Which of the following is a physical benefit of sport participation?

Organized, well-structured youth sports and on-going physical activities can provide many benefits for children and adolescents. Positive experiences that sports and an active lifestyle bring play an important role in a young person’s life.

Which of the following is a physical benefit of sport participation?

At University of Missouri Health Care, our adolescent medicine team encourages all children to participate in sports or other regular physical activity. Physical exercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Team sports help teach adolescents accountability, dedication, leadership and other skills.

Many athletes do better academically

Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. Some people may think this would distract student-athletes from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true. Sports require memorization, repetition and learning — skillsets that are directly relevant to class work. Also, the determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can be transferred to the classroom.

Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills

Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems. This experience is helpful when encountering problems at work or at home.

Physical health benefits of sports

Clearly, sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. However, they also encourage healthy decision-making such as not smoking and not drinking. Sports also have hidden health benefits such as lowering the chance of osteoporosis or breast cancer later in life.

Sports boost self-esteem

Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process.

Reduce pressure and stress with sports

Exercising is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress. You can also make new friends who can be there for you as a support system. When you feel under pressure or stressed, call up a teammate, head to the gym to talk and play it out.

Any extracurricular activity can be a big commitment for families. Youth sports is no exception. Often, parents find themselves juggling schedules to get kids to practices and games. Although some may find youth sports to be too intense and competitive, most families know there are many benefits of youth sports participation. And that makes them willing to accept any short-term challenges.

In fact, a recent study found that 76 percent of parents encourage their kids to engage in middle and high-school sports. Most athletes who participate on these school-based teams got their start in youth leagues.

Clearly, most parents see value in youth sport programs. Here are five top reasons why you may want to sign your son or daughter up for an athletic team or activity.

Benefit #1: Increased Physical Activity and Health

Today, young people face many temptations to lead a sedentary lifestyle. And far too many do fall into this trap. Technology use by kids is on the rise, while time spent outdoors is decreasing. Just one in three children participate in daily physical activity.

How can you keep your children from lapsing into inactivity? Signing your children up for a youth sports program can help them develop good health habits. Even a one day per week of regular exercise can be beneficial.

Kids who play sports have lower body fat, stronger muscles and bones, and increased cardiovascular fitness. They have a much lower risk of becoming overweight or obese. And they can create a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

a player learning baseball from a coach

Positive health outcomes are one of the major benefits of youth sports participation.

Benefit #2: Form Social and Community Bonds

For many kids, playing sports is a great way to make new friends. Participating on a team can give your children a chance to get to know others in their neighborhood, school, and local area. Often these friendships last even after the season ends. Kids can reflect on fun times spent together and shared interests.

Also, playing in a local league helps build a stronger connection with the community. Young people will get to know adults who serve as volunteer coaches or league officials. They can build relationships with these trusted adults–who can be important role models.

And your children can witness the value of volunteer service first-hand. They can understand what it means to be a positive community contributor.

a group of youth soccer players huddling before a game

Does anything build friendships among kids better than sports participation?

Benefit #3: Improve Academic Potential

Many young people who pursue sports have a strong self-concept and are very goal driven. These positive qualities can carry over into the classroom.

In fact, several studies have found a link between youth sports and academic success. One study found that a large percentage of athletes reported achieving an “A” average in school. Student athletes were far more likely to have strong educational and career goals as well. Most aspire to graduate from both a four-year college and a graduate or professional program.

Benefit #4: Learn How to Face and Overcome Challenges

The benefits of youth sports participation extend beyond the field, court, or arena. Through playing sports, your children can learn to make quick decisions and work as a team. These positive qualities will serve them well in future careers.

Sometimes, young athletes face the discomfort that comes from being in the spotlight or having teammates rely upon them. And the disappointment of at least one difficult loss is inevitable.

Still, most young athletes know they have the full support of their coaches and families. They learn that they have the strength to face adversity. Tough experiences in sports can help young people build resilience that stays with them well into adulthood. Take it from Kevin Durant:

So many people believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. So many people doubted me and motivated me every single day to be who I am. I failed so many times and got back up. I’ve been through the toughest times with my family, but I’m still standing

For example, one father of a young athlete remembered feeling nervous about pitching for his youth baseball team. He also knew his family would appreciate his contribution no matter the outcome. As he’s grown to face far more complex situations–both in his personal and business life–he looked back on his early pitching days. Now, he recognizes how that experience taught him that he can weather any challenges.

two young athletes overcoming challenges and realizing benefits of youth sports

Character is built on the court, field, pitch, or gridiron.

Benefit #5: Build a Foundation for Lifelong Health

Participating in sports can help young people develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. Often, young children may experiment with several sports, but focus or one or a few when older. Those that continue with sports recognize that regular practice can help them gain new skills. And more intense training can bring higher levels of performance. This motivation for self-improvement often persists after organized sports participation ends.

Researchers have found that young athletes grow up into active adults. In one long-term study, those who took part in sports between the ages of nine to 18 were five to six times more likely to be active into adulthood. In some case, participating in youth sports just once a week led to a much higher probability of being active adults.

Without question, regular physical activity early in life can lead to a healthier future.

Today, youth sports participation is a way of life for many families–and for good reason. Taking part in a sport requires regular exercise and healthy habits at home, which is key to good health. Young athletes can develop physical confidence and skill. And they can build strong relationships with teammates and coaches. This social support helps them feel connected to their communities–and fosters a sense of belonging.

The benefits of participation in youth sports don’t end when the final buzzer sounds. Instead, young people often bring the discipline and motivation gained through sports to school. In adulthood, people can rely on the resilience gained from sports-related challenges to overcome any work and personal hurdles.

Youth sports can require compromises and sacrifices. Still, parents can trust in the knowledge that their children are gaining immediate and long-term benefits. Those positive outcomes make all the miles and hours worthwhile.

Which of these is a physical benefit of sport participation?

Participating in sports develops healthy living habits that provide physical benefits such as developing coordination, physical fitness, and strength. Skills are developed that transfer to everyday situations as youths learn teamwork, sportsmanship, responsibility, time management, and organizational skills.

What are 3 benefits of participating in sports?

Playing sports helps you stay in shape, teaches you how to organize your time, boosts friendships, and builds relationships with your peers and adults. Through athletics, you gain skills that can best be acquired on a court, track, or field.

Which of the following is a social benefit of sports participation?

Increased confidence, peer acceptance, leadership skills, and empathy; these are just four of the social benefits children receive from sports and physical activity.

What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

Check it out:.
Improved cardiovascular health. ... .
Lowers risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. ... .
Helps manage weight. ... .
Reduced blood pressure. ... .
Enhanced aerobic fitness. ... .
Improved muscular strength and endurance. ... .
Improved joint flexibility and range of motion. ... .
Stress relief..