Weren't nghĩa là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "werent", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ werent, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ werent trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. You weren't a warrior, you weren't a soldier.

2. They weren't afraid.

3. We weren't picking up.

4. Well, they weren't kidding.

5. Weren't they fighting together?

6. You weren't here, Gigantor!

7. But we weren't animals.

8. The vibes weren't right.

9. "You weren't there, don't start."

10. Seems that you weren't bluffing.

11. The roads weren't too bad.

12. We certainly weren't ill-treated.

13. The traffic lights weren't working.

14. " You weren't there, don't start. "

15. I'm glad you weren't hurt.

16. They weren't really from anywhere.

17. You weren't almost just killed!

18. You weren't always so picky.

19. They weren't your real parents.

20. The bodies weren't even found.

21. Weren't you a painter before'?

22. I told him that we weren't eating and that we weren't paying the rent - almost destitute.

23. Maybe they weren't antique, or weren't in fashion: anyway, as usual[Sentencedict.com ], she had no luck.

24. Shame you weren't on my side.

25. If only I weren't so tired!

26. Yoυ weren't in Royalton's office, Trix.

27. We'll say you weren't feeling well.

28. You definitely weren't pursuing a hacker.

29. Weren't you even a little scared?

30. It'll be proof you weren't dreaming.

31. You weren't a cheerleader, were you?

32. It's a miracle you weren't killed!

33. You weren't at the war council.

34. I hope we weren't too loud?

35. Weren't you going to say goodbye?

36. I knew you weren't a quitter.

37. Weren't we supposed to have landed already?

38. We weren't overly impressed with the movie.

39. You were after the takings, weren't you?

40. Weren't you just a weeny bit scared?

41. The Clash weren't always into combat fatigues.

42. We weren't expecting you for three months.

43. You weren't convinced of Mr Matthews' guilt.

44. Yet if so, whey weren't they cloistered?

45. Take it you weren't a guard, then.

46. You weren't looking for Catherine's great grandfather.

47. Is it because their weapons weren't accurate?

48. We weren't consistent - we played in spurts.

49. Fairy tales weren't just meant for children.

50. You said you weren't gonna call him.

they weren't

you weren't

we weren't

there weren't

it weren't

weren't there

Quang Nguyen


Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: weren't

Phát âm : /w :nt/

+ (viết tắt) của were not

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