Virtual desktop different icons

Anyone know a way to have persistent virtual desktops retain different sets of desktop icons?

I dont know which genius at MS made virtual desktops they way it is, becuase I can keep multiple apps open in fullscreen over one another on a single desktop and just alt-tab between them. So virtual desktop in its default state does not actually provide any additional functionality.

The best alternative I could find is Dexpot. It is however kind of outdated. Anyone know of a newer alternative?

Appreciate if could get help to achieve the desired result, instead of just being told something along the lines of "no it cannot be done period" or "just buy another monitor"


W11 Virtual Desktops should have different shortcuts and pinned icons from windows
  1. Hello

    So, I know how to use multiple desktops.

    Does anyone know a way to make it so that for example, Desktop 2 shows no Desktop Icons whereas Desktop 1 will show Desktop Icons? I can accept using 3rd-party software to make this work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why was this moved? The type of multiple desktops I am talking about is not called virtualization at all

    At least .. I didn't think so?

  2. ...I can accept using 3rd-party software to make this work.


  3. !I am using it. After changing a couple of settings, it works.

    How did you know about that software? Do you use it yourself?

  4. !I am using it. After changing a couple of settings, it works.

    How did you know about that software? Do you use it yourself?

    I have used it in the past, now I just have more monitors!
    Virtual desktop different icons

    It hasn't been updated since 2014 but, it works just fine!

I am in agreement with the OP. The "idea" behind Windows 10 multiple desktops, and how it has been explained, is like having multiple desks in an office. Well that's exactly what I need!!! Presently in our den, we have two desks with two computers. On one desk I have bills and household/school paperwork. On the other desk are all the items related to games, crafts, design, etc. I don't mix the paperwork between the two and when I am sitting at one desk, I do not have the items from the other desk cluttering my work's space or view.

Now in Windows 10, I was hoping to use it like they say....multiple deskTOPS. I just upgraded to windows 10 last night. This morning, as I was moving all the icons back the way I had had them organized (before Windows decided to clutter them all to the left of my screen,) I discovered "multiple desktops" with the "task view". Yippie! Now I can move all my shortcuts and icons which "I" use over to new desktops, and leave all my son's games and programming **** on this one.  WRONG!!!

Unbelievable that I can't do this. I get that apps "running" on one desktop won't clutter the other, but all the icons that were on our previous Windows 7 desktop are shortcuts to certain apps or documents/folders we want quick access to right from the desktop and are organized by subject: programming, school, system maintenance, customization and media. Having all of them on just one desktop does NOT help me, and neither does having ALL of them on EVERY desktop help the way JamesSpisiak describes above.

I have no use for a second desktop that doesn't function like an actual second desk ..."TOP." That is the OP's original question and concern, and it is mine as well. I can't figure out why Microsoft didn't provide this functionality. Logging in under another user's account might solve this problem, but that is NOT how we want to manage our computers. We do not want entirely separate accounts, we just want our "clutter" to be organized in a logical way. I didn't like the immensely time-consuming and draining headaches associated with managing "multiple accounts" with MS OSs. We don't have "privileges" issues in our household and basically it's a "privileges" nightmare using multiple accounts. As is accessing and installing programs, customization, maintenance, etc. For me, managing ONE account is most efficient for the way our family to use the computer.

That leaves "personal files and shortcuts" clutter as our only remaining headache. My previous use of 3rd party apps which help with such things also created a maintenance nightmare for me. I'd rather it all be in one system and that's what I thought "task view" was going to be. Even for just my files and needs, separate from my son's, I was excited to keep system maintenance activities, shortcuts, and files separate on it's own desktop view, as well as my other tasks and activities on their own desktop views, as well as my son's. Right now, it just operates like a browser when you want to open other unrelated searches in another tab or window.

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