stereotyper là gì - Nghĩa của từ stereotyper

stereotyper có nghĩa là

A stereotype is used to catergorize a group of people. People don't understand that type of person, so they put them into classifications, thinking that everyone who is that needs to be like that, or anyone who acts like their classifications is one.


Stereotype for Goths are black clothes, black makeup, depressed, hated by society.
Stereotype for Punks are mohawks, spikes, chains, menace to society, always getting in trouble.

stereotyper có nghĩa là

A term used to define all people of a certain belief into a mostly negative category that may only reflect a selected few of the racial demographics. All people of all nationalities have been victims of being stereotyped, even those whom have made most of the stereotypes of other people.

Note: Most stereotypes are involuntarily lived out by a small segment of who they are made to offend. Here are a few examples of stereotypes.


1.) That all white women have flat booties.
2.) That all Jews are greedy.
3.) That all blacks are lazy, on welfare, and don't believe in marriage before child barring.
4.) That all Asians are good at math.
5.) That all Arabs are angry people that like to blow shit up.
6.) That ALL black men are hung like elephants.
7.) ALL white men are hung like squirrels.
8.) All blacks crave chicken and watermelon.
9.) All blacks are hostile and will quickly bust a cap in your ass.
10.) That all Mexicans like to drive around 15-17 deep in a small ass car.
11.) That all white people get angry when they cant get jobs and see others moving ahead.
12.) That all Asains like to eat rice and drive slow.
13. That all Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes.

These are just a few..however not everyone live this lifestyle and therefor should be judged on individuality instead of being grouped as a whole.

stereotyper có nghĩa là

98% of the "definitions" on this website.
See: 'ICP'
People should stop posting how much they hate stuff. It's not hard, just dont listen to it.


"I hate goths, I hate emo kids, ect"

stereotyper có nghĩa là

Stereotyping is when you judge a group of people who are different from you based on your own and/or others opinions and/or encounters.


Guy 1: I met this hot chik from Hawaii
Guy 2: All women from Hawaii are sluts, I met one yesterday
Guy 3: You're just stereotyping. How can you judge an entire group of people based on one person?

stereotyper có nghĩa là

A stereotype is a label given to a person, a prequisite judgement. It goes hand in hand with bias, prejudice, and discrimination.


Joe is a Middle Eastern, "gothic" gay person. Because of this, people assume that he is a morbid, suicidal terrorist that has a strong passion for interior decorating. In fact, he dresses gothic because of the music he listens to, and he likes the style. He is perfectly happy, and is in several school programs to help suicidal kids. He also is a Good Smaritan. He was born in the US and is planning on joining the military as an ROTC scholar. He wants to stop terrorism. He hates design in all ways.

stereotyper có nghĩa là

a perception of a person or thing that applies those attributes most commonly associated with the group that such person or thing belongs to, regardless of whether that perception is true. This word has gained a negative connotation and is more commonly associated with discrimination, when in reality it is a natural mechanism used by people to better understand the world. This is why when someone says "hockey player" you think of a white guy, or "rapper" and you think of a black guy, or "city" and you think of things like skyscrapers.


Stereotypes are often good and helpful things, but discrimination on the basis of prejudice/stereotypes often has negative effects.

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Whether its media or people who categorise and label others to make themselves feel superior.


examples of stereotypes include:

All muslims are terrorists and want to kill people in suicide bombings. (what a loada crap)

All chinese people are very clever

Americans are all obese

All emo people do is sit down and think about how the world sucks and cut themselves and end up killing themselves.

Black people are deadly gangsters

People who listen to rap are gang members

People who listen to rock/punk/etc are emo/gothic and that R'n'B,hiphop and shit like that is the 'right' music to listen to.

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An assumed label given to someone out of pure ignorance and arrogance.

Often given by people who live up to the stereotypical standards of "preps", which is pretty sad.


Blondes are stupid
Metalheads are badasses with long hair
Goths are satanists
Emos whine 24/7
Blondes are morons
British are snobs
Black people like rap
Americans are fat, loud, obnoxious and abuse freedom of speech
Brunettes are sluts
Redheads are sluts
Asians are smart
Asians can't drive
Germans are nazis
Fat people are bad parents
Black people are dumb
White people are smart
White people are racist
Black people are racist
British are addicted to tea
Nerds have no life
Etc. etc. etc.

Those are examples of stereotypes

stereotyper có nghĩa là

An automatic overgeneralization of certain labels, regardless of accuracy; Over-abused discrimination.

Cheerleaders: Vain, slutty bitches who are way too self-absorbed

Emos: Attention-seeking, depressed, angsty teens (Fakes, wannabes, attention-seekers=the majority of emo population these days); Wannabe scene queens; Emo Elmo (in my opinion, bullshit, and an inaccurate judgement ofe "emo"); Cutting (is actually a form of non-sexual masochism)

Celebrities: Over-paid actors and musicians just waiting to be judged and showered with overrated popularity; "Scandalous"


Examples of stereotypes (regardless of accuracy):

"All cheerleaders are skinny, skanky, and anorexic."

"Why don't all you stupid emos just bleed to death, you depressed attention-seeking whores?" (Someone actually said this to me)


stereotyper có nghĩa là

What everyone does no matter whether they think they do or not

Stereotypes, in my opinion, are completely pointless. They're a part of modern society today, and basically it tries to put everyone into one group or another.

Many people try to 'be' a certain stereotype just because they think it makes them cool to whoever else. Generally, I believe if people do this, and admit to being whatever stereotype, then they are not that stereotype as they're trying to be something they're not.

Many people are discriminated for the way they are stereotyped, and stereotyping has become a sort of discrimination in itself.

Just try to be who you are, not what people want you to be or what you think you want to be. Be who you really are. Stereotyping gets rid of individualism and makes everyone similar, which to be honest, is pretty boring

Too many people are not given a chance because of whatever way they act, dress, the music they listen to or whatever else. Give them a chance to find what they're really like and you might find you actually like them :)

The most common stereotypes for people are emo, indie, chav, goth, prep, scene etc.

There is also something called 'ethnic stereotyping' which is like things such as all Asians are really smart, all Jewish people are greedy, all Russian people are called Boris, all British people are either posh or talk live 1800 people =/ etc etc


Kid 1: Lets go beat up that kid cos he looks different

Kid 2: Yeah! He's not like us

Kid 3: He's just himself, not trying to be anyone else, you're just treating him different because of his stereotype, he doesn't do it to you, so you shouldn't to him :)

Kids 1&2: .....Get him too! He's explaining things that we should know but don't as we all go by these stupid stereotypes just because everyone else does