RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections update problem 0x8007052e

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  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    In our company environment we are using Windows 2012 R2 based RDS farm deployment with 2 HA connection brokers(these 2 servers are also have Web access role installed). All client PC's have Windows 8 OS installed. We publishing remote application programs for our users via RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Everything works fine except on thing that time to time RemoteApp and Desktop Connection are not updating and shows this error:

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    Then we clicking "update now" system asking to enter credentials. After the entering domain username and password everything is updating. After this procedure updating works fine 2-4 weeks and then start failing again. Our users required to change password every 3 months. That means password changing can't be the reason of this error.

    Maybe it can be related with server rebooting? All RDS farm machines reboots once per month during the server patching

    Thanks for help in advance.

    • Edited by Andrej Trusevic Thursday, February 5, 2015 9:50 AM

    Thursday, February 5, 2015 9:23 AM

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  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    I assume that after correct credentials are provided, it works, right?

    Are there any related error messages logged?

    Best Regards,


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    Friday, February 6, 2015 12:38 PM

  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    Yes, after credentials are provided everything works and no other error messages logged.

    Saturday, February 7, 2015 3:03 PM

  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    Based from the description of the issue, it is a suitable explanation that server reboot clears cached credentials for RemoteApp and Desktop Connection.

    Best Regards,


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    Friday, March 6, 2015 3:13 AM

  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    Hi - I was just reading your thread on the error, and I have exactly the same symptoms. 3-4 weeks working, then the error. No reason for it in the Task Scheduler.

    Did you get to the root cause?

    Many Thanks


    Tuesday, May 17, 2016 10:42 AM

  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    Hey all,

    When a user subscribes to a RemoteApp and Desktop Connection, they get an auth cookie signed with the RD Web Access server's ASP.NET MachineKey, which is located in the RD Web Access server's machine-level Web.config file by default.

    In the past I've only ever seen this error message in two cases: once when the ASP.NET MachineKey was changed (which means RD Web Access can no longer decrypt the cookie since it no longer has the proper MachineKey), and once when the cookie itself got corrupted.

    If this is only happening for a single or small set of users, #2 is the more likely root cause - at which point I'd start looking at what might have corrupted the cookie. It is stored in the registry on the user's PC - maybe registry corruption?

    If this happens to all your users when it happens, then it seems likely that your ASP.NET MachineKey is being changed. Maybe you have some policy on your server that is auto-rotating it on reboot or something?

    Sorry I couldn't give you a smoking gun culprit, but hopefully this gives you a few avenues of investigation.

    Travis Howe | RDS Blog:

    Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:22 PM

  • RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful


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    Hi all,

    This problem still exists in Windows Server 2016 and Windows 7 and Windows 10 clients.
    It's a bit different than the problem of Andrej. Even when providing the correct credentials, the update is not succeeding and the credential pop-up is appearing again.

    The only workaround is removing the workspace and re-apply it through Group Policy.

    I've made a little script for this, but a permanent fix is desired.

    reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Workspaces\Feeds /f
    rmdir %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Workspaces\ /s /q
    rmdir "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\%Name% RDS (RADC)" /s /q
    gpupdate /force

    RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

    Anyone facing the same issue or has more info on how to resolved this?

    Kind regards,


    Thursday, March 28, 2019 10:06 AM

Error to update remoteapp


In my company we have RDS without a gateway role. It has been working properly for a long time but suddenly today it has started giving an error to users that it cannot update the connections.

If we enter the panel and we "update now" it says "error contact the administrator".

It is very rare because if we access via web, it launches the applications without problems, and if we run the applications from the accesses that were already on the computers, it also works without problems. It is only the update function.

On the other hand, if I remove the apps through regedit(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Workspaces\Feeds) and try to enter the url manually it says that the passwords did not work.

No entry appears in the event viewer. RDS is installed on a windos server 2016 and sent the remoteapps configuration via GPO.

I have looked at all the sites and everything seems to be correct. any idea where to keep looking?

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful



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LoKkY-2084 answered Oct 10, '20 | KarlieWeng-MSFT commented Oct 13, '20

I know what was happening, it was stupid.

I change the name of the RDS with the Set-RDWorkspace -Name command to put a banner and it will not disturb the name, but it does not allow only a space or a dot.



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KarlieWeng-MSFT · Oct 13, 2020 at 01:07 AM

Hello @LoKkY-2084

Glad that u solved it!

Thanks for the sharing :)

Best regards

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LoKkY-2084 answered Oct 5, '20 | KarlieWeng-MSFT commented Oct 8, '20

Sorry, yes there is a log, but in the administrative events section (error code: 0x80004005, 0x0):

- System - Provider [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-RemoteApp and Desktop Connections [ Guid] {1b8b402d-78dc-46fb-bf71-46e64aedf165} EventID 1000 Version 0 Level 2 Task 100 Opcode 0 Keywords 0x4000000000000000 - TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2020-10-05T18:59:51.625698100Z EventRecordID 94 Correlation - Execution [ ProcessID] 10108 [ ThreadID] 14468 Channel Microsoft-Windows-RemoteApp and Desktop Connections/Admin Computer **COMPUTER.domain** - Security [ UserID] S-1-5-66-957853985-123452925-448056298-7154 - UserData - EventXML ConnectionName ConnectionURL **https://FQDN/rdweb/Feed/webfeed.aspx** ErrorCode 2147500037 ErrorCodeAdditional 0

On the server I also see many events 1026:

"The installation of the default connection has been cancelled. A default connection cannot be used on a system that is part of a Remote Desktop Services deployment."


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KarlieWeng-MSFT · Oct 08, 2020 at 07:15 AM

Hi @LoKkY-2084

1) When did the issue first occur? And have you installed any update or third party software before the issue happened?

2) Can you enter winver in command prompt on client computer and look the os version and os version number ?

3) Does it happen to all RDP connections or just to the one PC?

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LoKkY-2084 answered Oct 8, '20

Thank you very much for the reply.

1 the problem appeared a few days ago, and the last updates are from August. There are no changes to the server since then. I have removed the antivirus and disabled the firewall but it remains the same.

2 W10 Ver. 1909 (18363.1082)

3 it happens to all users but only when updating remoteapps. If they enter through the web, the certificate is valid and they can launch the applications without problems. In the same way, if they enter through the remoteapps that were configured before the error, it works without problems.


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

Thai Pepper



RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

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Dec 12, 2016 at 12:49 UTC

Can you not in the Task properties just set this to repeat every 30 mins ?


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful



davidmodig Dec 12, 2016 at 13:01 UTC

yes well, that is possible. The issue is doing that on each client takes ALOT of time.
Theres got to be a better solution than doing every single one manually.


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

Thai Pepper


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

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Dec 12, 2016 at 13:07 UTC

Sorry, I assumed you had created the task in GPO and just missed this bit out.


Create the task in GPO\(Computer)(User) Config\Preferences\Control Panel Settings\Scheduled Tasksand let it push it out to the clients - give a slightly diff name e.g Task-Every-30


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful



davidmodig Dec 12, 2016 at 14:19 UTC

There we go, thank you.
Typical Monday brainfarts, just had to create a scheduled task that had the same settings as the user-local one but with refresh set to 30 min instead.


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

Thai Pepper



RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

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Dec 12, 2016 at 14:21 UTC

no problem


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RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

Remote Desktop connection not working /can’t connect [Fixed]

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

by Ivan Jenic

Troubleshooting Expert

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and driver troubleshooting. When he's not tackling... Read more

Posted: January 2021

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  • Remote Desktop is a very useful feature, which allows us to control our computer from another device.
  • Some factors can cause Remote Desktop to stop working but read the article below to find plenty of solutions.
  • We wrote a lot more about Remote Desktop Connection so it would be useful for you to bookmark the page.
  • If you experienced any other Windows 10 errors you have to check out our Windows 10 errors hub.

RemoteApp and Desktop Connections the update was not successful

Remote Desktop is a very useful Windows 10 feature, which allows us to control our computer from another device.

Of course, it requires an internet connection to work, so if your computer is not properly connected to the internet, you won’t be able to use this feature.

However, even some other factors could cause Remote Desktop to stop working, and we’re going to talk about these issues and solutions for them in this article.

Speaking of issues, many users reported the following problems:

  • Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons Windows 10
    • Sometimes you might get this error message on your PC. If you encounter this problem, be sure to try all the solutions from this article.
  • Windows 10 RDP client not working
    • Sometimes RDP client won’t work at all on your PC. This can be due to your system configuration. To fix that, make sure that you’re using a private network.
  • RDP this computer can’t connect to the remote computer
    • This is another common problem with RDP. To fix this issue, be sure to check both your antivirus and firewall.
  • Remote Desktop not working after Windows 10 upgrade
    • Sometimes issues with Remote Desktop can occur after installing a Windows update. To fix the issue, simply remove the update and the problem will be fixed.
  • Unable to connect to remote PC, please verify Remote Desktop is enabled
    • This is another common problem with Remote Desktop. However, you should be able to fix the problem using one of our solutions.
  • Windows 10 Remote Desktop credentials did not work
    • If you encounter this error on your PC, you might be able to fix it simply by removing your saved credentials.
  • Remote Desktop cannot connect error, certificate expired invalid, in the time allotted
    • There are various errors that can appear while trying to use the Remote Desktop feature. However, you should be able to fix them using one of our solutions.
  • Remote Desktop won’t connect over the Internet
    • This is another problem related to the Remote Desktop feature. If Remote Desktop can’t connect, be sure to check your firewall and antivirus settings.

The remote desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:

  • Remote access to the server is not enabled
  • The remote computer is turned off
  • The remote computer is not available on the network

These can be caused by a limited network connection, not enough memory, and wrong firewall settings.

So, if you can’t connect to Remote Desktop in Windows 10, make sure your computer doesn’t have any of the above-mentioned issues.

Microsoft RemoteApp

RemoteApp is a virtual application solution that allows users to run Windows-based applications regardless of what operating system they are using. It allows users to launch virtual applications from a server that appears on their computer as if it is installed locally, but in reality, is running on a remote server. Users are able to open and save files locally or to their network drives.

Remote Desktop not working after Windows 10 upgrade

Remote Desktop is a useful function built-in Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise Version. With it, you can access and control one computer from another computerwithout physical presence. Sometimes, you can't RDP after Windows 10 update it comes with an error like,

"Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:

1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network
Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and the remote access is enabled."