Family dynamics là gì

Family DynamicsVolume 1

Family dynamics là gì


The 20 family dynamics activities presented in this book are one-of-a-kind as they work on rebuilding the relationships between family members, by helping to stimulate communication and team unity. Families that have become divided due to unforeseen circumstances, can work through these activities to help create and establish a new foundation of trust, respect, and communication.

The importance of staying connected with children while they are learning to become their own individuals is crucial to helping with future growth, success and understanding. The focus of this book is for the activities to generate conversations that deal with important issues that need to be addressed in order to allow for relationships to be rebuilt. The activities help with the changes the family is going through, feelings and emotions that are being buried, learning how to cope and learning about each other. As well as activities that help to rebuild respect, trust, and establish safety within the home.


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Family dynamics là gì

As children grow and encounter many life-altering experiences, it can become harder for them to stay connected with the adults in their lives. Within this book are 20 fun family activities designed to promote opening the lines of communication, and in so doing, make both family members and the family unit stronger.

Included activities help family members to open up, discuss struggles they are experiencing, and learn better ways of working together as a team to overcome difficulties. Finding more, and better, ways to respect each others boundaries and learning how to rebuild lost relationships through coping and talking throughout these struggles/situations. These issues and many more are discussed within the projects, which are all crucial with helping to maintain family unity.

The best way for family members to get through to each other is for them to be there for one another and be willing to discuss any issues that may arise. For each of these projects to be effective, it is important for adult family members to keep an open mind and be truthful with kids, as well as themselves.

If adult family members open up to their children, they, in turn, will do the same. Kids need to be shown, not just told, that its okay to express feelings and thoughts. Adults should be aware of too quickly dismissing certain issues that may at first appear to be no big deal. What we can handle as adults is very different from what kids can handle, and things that seem to be little to us can be perceived as huge to them.

The most important thing of all for families to remember is to simply have fun. Enjoy spending time learning more about each other and rebuilding family unity. Remember that opening the lines of communication with one another is the key to a happy, healthy family. I hope you enjoy the activities.

~Bryan Wright

Parent Feedback

Family dynamics là gì

I like the fact that kids are given a chance to learn from their mistakes instead of having a bad decision negatively affect their futures.

Family dynamics là gì

Used references and stories that the kids can relate too and see themselves in. Not just lecturing to them but involving them and keeping it interesting.

Family dynamics là gì

Listening to the kids discussion made me more aware of what is going on with their age group.

Family dynamics là gì

Activities really got me thinking how to use them in daily life.

Family dynamics là gì

I was impressed with the teaching style and connection Bryan had with the kids. He truly cared that the kids understood the messages he was teaching!

Family dynamics là gì

My child and I have a better and more open relationship. It has helped him turn his school grades around and take personal responsibility for his actions.

Family dynamics là gì

Attended every sessionExcellentDo this program in School!

Family dynamics là gì

Would love to see a class like this offered to ALL students middle-school through high school to bring more awareness that sexting exists and how to deal with the pressures from social media. Its NOT enough to have this class for only those who get CAUGHT! Some cases never get reported.

Family dynamics là gì

I wouldve sent my son to this without having it being required and paid for it. Very good Info. I also told a few of the my friends that are mothers about it and they would like it for their kids too.