Single vertical line on laptop screen

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I recently noticed that a vertical line that was about 3 inches from the left of the screen on my msi ge63vr 7re. It only appears after i run a game on my laptop for a while. The line disappears when i shut my computer down and start it back up after about 10 minutes. If i immediately restart my laptop, the line will still be there. The line does not appear in the bios, screenshots or on an external monitor. Since the line isn't always there, i'm hoping that it isn't the panel's issue. Can anyone give any advice? Does everything i mentioned confirm that it is a hardware issue or is there still a possibility that it is software related.

Single vertical line on laptop screen

try uninstalling the current graphics driver and reinstalling the drivers from the MSI support homepage of your laptop

Hi, i have already tried that and it doesn't solve it.

Single vertical line on laptop screen

check if pressure to the display will alter the line or let it disappear also if opening or closing the lid (or in any state between) has an effect to this line, eventually the ribbon cable or a lose connection between motherboard and display might be the problem

It´s most likely a hardware issue

Yeah, i suspect a hardware issue too. I was just wondering if the line would disappear after shutting down the laptop and starting it back up after 10 minutes, implied anything. I am a bit reluctant to send it to the MSI service center because they charge a lot for a diagnosis.

Single vertical line on laptop screen

a new display will cost you about 100$

a new cable about 20$, but I doubt it´s a cable/connection problem.

If the display was the issue, wouldn't the line appear as soon as i start up my laptop? Or does it not work that way?

Single vertical line on laptop screen

if the connection in the panel itself gets warm, it might lose contact

When that occurs, is it because i didn't take care of it or was i just unlucky to get a faulty panel?

Single vertical line on laptop screen

Is there a possibility that the technicians could fix this or does it usually result in the panel having to be replaced? Sorry for asking so much, i am trying to plan my next move.

Single vertical line on laptop screen

usually the most likely faulty parts will be replaced till the problem disappears

Sounds like i have to send it to a service center. Is it ok to leave the issue as it is for now or should i send it for service immediately?

Single vertical line on laptop screen

backup important data

you can use your laptop normally for now. It could be that this line will come on more often over time but wouldn´t destroy the laptop by using it or similar

The real Truth there is consider replacing of screen ..... No software dat can be installed dat wil erase the line rather it keeps spreading whn any little pressure amounts on the labtop....

Single vertical line on laptop screen

I see no reason for this added post, since it is just repeating what was already said. Perhaps reading all the replies first, before posting, would be advisable.

Hi, just to update, my 3 more lines have appeared recently. Two lines that are right next to the bezels on each side, which are red and blue. The third one is about 3 inches from the right side. The lines will still disappear if i leave my laptop idle for around 15mins. Does this say anything about what the issue is with my laptop? The service centre opens on 12th of May so i am not able to send it over yet.

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L Laptop Tech Support 1 Dec 13, 2021
Single vertical line on laptop screen
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Single vertical line on laptop screen
Laptop Tech Support 1 Feb 14, 2016