Why is Microsoft not accepting my product key?

If you see this message, this means that your Office product key has been blocked and will no longer work.

If your Office product key doesn’t work, or has stopped working, you should contact the seller and request a refund. If you bought a product key separate from the software, it’s very possible the product key was stolen or otherwise fraudulently obtained, and subsequently blocked for use. Unfortunately, there are many dishonest sellers who offer stolen, abused, or otherwise unauthorized Microsoft product keys for sale. Sometimes these product keys are printed on counterfeit labels or cards with a download link to Microsoft software, and sometimes they’re distributed with software media that is unauthorized for resale, such as promotional media, original equipment manufacturer reinstallation media, or other Microsoft program-specific media.

Buy Office

If you're not able to get a refund from the original seller and you want to buy Office, click the button below to compare prices and buy Office from the Microsoft Store or to start a free trial of Microsoft 365.

Buy or try Microsoft 365

Buying a product key?

If you're shopping for Office product keys elsewhere, we recommend that you review our tips for safer shopping to make sure you're buying genuine Microsoft software. Be sure to read the tip called Beware of Product Keys Sold Separately if you want to buy a product key online.

If you have a current Microsoft 365 subscription, here's how to fix this issue:

  1. Close all Office apps.

  2. Go to Services & subscriptions and sign in with your Microsoft account.

  3. Under your Microsoft 365 subscription, select Installs.

  4. Under PC/Mac installs used, select Sign out of Office for the device where you're getting this error. For help, see Deactivate a Microsoft 365 install.

  5. In Windows, right-click the Start button on the lower-left corner of your screen, and then select Run.

  6. In the Open box, type C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Office\Heartbeat and then select OK.

  7. File Explorer opens. On the View menu, select Hidden items.

  8. In File Explorer, delete HeartbeatCache.

  9. Open an Office app, and sign in with your Microsoft account when prompted.

Why is Microsoft not recognizing my product key?

One of the most common reasons why Microsoft is not accepting your product key is when the one entered has already been used on the maximum allowed devices. In this case, you must buy a new copy of Windows 11 or a product key. Other than that, some users also fell victims to counterfeit or incorrect keys.

Why does it say my product key is invalid?

Product keys are uniquely created based on your license requirements. The Invalid Product Key message most often occurs for the following reasons: During copy and paste, an extra space or character is included. You may also want to replace all the "-" keys between the characters manually with "-" from your keyboard.

What do I do if my product key is not working?

Method 1: Perform these steps to replace the key:.
Click on Start menu and type CMD, right click on CMD and select Run as Administrator..
Type this command and press enter: slmgr. vbs /upk..
Type this command and replace # with the product key, then press enter: slmgr. ... .
Type this command and press enter: slmgr..

How do I fix Microsoft product activation failed?

How do I fix the Microsoft product activation failure error?.
Switch to your active Microsoft account. ... .
Update your subscription. ... .
Remove other copies of Office from your PC. ... .
Run the program with administrator privileges. ... .
Check your date/time settings. ... .
Update the program in question. ... .
Reset Microsoft settings..