Remote Desktop connection not working on wifi

When I connect to my Windows 8 Professional machine via Remote Desktop (RDP) I almost always get my WiFi connection broken.

The setup:

T61P Lenovo Laptop + W8 at home
Wireless Router with NAT forwards connections to that machine
Windows 7 laptop at work connecting to the home laptop

When I connect, very often I get to login and suddenly connection is lost and I cannot reconnect again. When I get home I find my WiFi connection is still connected to the Access Point but does not function. Can't even ping the router.

What is strange is that disabling wireless with the hardware switch and enabling it again doesn't help. The only way to make it works again:
- Reboot
- Disable wifi with hardware switch AND disable the network card in Device Manager, then enable both

I did not have this problem on the very same laptop when it was running Windows 7.

Any hint how can I find where the problem is?