trinity, the là gì - Nghĩa của từ trinity, the

trinity, the có nghĩa là

a beautiful female, usually brunette very short and cute, dont take too long to text her cause once you get her mad there's no going back. unless you give her something. she's usually sweet to people that are nice to her, her temper varies depending on her day, sometimes stresses alot, CAUTION. WHEN ON HER PERIOD SHE WILL DESTROY YOU IF YOU PISS HER OFF. very trustworthy, if she says she love you, she means it. will never leave your side as long as you love her for her. call her beautiful every chance you get to, it may not seem like it but she'll be a ball of sunshine in the inside. loves singing in her spare time, if you have trinity as a conpanion dont ever lose her, you'll regret it, trust me.


"oh look its trinity, i neeeeed her number!!!!"

trinity, the có nghĩa là

Trinity is atcaully very quiet when u meet her, but once u become friends, she is crazy AF. She is very athletic [anything that can hurt people and is on a mat] and is EXTREMLY COMPETITIVE. She is confusing and weird. She doesn't consider her self smart but really is. She has LOTS of GUY & GIRL friends. When u make her mad, just know she finna go off. It's rare for her to fight. Well, that's Trinity.


Trinity is the toughest girl you will ever meet.

trinity, the có nghĩa là

A very shy girl until you know her, then she is very outgoing. If you offend her she will become a crazy bitch. She is typically short or tall [Not really a in between] and has brunette hair with mesmerizing brown eyes. She is typically assertive to people she doesn't know. She has a very active brain and gets sidetracked very easily, often starting tons of things at once and ends up finishing everything at different times, in different orders. She has a active imagination and her style is her own. Trinity's a catch for a girlfriend, you could expect little things like flowers for no reason. She acts confident but can be self- doubting. She has a athletic body and a distinct feature. She draws people to her and knows how to reject someone without hurting there feelings. Her friends and family are very important to her, and if you mess with them, you mess with her. She is a emotional roller coaster, and can be hard to keep up with for some. She is a big part of the party and will probably help clean after, she is a great person to have in your life.


"Hey, Trinity; I love your hair!"
"Oh really, because you look so much better." "Dude I heard you and Trinity were dating"
"Yeah she spoils me."

trinity, the có nghĩa là

The most beautiful little girl ever. When she smiled she lit up a room so bright that it put the rays of sun to shame. She was my baby girl, My princess, my daught. Mommy will love you forever baby girl.


Trinity passed away November 29, 2016.

trinity, the có nghĩa là

A fun and loving person to be with also being very intelligent and beautiful person to look at,to be her friend is a honor but never take her friendship for granted because in one mistake it will be gone


Trinity is a divine person in all aspects although is not perfect but can appear to be to others.

trinity, the có nghĩa là

Trinity is a gorgeous girl who is very kind and tends to be extremely nice! A Trinity is a great friend to have! You are an extremely lucky person if you have a Trinity for a friend don't mess up and keep her as a friend for ever!


Trinity is a great best friend!
Don't lose a Trinity!

trinity, the có nghĩa là

Trinity is a gorgeous girl who loves hard and is very intelligent she dresses very nice and is very independent and is the perfect girlfriend that ever guy wants. once you talk to her you will love her. she has some anger issues but she's a girl you wouldn't want to pass up. once you get her, you should keep her.


Trinity is fine bro! & her but is huge bro! I wanna tap that

trinity, the có nghĩa là

Trinity is an all around girl who loves people a lot more then they love her. She is really pretty. Has dirty brown hair and green/hazel eyes. She is athletic and smart. she has a very kind-heart. A very good girlfriend. she will care about you even if she hates you. She is loved by most. Super popular. She is always thinking about something. Usually a good singer. She aspires to be tough. Will do anything to protect her friends if they are getting called names. she gets heartbroken easily. when it comes to love she is sensitive. This is because, she has probably been hurt and has been sad. She has trust issues. She doesn't trust herself either. She wants to make it in life and make a difference in people. She is unique and very special. A one of a kind.


"Trinity is the best thing that has happened to me, and I left her hurt."
"Look its Trinity, I love her."

trinity, the có nghĩa là

Triniti is a fun loving girl, has a perfect smile, great hair and cute dimples. She is smart, clever, and bout her shit. She can be friendly but can turn into a street bitch when shit get real. She has an amzeing body that bring niggas to their feet and flexxing on these hoes. Triniti can cook, draw, and sing. She can have a bad day but still looks gorgeous throughout the day. When in a relationship triniti treats her man like a king but is not afraid to stand up to him. Triniti is has many guy friends and usually is a funny, adorable and happy person. Triniti is a successful women and is always there to beat a bitch ass. Overall she is the perfect woman for any of u guys and can brighten up someone day with a joke or a smile.


Triniti aka baddest bitch

trinity, the có nghĩa là

A mystery in and of herself. Many find her quiet, others may seem to find her loud and obnoxious. She’s most likely looked over due to her height and features. Many find her difficult to understand or comprehend. Around strangers, she can be found seated quietly amongst the classroom, answering questions politely. With friends, she tends to express her emotions and thoughts quite openly. She seems to hold a grudge for long periods of time, rather forgets than forgives. She’s kind to the people she prefers and the ones who reciprocate the feeling. Her temper varies per day, at times stress falls to her. When on her period, she wishes to destroy all people how have wronged her. She’s an incredibly trustworthy person, with a curious and conceited gleam in her beautiful blue eyes, and if she tells you she loves you, she means it. She’ll never leave your side as long as you love her for everything, including her quirks and absurdities. Tell her she’s beautiful any chance you have, it may not seem such, but she’s a bright gleam of sun, deep down. She prefers to sing and write novels in her spare time, if you hold a Trinity as companionship, don’t ever lose her, or she’ll make you regret ever decision you ever made.


Girl Number One: “She’s going to be there, isn’t she? That ‘Trinity’ girl? Girl Number Two: “Duh! She helped one of the most popular girls in the school plan it!” Girl Number One: *speechless* “...Gross.”

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