religious right là gì - Nghĩa của từ religious right

religious right có nghĩa là

A group of religious extremists that are responsible for much of the misery present in the world today. A bunch of goddamned two face hypocrites who do not practice what they preach. A bunch of racist, homophobic pigs who cannot stand ideas like democracy, seperation of church and state, and people who think and believe differntly than they do.

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The Religious Right embody so much of how Jesus Christ described the pharisees of old in Matthew 23.

religious right có nghĩa là

People who often vote republican because of such issues like abortion and gay rights. Believe that their religion is the one true religion and they have the market cornered on spirituality.

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The Religious Right embody so much of how Jesus Christ described the pharisees of old in Matthew 23.

religious right có nghĩa là

People who often vote republican because of such issues like abortion and gay rights. Believe that their religion is the one true religion and they have the market cornered on spirituality.

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The Religious Right embody so much of how Jesus Christ described the pharisees of old in Matthew 23.

religious right có nghĩa là

People who often vote republican because of such issues like abortion and gay rights. Believe that their religion is the one true religion and they have the market cornered on spirituality.

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religious right có nghĩa là

The Religious Right embody so much of how Jesus Christ described the pharisees of old in Matthew 23.

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People who often vote republican because of such issues like abortion and gay rights. Believe that their religion is the one true religion and they have the market cornered on spirituality.

religious right có nghĩa là

Jesus would have been a liberal.

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A movement that is neither. A 1980’s to 1990’s effort by Christian fundamentalist extremists to preempt government by undermining the basic separations of church and state. A group of like minded individuals – see Southern Baptists – who somehow became fixated with an extreme fundamentalist view of Christianity and are dead set on ramming it down the throats of everyone else.

religious right có nghĩa là

The state of Virginia is a hot bed of the religious right, having the embarrassment of both Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

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A bunch of extreme right-wing headcases who think that God talks to them (signs of schizophrenia?) and want to return our society to the Middle Ages. Noted mainly for racism, misogyny, and a complete lack of independent thought.

religious right có nghĩa là

People who existed back in Biblical times, too. Only back then, they were called Pharisees, whom Jesus scorned as what they were: spotless hypocrites who flaunted their supposed virtue.

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They who humble themselves shall be exalted, but they who exalt themselves shall be humbled.

religious right có nghĩa là

foul, fascist heretics of the worst kind. believe that orthodox and catholics are not christian and should be treated like nonbeleivers. they sway the polls in underhanded ways to elect people like bush, and are quite the hypocrits. vote pro death penalty, but are considered pro LIFE, for example. also extreme homophobic republicans. you know, those who consistently accuse and defame others of homosexuality are themselves, likely homosexual. this theory was proven when during the coldwar, the most paranoid, jaded, anti communist american officials were often exposed as KGB really, whos the actual gay ones in this country?

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The extremely ironic name for the shit-brained fascists who are fighting for control of America, and who put the Bush junta in power.

religious right có nghĩa là

Fuckin' A Batman! Fuckin' A!

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Term used to describe a group of conservatives with a certain religion taking their dominance in the world of politics over anything else.