What are the issues of traditional file based system?

Small businesses accumulate various types of data, such as financial information related to revenues and expenses and data about employees, customers and vendors. Traditional file organization describes storing data in paper files, within folders and filing cabinets. Electronic file organization is a common alternative to paper filing; each system has its benefits and drawbacks.

Data Security

Traditional file organization has security advantages over electronic filing, but it also has its disadvantages. Electronic files are usually accessible on a network, which means it's possible for an unauthorized person to gain access to electronic data over the Internet through hacking methods. Electronic data can also be damaged by software security problems like computer viruses. On the other hand, paper files can be lost in fires and floods, but electronic data is easy to backup in multiple locations, reducing the potential for permanent data loss.


A traditional file approach is less complex than electronic systems, which can make it easier for untrained people to access and manipulate data. Anyone can look through alphabetized filing cabinets to find a file. Locating and manipulating an electronic database information may require technical training, and user error can result in unintended alterations or data loss.

Access Time in a Traditional File Environment

One of the primary disadvantages of an traditional file environment is the time it takes to access data. It can take minutes if not hours to locate a few files in a large paper filing system. Electronic databases allow for almost instantaneous access to information. Faster data access time can increase the productivity of managers, analysts, accountants and other workers who use data on a regular basis.

Editing and Communication

A traditional file system is cumbersome in that it does not allow users to easily edit files or send information to others. Paper files often cannot be edited directly, forcing users to make new copies to update old files. To distribute data on paper files, users must mail, fax or scan the data. Databases allow users to edit information fields directly, and because information is stored digitally, it is already in a form that can be easily transmitted.

Order of Data

Data can get out of order in traditional filing systems. If someone accidentally puts a file in the wrong place, or takes a file out of a cabinet and forgets to put it back, it can lead to lost data or the creation of additional copies of files. Electronic filing systems allow users to quickly check whether information already exists somewhere in the system, which helps avoid problems like redundant files and data loss.

A file system is a method of storing and organizing the computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them.

Characteristics of file system

The characteristics of file system are as follows −

  • It is a group of files for storing the data of an organization.

  • Each file is independent from one another.

  • Each file is called a flat file.

  • Files are designed by using the program written in programming languages such as C, C++.

Disadvantages of file processing system

There are so many disadvantages in the file processing system. These are explained below −

  • Separated and isolated data.

  • Duplication of data − Increases cost time and money, takes additional storage space, loss of data integrity.

  • Data Dependencies − Files and records were described by specific physical formats that were code in the application program by the programmers, difficulty in representing the data from the user point of view.

  • Data Security − The security of data is low in the file-based system because the data is maintained in a flat file and is easily accessible.

  • Transactional Problems − This system does not satisfy transactional properties called ACID properties. These ACID properties are A-Atomicity, C-Consistency, I-Isolation and D-Durability.

  • Concurrency Problems − When multiple users access the same piece of data at the same interval of time then it is called a concurrency of the system. When two or more users read the data simultaneously then there is no problem but when they like to update the file simultaneously it may cause problems.

Pictorial representation of traditional file processing

The diagram given below represents the traditional file processing in a database.

Updated on 03-Jul-2021 08:17:36

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What are the limitations of traditional file based system?

Disadvantages of Traditional File System :.
Data redundancy and inconsistency..
Difficulty in accessing data..
Data isolation – multiple files and formats..
Integrity problems..
Unauthorized access is not restricted..
It co-ordinates only physical access..

What are the problem with traditional data management?

Over time, this traditional file management environment creates problems such as data redundancy and inconsistency, program-data dependence, inflexibility, poor security, and lack of data sharing and availability.

What are the problem with traditional file system how it is different from DBMS?

Difference between File System and DBMS.

What is a traditional file based system?

Traditional file processing systems include manual systems and also computer based file systems that were linked to particular application programs. This is the type of file processing that you used with your 3GL programming. They share a number of characteristics.

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