Roll up his sleeves nghĩa là gì

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Roll up your sleeves = xắn tay áo -> nghĩa là sẵn sàng làm điều gì khó khăn, cường độ cao.

Ví dụ

Nearly 4,000 doses of Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have been allocated to Stanislaus County, but dont roll up your sleeves just yet.

The early admissions and National Letter of Intent signing have recently passed, and most 2021 prospects have made their college commitments. For those prospects who remain actively engaged with recruiting, its time to roll up your sleeves and get busy.

He agreed to do remote learning before remote learning was cool, Joel said. He shipped me VHS tapes when I was on co-op up in Michigan, and that made it possible to stay on schedule to graduate. He was a roll-up-your sleeves, get-it-done, no-nonsense person.

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