Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection

In order to simplify the selection of an ezeep Blue printer within a remote desktop session, the windows printer redirection feature should be disabled. Otherwise, your users would see each of their local printers twice. Please follow one of the two descriptions below to disable Microsofts printer redirection.

Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection

Disable printer redirection for Windows Virtual Desktop

1. Log in to your Azure portal and navigate to the Windows Virtual Desktop service

2. Click on Host Pool, select the host pool you want to configure and click on RDP Properties

3. Scroll down to "Printer redirection" and select "The printers on the local computer are not available in the remote session"

4. Click on "Save"

Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection

Disabling printer redirection via Remote Desktop Gateway Manager

The following steps only apply for Windows Server 2012 or higher.

  1. On the terminal server, go to Administrative Tools, and open the Remote Desktop Services folder.
  2. Select Remote Desktop Gateway Manager
  3. Select Connection Authorization Policies
  4. Click on the policy RDG_CAP_AllUsers and go to the Device Redirection tab
  5. Select Disable device redirection for the following client device types and place a checkmark at Printers.
    Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection
    6. Click on OK to apply the change.

Disabling printer redirection via Group Policy

  1. Open the Group Policy editor and browse to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Printer Redirection.

Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection

2. Open the policy setting Do not allow client printer redirection and select the option Enabled

3. Click on OK to save and close the policy item Window.

Windows 10 Remote Desktop printer redirection

The next time a user logs on in, their local printers will not be redirected by Microsoft.