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(tồ`m hỤp từ ĕễ Ěấg hỎd dhî`h thủd)

  1. \HÏ + DÆS ĚGỊS KGỉ@ …………………….… 6(ĕåp å`2 68) 6. LẪ@M ĚỘ@M \Ợ …………………………….. <(ĕåp å`2 4:)4. OGÂ@ \Ợ + DẬS \VÒD DÆS ………………… =(ĕåp å`2 46) <. MGỒG<. MGỒG \Ợ ……………………………………...…56(ĕåp å`2 49)3.\Ợ YỺ@M + DAOOADE\GA@ ………………. 54(ĕåp å`2 4=)9.ĚỘ@M \Ợ KHGẰN KHSWẰ\ …………….….. 57(ĕåp å`2 <6)\=.ZHVETEO YCVFT vê GLGANT ……………..… 6:(ĕåp å`2 <4)8. \Ờ@M HỦZ ………………………………………6<(ĕåp å`2 <9) (Höe hỤp T vê Y, Nọ`h ĕễ Le`h `mỡ, Dæu hềg Ěuüg, …..)

ZHẩ@ 52 \HÏ + DÆS ĚGỊS KGỉ@

5.Gi shc rgdh, shc wauol trevco erau`l thc warol.E.wauol fcF. gsD. hes fcc`L. wcrc6.Gi yau hel tekc` ny elvgdc, yau g` sudh lgiigduotgcs.E.wa`'t fcF. hel`'t fcc`D. wauol`'t fcL. wauol`'t hevc fcc`4.Ny det wauol `at hevc fgttc` thc tay igsh gt wes nelc ai ruffcr.E.gi shc hes k`aw`F. gi shc shauol k`awD. hel shc k`aw`L. gi shc k`cw<.\hcy wgoo stey thcrc iar sanc leys gi thc wcethcr ig`c.E.wauol fcF. wesD. gsL. wgoo fc3.Gi shc sgdk, shc wauol hevc ma`c aut wgth nc ta thc perty.E.hel`‗t fcc`F. wcrc`‗tD. hes`‗t fcc`L. wes`‗t9.Be`c oew iar iaur ycers `aw et Herverl.E.gs stulyg`mF. hes fcc` stulyg`mD. stulgcsL. stulgcl\=.Aur g`lustrgeo autput iran $6 ngooga` g` 6::6 ta $< ngooga` thgs ycer.E.rgscsF. hes rgsc`D. wes rgsg`mL. rasc8.Gi cvcrya`c , haw wauol wc da`trao thc treiigd1E.dauol ioyF. de` ioyD. iogcsL. hel ioaw`7.Gt gs foawg`m sa herl. ]c sudh e tcrrgfoc starn.E.hevc `cvcr k`aw`F. hevc `cvcr fcc` k`awg`mD. `cvcr k`awL. hel `cvcr k`aw`5:.‟Wau‗oo rcdam`gzc Bc``y whc` yau scc hcr. Thc e rcl het.„E.wgoo wcerF. wgoo fc wcerg`mD. wcersL. gs wcerg`m55.Gi gt iar thc hcevy starn, thc eddglc`t wauol `at hevc heppc`cl.E.gs`‗tF. hel`‗t fcc`D. wcrcL. wcrc`‗t56.A`oy a`c ai aur mgitcl stulc`ts ta pertgdgpetc g` thc ig`eo danpctgtga`.E.hes fcc` dhasc`F. hevc fcc` dhasc`D. wcrc dhaasg`mL. dhasc`54.\hc pedkemcs Q sa thet gt wauol fc cesgcr ta derry thcn.E.erc tgcl g` e fu`locF. erc tgcl eotamcthcr D. wcrc tgcl g` e k`atL. wcrc tgcl tamcthcr

5<.\hc faet wes segog`m `arth whc` e tcrrgfoc starn .E.hel frakc`F. frakcD. wauol frcekL. wes frcekg`m53.Luc ta cvcr narc sprcelg`m paedhg`m, thcrc Q e lrenetgd lcdog`c g` thc `unfcr ai cocphe`ts avcr thc oest lcdelc.E.wesF. gsD. hes fcc`L. hel fcc`59.G wark oest wcck, fut G dhe`mcl ny ng`l.E.hevc stertclF. wes mag`m ta stertD. hel stertclL. wauol stert5=.G wgth ny eu`t whc` G en a` haogley g` Ha Dhg Ng`h Dgty `cxt na`th.E. wgoo hevc fcc` steyg`mD. steyF. wgoo hevc steyclL. wgoo fc steyg`m58.‟]het gi thc certh stappcl navg`m1„E.heppc`clF. wauol heppc`D. heppc`sL. wgoo heppc`57.‟Dauol yau tur` aii thc stavc1 \hc patetacs iar et ocest thgrty ng`utcs.„E.fagoclF. wcrc fagog`mD. erc fagog`mL. hevc fcc` fagog`m6:.\hc thcary ai rcoetgvgty fy Cg`stcg`, wha wes e ienaus physgdgst.E.wes lcvcoapclF. gs lcvcoapclD. lcvcoapsL. lcvcoapcl65. e icw narc ng`utcs, wc dauol hevc ig`gshcl thc tesk.E.S`ocss wc helF. Gi wc hel helD. Gi wc hevcL. Gi wc hel66.]c dauol hevc deumht thc oest treg`, fut wc igvc ng`utcs oetc.E.wcrcF. hevc fcc`D. wauol fcL. erc64.Ttulc`ts wgoo `at fc eooawcl g`ta thc cxen raan gi thcy thcgr stulc`t derls.E.lgl`'t praludcF. la`‗t praludcD. praludclL. hel`‗t praludcl6<.\hc hcelnestcr hes lcdglcl thet thrcc ocdturc heoos g` aur sdhaao `cxt scncstcr.E.wgoo fugolF. wgoo fc fugolg`mD. erc fcg`m fugotL. wgoo fc fugot63.Gt gs reg`g`m hcevgoy wgth raoos ai thu`lcr. ]c sudh e tcrrgfoc thu`lcrstarn.E.wauol `cvcr sccF. hel `cvcr scc`D. hevc `cvcr scc`L. `cvcr scc69.]gthaut yaur hcop, G thc tcdh`gdeo prafocn wgth ny danputcr thc athcr ley.E.wauol`‗t saovcF. dauol`‗t hevc saovclD. dauol saovcL. de`‗t saovc6=.Iar thc oest 6: ycers, wc sgm`gigde`t dhe`mcs g` thc warol ai sdgc`dc e`l tcdh`aoamy.E.wgt`cssF. hevc wgt`cssclD. wgt`cssclL. erc wgt`cssg`m68.G hevc`‘t nct hgn emeg` sg`dc wc sdhaao tc` ycers ema.E.hevc ocitF. ocevcD. ocitL. hel ocit