What are practical ways to build trust in interpersonal relationships within an organization quizlet?

Change in tactics - Parties move from persuasive arguments to threats and power plays

Number of issues grows- More issues that bother each party are added to the disagreement

Goals change- Choice, Parties no longer want to resolve the problem, but to win or hurt the other
Parties no longer want to resolve the problem, but to win or hurt the other

Number of people grows - Choice, More people or groups are drawn into the conflict
More people or groups are drawn into the conflict

Issues move from specific to general - Conflict widens from narrow and specific concerns to broader ones and even general intolerance of the other party



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Groups and Team

Terms in this set [120]

team charter

a document detailing members' mutual expectations about how the team will operate, allocate resources, resolve conflict, and meet its commitments


collections of two or more individuals with low or no task dependency, who are not accountable to each other for their work, and who may or may not assemble for a specified period of time


collections of two or more individuals whose responsibilities depend on the other members, are collectively accountable for the performance and outcomes associated with their work, and work together for the time required for task completion

formal group

a group assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals

informal group

a group whose overriding purpose in getting together is friendship or a common interest


a set of expected behaviors for a particular position

group role

a set of shared expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole

task roles

enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose

maintenance roles

roles that foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships


shared attitudes, opinions, feelings, or behaviors that guide individual and group behavior

Collections of individuals with low dependency on one another are known as ______, whereas _____ are collectively responsible for their performance.

groups; teams

Which of the following describes a purpose of a formal work group?

discussing ways to improve product quality

Which of the following statements about informal groups are true?

Informal groups are formed by members who share a common interest.
Informal groups are based on friendship.

Informal groups are commonly distinguished according to their

specific interests

A negative byproduct of positively reinforcing group role and norm adherence is that groups tend to:

ostracize those who do not conform

In contrast to a group, what are characteristics of a team?

Members depend on each other.
Members are accountable for their collective performance.

A set of expected behaviors for a particular position in a group is called a[n]


Which of the following is an example of a formal group?

hiring committee

The task roles that facilitate a group's work include:

clarifying a common purpose
defining a common purpose

A norm is a[n] ______ shared by two or more people that guides behavior.

attitude, opinion, feeling

Groups on social media are a form of what type of group?


Among the stages of group development in Tuckman's model are:


stage 1: forming

during the ice-breaking stage, group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about the unknowns such as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals. mutual trust is low, and there is a good deal of holding back to see who takes charge and how

Tuckman's five stage model of group development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

stage 2: storming

the storming stage is a stage of testing. individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to decide how they fit into the power structure. subgroups may form and resist the current direction of a leader or another subgroup

stage 3: norming

groups that make it through stage 2 generally do so because a respected member, other than the leader, challenges the group to resolve its power struggles so something can be accomplished. questions about power and authority are best resolved through unemotional, matter-of-fact group discussion, and soft influence tactics. a feeling of team spirit is sometimes experienced during this stage because members believe they have found their proper roles.

the principle by-product of stage 3

group cohesiveness

group cohesiveness

the degree to which members feel part of the collective or "we" of the group

stage 4: performing

characterized by open communication, strong cooperation, and lots of helping behavior

stage 5: adjourning

the group's work is done! time to move on to other things

punctuated equilibrium

form of group development in which groups establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives; the group then establishes and maintains new norms of functioning, returning to equilibrium

Group influence brings individuals into the social fabric of an organization by:

communicating norms
communicating role expectations

during the _________ stage of group development, members are likely to be uncertain about the group's leaders and goals.


A set of shared expected behaviors for members of a group as a whole is called a group


a group's _______ roles enable it to pursue its purpose, while its ________ roles support its interpersonal relationships.

task roles; maintenance roles

Subgroups may form and procrastination occur during the ________ stage of group development.


An attitude, feeling, opinion, or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior is a[n] ______.


The stage in Tuckman's group development process when the group resolves its power struggles in order to accomplish its goals is the ______ stage.


During which stage of group development are people anxious about their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals?


The degree to which members feel part of the collective group is called group

group cohesiveness

During which of the stages of Tuckman's group development process are people likely to test the leader's policies, form subgroups, and determine how they fit in the group's power structure?


Which of the following are key elements to punctuated equilibrium?

change and time

team competencies include

-contribute to the team's work
-keeps team on track
-expects quality work
-interacts constructively with team members
-possesses relevant skills, knowledge, and abilities

contributes to team's work

completes work accurately and on time

keeps team on track

helps plan and organize work

expects quality work

expects the team to succeed and cares about producing quality work

interacts constructively with team members

listens to teammates and accepts feedback

possesses relevant skills, knowledge, and abilities

is able to make meaningful contributions to the team

The stage of group development that is able to occur after a respected member challenges the group to resolve power struggles to accomplish its goals is the ______ stage.


The tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases is known as ______.

social loafing

cross-functional teams [CFTs]

teams created with members from different disciplines within an organization, such as finance, operations, and R&D [research and development]

self-managed teams [SMTs]

teams with collective autonomy and responsibility to plan, manage, and execute tasks interdependently to achieve their goals

virtual teams

teams that work across time, space, and organizational boundaries to achieve common goals

task interdependence

the degree to which team members depend on each other for information, materials, and other resources to complete their job tasks

outcome interdependence

the degree to which the outcomes of task work are measured, rewarded, and communicated at the group level so as to emphasize collective outputs rather than individual contributions

The "we feeling" that binds group members together is group

group cohesiveness / cohesion

Which of the following statements are true about work teams?

They have a well-defined purpose.
They have a common purpose.
They are usually permanent.

Which of the following statements are true about project teams?

They are assembled to tackle a particular problem, task, or project.
Their members most often divide their time between the team and their primary jobs.
Their members may be from the same department of an organization.

Punctuated equilibrium is concerned with:

how a group functions in the face of change

What is a team called that is composed of specialists from several different areas such as finance, marketing, production and design?

a cross-functional team

Common teamwork competencies include:

contributing to the team's work
interacting with team members constructively
keeping the team on track

Of the following statements, which accurately describe social loafers?

Social loafers expect the same rewards as other members of the team.
Social loafers produce low-quality work.
Social loafers can distract or disrupt the work of other team members.

Which of the following statements are true about the characteristics of virtual teams?

Virtual teams may utilize talent more efficiently than in traditional office settings.
Virtual team members work across time, space, and organizational boundaries.
Virtual team members are connected using various technologies.

What type of team has a well-defined purpose, is more or less permanent, and requires the complete commitment of its members?

a work team

What type of team is assembled to tackle a particular project, problem, or task?

a project team

When specialists from different areas are put on the same team, it is a _________ team

cross-functional team

The benefits of using virtual teams includes:

reduced travel expenses
flexibility that is attractive to employees
reduced real estate costs

What type of team has a difficult time building trusting relationships because of a lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions?

a virtual team

A team that works together over time and distance using electronic media to combine effort and achieve goals is a[n]

virtual team

Which of the following are types of task interdependence?


Which of the following are aspects of trust?

letting your guard down with another person
believing that another person will keep the impact of his or her actions on you in mind

What are practical ways to build trust in interpersonal relationships within an organization?

Be realistic about commitments and deliver quality work on time.
Keep team members informed by providing information on policies and giving accurate feedback.
Demonstrate good business sense, technical ability, and professionalism.


the willingness to be vulnerable to another person, and the belief that the other person will consider the impact of how his or her intentions and behaviors will affect you

The Reina Model is used to restore _______ when it has been compromised


Which of the following are challenges that virtual teams face?

The lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions make building trusting relationships difficult.
Relationships are difficult to build and monitor at a distance.
Technology limits nonverbal communication.

The extent to which team members are dependent on each other to accomplish their work is called

task interdependence

Clear goals and responsibilities with an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities are specifically associated with ______ teams.


team charters

a document detailing members' mutual expectations about how the team will operate, allocate resources, resolve conflict, and meet its commitments

team performance strategies

deliberate plans that outline what exactly the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining particular member roles, tasks, and responsibilities

team composition

the collection of jobs, personalities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience levels of team members

team adaptive capacity [adaptability]

the ability to make needed changes in response to demands put on the team


the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome

Early in the group development process, a team can improve its chances for success if it:

develops a team charter

contractual trust

People do what they say they will do and make their expectations clear.

communication trust

People share information and tell the truth.

competence trust

People meet their responsibilities and acknowledge others' skills and experience

According to the Reina Model for rebuilding trust, it is important to discuss feelings and emotions constructively before reframing the ____ and taking _______ for what happened

experience or experiences; responsibility

Which of the following are characteristics of high-performing teams?

They have trust and communication.
They have clear goals and responsibilities.
They have an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Plans that outline exactly what the team is to do such as goal setting and defining member roles are team

team performance strategies

Developing a team charter early in the development process will help the team succeed because it describes:

how the team will share information
the decision making process
how the team will operate

Which of the following are aspects of team composition?

skills and abilities of members
knowledge and experience of members

Which of the following statements is true about team adaptive capacity?

It is a critical element of effective, high-performing teams.
It is the ability to make needed changes in response to demands put on the team.

Team performance strategies include:

the tasks and responsibilities of the members
plans that outline exactly what the team is to do
setting goals for the team

Which of the following is a goal of collaboration?

ensuring a collective outcome is completed

team ______ describes the collection of jobs, personalities, skills, experience, and knowledge of team members.

team composition

Supporting creativity is important to team collaboration efforts for which of the following reasons?

Team members will have a "can do" attitude.

What are practical ways to be an effective member of groups and teams?

Develop teamwork competencies to increase your value to the organization.
Communicate, be predictable, and treat others with respect to boost your trustworthiness.
Learn which of the group functions are important to you.

In order to make groups and teams successful, what should managers do?

They should use team charters to accomplish goals.
They should identify task and maintenance roles.
They should build and maintain trust with and among members.

The ability of a team to adapt to changes such as changing demands or the transition of members in or out of the group is:

team adaptive capacity

Collaboration includes which of the following aspects?

task coordination
information sharing

Which of the following will help teams collaborate better?

recognizing the strongest skill for each team member
using scheduling project management software

In order to make meaningful contributions to groups or teams, what should you do?

Apply your knowledge to combat social loafing
Learn which individual functions of groups are most important to you
Develop your teamwork competencies

What should managers do to help them build and lead more effective teams?

They should identify important task and maintenance roles.
They should evaluate employees using the three Cs of team players [commitment, collaboration, and competency].
They should use the group development process to reduce frustrations when working in teams.

types of groups

formal and informal

three main types of teams

virtual, self-managed, and cross-functional teams

Characteristics of the rational decision-making model include the assumption that managers:

possess all information needed to make the best decision
are objective

Criteria that should be used in evaluating alternatives are:

whether it will solve the problem
whether it is ethical
what it will cost

The first two steps in the rational decision making model are:

generating alternative solutions
determining the issue at hand

If a chosen solution fails to solve the problem, managers can return to the ______ stage of the model

problem identification

an ________ Blank 1 opportunity , Correct Unavailable is a situation in which it is possible to do something that eclipses expectations.


What models of decision making explain how managers really come to decisions?


The idea that decision makers are limited by various constraints during the decision-making process is the nonrational model known as

bounded rationality

Costs and quality are criteria that are crucial in evaluating

evaluating alternatives

Deciding to choose a solution that meets enough minimum qualifications is:


When you rely on intuition, which of the following are lacking?

the conscious awareness of the evoking cues
the evaluation of the effectiveness of the evoking cues

If the chosen solution fails to solve the problem, what should managers do?

try an alternative solution

True or false: An assumption of the nonrational decision making models is that managers possess all of the information needed to make optimal decisions.

false! this is true of the rational decision making model

Bounded rationality is the idea that decision makers:

face various restrictions when making decisions

A holistic hunch can be described as:

a judgment based on subconscious synthesis of memories
a decision that just feels right

Deciding to select a solution that meets some minimum, adequate qualifications is


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