At the forefront là gì

At the forefront là gì

Hãy nói không với nhựa sử dụng một lần! Photo by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels
At/in/to the forefront (of something) nghĩa là ở tuyến trên, tuyến đầu (trận chiến) hoặc ở vị trí dẫn đầu/quan trọng nhất.
Ví dụ
It is, then, somewhat of a historical irony (trớ trêu) that it was his insistence upon the principle for which he has been ridiculed (chế nhạo)his rejecting the conformity (tuân theo) in naturethat allowed him to bring the museum to the forefront.
Small entrepreneurs (doanh nhân) and businesses were at the forefront of this industry in the 1970s in response to the energy crisis (khủng hoảng năng lượng) of that time. Today this commercial enterprise (doanh nghiệp thương mại) is still evolving and still being driven by small entrepreneurs and businesses.
Africa is at the forefront of the war on plastics, with 34 out of 54 countries having adopted some regulation (quy định) to phase out (loại bỏ) single-use plastic, said Fredrick Njehu, Greenpeace Africa Senior Political Advisor. The Kenyan government should not backslide (tái phạm) on the progress made in its plastic-free ambitions (tham vọng) by folding to pressure from fossil fuel giants, because it stands to derail (chệch hướng) the progress made across the entire continent.
Thu Phương
Bài trước: No rest for the wicked nghĩa là gì?
