Holistic assessment of the older person

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Holistic Assessment and Treatment of Older Adults

@inproceedings{Hyer2017HolisticAA, title={Holistic Assessment and Treatment of Older Adults}, author={Leon Albert Hyer and Chris Mullin and Catherine A. Yeager and Kristin Aj Wagner and Ian Yeag}, year={2017} }
  • L. Hyer, C. Mullin, +2 authors Ian Yeag
  • Published 22 December 2017
Introduction Clinicians who care for older adults have long been frustrated by the limitations of the prevalent diseaseoriented approaches [1]. The medical model serves as a taxonomy for defining health, disease, and payment for care and narrowly focuses on individual organ systems. Pointedly, it is inadequate to characterize older persons who generally show a combination of multiple diseases, limitations of function, and cognitive and psychosocial problems. Conditions, such as cognitiveExpand
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