edu là gì - Nghĩa của từ edu

edu có nghĩa là

The sickest nickname for weed ever... You can use it in casual converstaion at school, in front of your parents... WHATEVER! ... invented by the amazing stoners from the International Secondary School Eindhoven, btw.

Ví dụ

example one:
Stoner 1: (in front of teacher) Dude lets go edu after class.
Stoner 2: Yea, chill man, i need myself a good hit.
Teacher: (thinks) What the fuck are they talking about???
example two:
Stoner 1: Dude this is some good fucking edu man..
Stoner 2: Yea man, its fresh from the shop.. nice and sticky.
Stoner 3: I AM FUCKING EDU-ED!!!!

edu có nghĩa là

A shitty educational or promotional website.

Ví dụ


edu có nghĩa là

example one:

Ví dụ

example one:
Stoner 1: (in front of teacher) Dude lets go edu after class.

edu có nghĩa là

Stoner 2: Yea, chill man, i need myself a good hit.

Ví dụ

example one:

edu có nghĩa là

Stoner 1: (in front of teacher) Dude lets go edu after class.

Ví dụ

Stoner 2: Yea, chill man, i need myself a good hit.
Teacher: (thinks) What the fuck are they talking about???
example two:

edu có nghĩa là

Stoner 1: Dude this is some good fucking edu man..

Ví dụ

Stoner 2: Yea man, its fresh from the shop.. nice and sticky.

edu có nghĩa là

Stoner 3: I AM FUCKING EDU-ED!!!!

Ví dụ

A shitty educational or promotional website. Edues' are creepy weirdos that are the type of people to kill their parents for more game time on an Xbox or PlayStation. Edues' are fat and not charming at all, they make sex jokes a lot but they don't do them well cause they are virgins for life. They always have fight with syblings and start destroying stuff cause they are fat and too lazy to just chase them and too fat to have a decent accuracy.

edu có nghĩa là

Girl 1: All this fat boy does is talk shit, he's probably a no-lifer.
Girl 2: Of course he's a no-lifer! He's an Edue.

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Douche bags with a PhD or Masters that work in higher education. These folks are typically found in a college town, as they very rarely venture out into the real world. Typically a product of white privilege these folks prefer their own kind. They usually keep a minority friend around to help claim social consciousness despite having never lived anywhere with real diversity. They can often be heard talking to each other about how great, better, and less racist they are compared to everyone else. Warning: never attempt to disagree with them, just accept that their time in a classroom makes them better than you. Oh my god let's get out of here. I'm going to stab myself if I have to listen those edu-douche over there any longer. They have been talking about racism for over 15 minutes, and I haven't heard their black friend say a word. Slang for 'hiya, how are you?', used especially in surprise. person A: 'I haven't seen Soph in ages....'
Soph walks through the door

edu có nghĩa là

person A: 'Edu!!'

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When something is soooo amazing that words can't describe it and you need the most amazing url to explain it. Anh bạn!!!!!!!!!! Your milk sock is so .corn/edu!!!!!!!!! Preferably a nice funny guy, a big person. He pops a big fat manu. Edu is a name for a very fat person. Edu can be used to blame someone

edu có nghĩa là

Bro This Guy Looks Like Edu.

Ví dụ

EDUUU WHy did you do that big fat manucollege>