pro at life là gì - Nghĩa của từ pro at life

pro at life có nghĩa là

An American political stance characterized by the belief that abortions constitute murder. Currently, America has legal abortions available to those who want and can afford them. Persons of the pro-life platform wish for abortion to be illegal. Compare to pro-choice


President Bush is pro-life.

pro at life có nghĩa là

The belief that all life is sacred and deserves to be protected. One who is truly pro-life will oppose capital punishment, war, poverty, and all forms of physical or mental torture. Such a person will see abortion as a tragedy for all involved, not a "reproductive right" to be celebrated - and will work to end abortion, not by force or intimidation, but by working to change the social and economic conditions that lead people to choose abortion.


i hate it when people think that because i identify as pro-life, i would support such atrocities as capital punishment, pre-emptive war, or violence against women.

pro at life có nghĩa là

1. Someone who is against abortion. While most merely protest and express their outrage for it, few others go hypocrite and kill abortion clinic doctors. Opposite of pro-death, indeed!

2. Often called Anti-choice.


The pro-life woman ranted and raved that killing is wrong, and to prove her point, she shot a doctor dead because he performed an abortion. In other words, she felt that a fetus was more important than a living, breathing human being.

pro at life có nghĩa là

A political stance in which protects the human rights of a undeveloped human, but apparentley the feelings of the woman who was raped didn't matter.


"My sister was raped but due to the Pro Life laws, She was forced to have a kid she didn't want."

pro at life có nghĩa là

Politically correct label that applies to people who oppose a woman's right to chose. The choice of words, 'pro-life', suggests that the people who don't agree with them are 'pro-death' and therefore bloodthirsty babykillers.
Using the 'pro-life' label allows those who are described by it to do the following:
-Avoid any rational debate
-Advocate the murder of doctors who perform abortions
-Walk around with pictures of dead babies
-Never have to point out that they have never been in a predicament that would have them consider abortion (extreme poverty, rape...)
-Live in a fantasy world where abortionist kill babies as a hobby in satanic rituals
-Speak God's name in vain


-Hello, I'm Michael, 'I'm pro-life'.
-Really? well that's nice, death sure is overrated.
-Wanna look at my pictures of mutilated babies?

pro at life có nghĩa là

In the most non biased way I can say it:
A term, generally used to describe the views preserving life,although most commonly used for those against abortion.

Pro Lifers usually believe that
- Abortion is Wrong
- Euthanasia is Wrong
- The Death Penalty is wrong
- Everyone has the right to life

Going unbiased:
No we are not anti-woman or sexist in any way. We just belief everyone has the right to life.


I believe that all life is good, and should be respected. I am Pro Life.

pro at life có nghĩa là

PRO-LIFE: Male dominated religious fascist movement. Purpose: keep women shoeless, pregnant, and ignorant of political power. Secondary purpose: endless army of expendable poor children. (Useful for generating ghettos, welfare, and statistics)


Pro Life is positive. I'm positive there's a billion starving children in the world.

pro at life có nghĩa là

Pro-Life is the term conservatives use to make it seem like those who disagree with them are "Pro-Death" or "Baby killers" and to draw attention away from the fact that most of them support the death penalty and wars for profit.


I'm Pro-Life so I killed a guy who worked at an abortion clinic.

pro at life có nghĩa là

"An Evil Fuck"?
"An Annoying Idiot"?


Pro-life evangelical Christian group bomb an abortion clinic while saying that every life is

pro at life có nghĩa là

Pro-life is a word used by many religiously affiliated groups to shame women who have had abortions, may need an abortion in the future, use birth control and the morning after pill. Pro-lifers enjoy protesting at abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood. Many pro-lifers believe that a fetus of rape or incest should be carried to term. Denying a woman her right to an abortion if she was a victim of rape or incest is undeniably cruel, seeing as those victims are often embarrassed to report the crime, suffer from sexual insecurity, and often require years of counseling to make them feel whole again. Without an abortion, those women would be forced to carry a reminder of their rape around for nine months. Also, people who would try to take away abortions, especially in low-income areas, don't have support systems in place for young and disadvantaged mothers. Children are EXPENSIVE. Many people cannot afford children. Also, there are seven billion people on earth. We should be reducing the number of children born, not increasing it. This is why birth control and the morning after pill are completely necessary.


Person 1: You can't have an abortion.
Person 2 (pregnant by rape 12 year old): But, I emotionally and physically am not able to carry this fetus to term. I could die easily in childbirth. I don't want to die. If I don't get an abortion, I'll have to drop out of school.
Person 1: Well, God wanted you to have this baby. That's why you're pregnant. Getting an abortion isn't pro-life.