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Hướng dẫn build class titan quest ragnarok oracle
Topic: Cassidy's Oracle Guide (Read 12720 times)

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Oracle � Raziel, The mobile Appocalypse (V1.15)

  1. � Overview � The Oracle is, without doubt, the games current hammerdin � capable of damage in the tens of thousands distributed over a large area with minimal dependance on good starting gear. A good Oracle can run Typhon and most of the other bosses, solo Legendary (with a little care) and is an awesome character to start with � possibly even a little overpowered. None of the existing builds/threads really did this character justice IMHO, particularly in terms of progression � thus my first build for the compendium will be an Oracle.
  2. � Skills and Stats � The Oracle uses the Spirit and Storm trees, with the primary focus being on Ternion, lightning damage, summons and buffs. Stat wise, put enough points into str and dex to wear your target gear (this will be high if you don�t know what you�ll be finding). The rest should be plowed right into int � mana isn�t really a problem, just suck down the potions. \=== Spirit === Ternion Attack � 12 points (max). This is the heart of the build, giving three attacks from a staff � practically tripling the effective damage! Initially it has a minor penalty to elemental damage, but eventually this becomes a 5percent bonus. Arcane Lore (synergy to above) � 6 points (max). If ternion if the heart, then this is the soul of the Oracle. It allows the ternion attack to strike over a wide area, up to a 2.5m radius. Dark Covenant � 1 point. A nice buff, particularly late game. This burns health in exchange for an increase to energy regen and (with synergy) elemental damage � which is what we are trying to max. This also applies to allies, but doesn�t last all that long (unfortunately). Unearthly Power (synergy to above) � 8 points (max). See above. Summon Lich King � 15 points (max) � Probably the best ranged pet in the game, the Lich King tears opponents apart with energy attacks, sustains himself, stuns and slows and even does percentile damage to enemies. Trust me � you want one. Building him to max allows him to use a variety of different attacks (such as the lovely soul blight). Death Nova (synergy to above) � 1-12 points. Heals the Lich and does percentile and vitality damage. Very, very nice late game. Max if you have extra points. Wraith Shell (synergy to above) � 1 point. Makes the lich harder to kill by means of damage absorption and resistance. Arcane Blast (synergy to above) � 1-16 points. Allows the Lich King to fling powerful stunning and slowing projectile volleys. Awesome for fast moving, melee mobs. Max if you have extra points. Death Ward � 1 point. Just gives you a little bit of hp when it runs low, a useful last breath when you get careless. \=== Storm === Storm Wisp � 1 point. A great little summon that is virtually unkillable due to an enourmous dodge percentage. Area effects can hurt it though. You want it due to Eye of the Storm, which buffs both your resistances and elemental damage. Eye of the Storm (synergy to above) � 8 points (max). See above. While it doesn�t go off all that often, when it does it buffs your cold and lightning resistances by 33 percent and your elemental damage by a whopping 100 percent (maxed) !. Storm Nimbus � 10 points (max). The reason why we use a storm mastery. Nimbus gives both cold and lightning damage, with percentile plusses in its synergies. Eventually reaches 23 cold damage, 19-75 lightning, which is why this build focusses on lightning. Heart of Frost (synergy to above)- 1-8 points. Increases percentile cold damage and slows enemies in a small radius around you slightly. Not bad, max if you have extra points. Static Charge (synergy to above) � 12 points (max). This allows your character a chance to retaliate with lightning damage (not all that helpful) and adds a nice percentile damage to lightning damage, 76 percent eventually. \=== Other skills to consider === Deathchill Aura and Ravages of Time (synergy) � Another aura, with an extremely small radius that slows enemies, damages them slightly and reduces their damage outputs. Consider using it in Legendary or if you find that mobs consistantly get too close for comfort. Thunderball and Concussive Blast (synergy) � Gives a nice stun, reasonable damage late game and with synergies can be another obstacle to throw in the way of oncoming mobs. Stun and then blast �em to oblivion! Squall and Obscured Visability (synergy) � Does minor damage, but lowers enemy resistances and damage output as well as making ranged enemies miss. Some like this, some don�t. Summon Outsider � I suggest you put a point into this, as it gives a strong summon to use when facing bosses. Chain Lightning and synergy � A pretty nice skill, what it lacks in stunning power it makes up for in quick casting time and pure style. Drops a powerful, single bolt onto a target, synergies allow it to arc to others. While the stun is extremely short, it can be cast quickly in response to enemy archer packs � giving you just enough time to direct a torrent of crackling ternion death their way.
  3. �Character Progression� Initially a single point into ternion will suffice. Next, climb the Spirit mastery tree until you unlock Arcane Lore, which you should max to allow you maximum spread of your ternion damage. Now get yourself a lich. Now get Nimbus and maximise it. Then start climbing the Storm tree, while maxing ternion � (1 point ternion, 2 points mastery) putting a point into each of the essential skills. I prefer doing this to maxing ternion and other percentiles early since the base damage of the early staffs is low enough to make increased percentile damage negligable early game (boosting your int and nimbus inititally actually gives higher returns). If you have high level starting gear you may wish to get the percentiles up higher, faster � although you should be killing so fast you will barely notice. Once the Storm tree is maxed, maximise Static Charge (for permanent lightning percentile increase) and Eye of the Storm (when the wisp buffs you, damage goes through the roof). Now finish climbing the Spirit tree, getting the synergies for your Lich, Dark Covenant/Unearthly power and a point into summon outsider. By this point in the game (medium-late epic) you will appreciate the stun/slow the lich is now capable of, the extra damage pump from Unearthly Power and the extra summon to call out if things get sticky. Finally, once these are all done, either put some points into the other skills mentioned or maximise the �1-x� skills such as the lich�s synergies and Heart of Frost.
  4. � Lets talk Strategy � The strategy for an Oracle is remarkably simple � once you start firing, the sheer volume of projectiles will form a torrent of electrical death � obliterating mobs in a heartbeat thanks to the splash damage from arcane lore. With all your combined elemental/lightning damage percentile boosts (including your wisp�s) you�ll have around 200+ percent! Now multiply this by 3(ternion), taking it up to a whopping 6x damage. Applied to your staff�s lightning damage and the damage from Nimbus�ye gods� Simply destroy melee monsters before they get to you � if they manage to, either tank the damage (not a good idea out of normal) or fall back, periodically firing. Ranged monsters should be dealt with similarly, blasting them good before they can focus fire you. If things become dicy, fall back and bring out your outsider to help divert enemy attention away from you. The idea is to simply pour damage into enemies whenever you can.
  5. �Gear� The beauty of the Oracle is that it can survive and solo Legendary Typhon with store bought items (of course anything you find along the way will help 🙂 ). Try to get yourself a staff with high lightning damage, + lightning damage and + percentile. Run Typhon and get some gear for your other characters in need!
  6. �Weaknesses� While an Oracle is an incredible killing machine, it does have a low hp. Thus massed ranged enemies in legendary are to be feared. Fast moving, tough bosses like Toxeus and Manticore can also give you a hard time. Finally, casters and bosses that do huge area damage can roast you if you get careless or cocky. These problems can be solved, to an extent, by using your summons wisely � if you are in an area in which you know a powerful boss resides, use the ctrl key to move your lich/wisp in first and try to get their attention focussed on the summon. If else fails, drop your outsider and leg it! Massed ranged enemies can be dealt with by using either squall (which causes them to miss a lot) or thunderbolt (which stuns them long enough for you to vaporise them). � Guide by Cassidy


Hướng dẫn build class titan quest ragnarok oracle


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