talibanization là gì - Nghĩa của từ talibanization

talibanization có nghĩa là

(Ar. Students) Islamic fundamentalist militants who came to power in Afghanistan in 1995 and were expelled from the country a few years later by American and native forces.


The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.” The organization was founded by Mullah Mohammed Omar, an extremely enigmatic individual who went into hiding in 2001 after the organization's fall from power. Members of the Taliban were originally religious students who developed a very conservative interpretation of Islam and the Sharia, or Islamic law. During Afghanistan's long and bitter civil war, members of the Taliban began a slow rise to power, and the group ultimately took control of most of Afghanistan, promising to put a stop to infighting between various bands of mujahideen, or groups of soldiers led by warlords, to make Afghanistan a safer place.

talibanization có nghĩa là

Afghanistan based group. Said to have harboured Al Quaeda and allowed their training camps. Noted for their severe Islamic beliefs and their repression of women's rights.

Lesser known for being one of the few of the many tribes in Afghanistan to have held the entire country securely for any period of time.
Pro-US troops during the Cold War, succesfully defended against cold war-USSR for many many years.


Taleban forces retreated to caves where they put up stiff resistance.

talibanization có nghĩa là

Al Qa'ida

Low life filth which resided in Afghanistan.


Terrorists which supported Osama Bin Laden

talibanization có nghĩa là

a political movement started back in 1994 in an attempt to stabilize the former Islamic Republic of Afghanistan which was in the middle of severe tribal conflict between the Government and factions of the Mujihadin following the withdrawal of Soviet forces in 1989.

The taliban came to power in 1996 after fighting a massive civil war which forced President Rabbini from power, Its leader was a shadowly figure named Mullah Omar. Once in power Mullah Omar implemented an extremely harsh and absolutely severe - even by fundamentalist islamic standards - form of Shariah Law. Televisions, movie theatres, sports, alcohol, music (except islamic prayer music) and Kite flying where all banned but it was the severe oppression of women and there policy on severely limiting there rights which won them condemnation and criticism.

in March 2001 the Taliban blew up the 2000 year old Buddhist statues in Baymian province and recieved severe condemnation, However it was the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon which began the Talibans downfall, Because they where hiding Al Qaida fugitives including its supreme leader osama bin ladenin undisclosed locations of Afghanistan, The USA Sent troops to hunt down Osama and cripple the taliban regime, as a result rebel pro-us northern alliance forces removed the taliban late in 2001.

today the taliban are crippled but have not been wiped out and mullah omar and his bum chum osama bin laden remain at large.


the taliban where a brutal fundamentalist regime

talibanization có nghĩa là

To overpower, domineer, take control, run the show, run the household.


I wanted to go play cards with the guys, but my wife talibaned me into staying home and mowing the lawn.

talibanization có nghĩa là

It's worth noting that the word Taliban, which is commonly a reference to a specific group of Muslim terrorists, comes from the Arabic root Ta-la-ba, which means to search, seek, or request. More specifically, the word comes from "Talib," meaning a student or pupil. The name Taliban was probably chosen because the people of this group view themselves as students of Islam.


"Talaba al-Talib Talab ila al-Taliban."
The student requested an application to the Tabiban (unlikely but all words in this sentence are from the same Arabic root).

talibanization có nghĩa là

1. Instilling radicalism into the young generation 2. The calculated use of violence against civilians in order to attain ulterior goals that are both political and religious in nature, which is always done through deliberate act of terrorism, intimidation or coercion.


Afghan administration banned underhand Quranic schools used for talibanization of the young children.

talibanization có nghĩa là

1. The act of banning any Taliban member from a specific area or activity. Examples include: Crossing a border, entering a city, serving on a tribal committee or boarding an airplane. In some cases, local governments are trying to recruit ex-Taliban members into the fold, providing a way out from "Talibanishment." 2. The continuing effort by Pakistani and Afghani officials to eliminate Taliban violence by labeling specific individuals or groups as terrorists. 3. An extremely difficult task.


Mustafa won't be coming to Lahore for the soccer game next week. He's been Talibanned.

talibanization có nghĩa là

Verb. Infinitive: Taliban
(1) The act of waiting out an opposition or complication until the right opportunity or ideal conditions for guaranteed success arise. only cis or trans people who identify with the pronouns He/Him can use this verb (2) Agreeing to something with a superior party knowing well that you intend on forfeiting on that agreement to take advantage of an unstable third party while parading as a mother f'n Badass. Particularly applicable in conditions where you will take property from said unstable party that were given by the superior party. again, only cis or trans people who identify with the pronouns He/Him can use this verb


Can't wait to bang Sally this weekend! I am just talibaning mom and pop's until they go to Nanna's funeral in Michigan next weekend.

talibanization có nghĩa là

Employing the use of the "force of government" by a religious group or sect in order to impose a belief system, behavior system, or series of customs on members of a society or collection of societies under the premise that it is a "god(s) will."

This may be achieved by legislation, judicial means, direct executive action, or by the employment of the government educational system.

Generally achieved by social, emotional, philosophical, or directly physical intimidation.


"The way those people are treated is simply Talibanical. What business is it of the government anyway whether someone is married or unmarried. I mean besides the confiscation of their hard earned money so that government can give it to me of course."