interview. I don't like it when musicals mic the actors up. It's just really distracting to see. It turns out the police had mic'd up the company's office to record evidence of their illegal dealings.Learn more: mic, up
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