flooshs là gì - Nghĩa của từ flooshs

flooshs có nghĩa là

Floosh: A female ejaculation that goes everywhere all over the place; squirt


damn that girl flooshed all over my body, wow!

flooshs có nghĩa là

a game or sport
played with a ping pong sized ball but has the characteristics of a tennin ball (ie its a tennisball but is the size of a ping pong ball)
it is played with 4 tables inbetween 2 players. tables can be of any size according to the players skill and the players distance ranges according to arena but originally is about 5 meters.

the objective is to get to 5.(6 explained later)
if u reach -5...you lose

you gain a point when..
- you throw the flooshball and it bounces off one of the tables and beats the opposite player
-as above when the opposite player drops it

you lose a point when
- you miss a table when throwing the ball

points are stationary when...
-ball hits a table but it caught by opposite player
-ball hits table but goes wide either does not go past last table or out of area you aim to beat the opposition player

when you are on 5...you cant lose a point!
so put everything into your throws because if you miss a table you are still on 5. as soon as you gain a point you win

created by gerard and adam!


Hey adam you wana have a game of floosh

flooshs có nghĩa là

Floosh is another word for flash. When someone is splashing the cash around you call them floosh, or when someone is showing off you call them floosh. flash


Im so floosh cause i bought 10 bottles of champagne last night.

flooshs có nghĩa là

In the same way that cunt is an extremely bad word for vagina, floosh is an extremely bad word for ass hole.


"That girl is such a floosh!"

flooshs có nghĩa là

1.a word to show excitement

2.an ugh-oh moment

3.Derek Cadiere


1. I went to the store and saw a gangster and i was all like "FLOOSH"

2.Little kid: I made a floosh mommy!
Mommy: what the fuck did you do?
little kid: i saw daddy in the pool and he was floatin like ma dead fish and you said if ma fish floated i had to flush him so i pulled daddy's plug!
Mommy: FLOOSH he didnt rewrite his will yet I'M FUCKING RICH FLOOSH FLOOSH

3. Did you see the floosh's face when he saw me in booksamillion. the only reason that dumbass floosh left was because he was with a fat ass chick who wasnt his girlfriend and I'm telling lacy!!!!!!!!!

flooshs có nghĩa là

a fanny fart - means the same as queef but sounds way better. can also be used as an insult


'that girl made a rumbling sound' 'dude she totally just flooshed' 'alright dan?' 'go away you fuckin floosh'

flooshs có nghĩa là

The act of moving at a fast, but confusing, pace.


"Erica took an ecstacy pill and started flooshing all over the house."

flooshs có nghĩa là

Verb, adjective, noun, adverb, and interjection all in one. It means something is very puffy, usually hair.


Verb- She flooshed my hair!
Adj- Her hair is so flooshed.
Noun- Rocking the floosh nancy!
Adv- Everyone flooshly did their hair
Interjection- FLOOSH MY BALLS!

flooshs có nghĩa là

The formal union of two men or two women. On the Yahoo! News comment page for an article about the gay marriage vote in Australia, there were many people expressing their opinions, most of their comments barely legible because of poor spelling and grammar. One of these outraged Australian citizens, we'll call him Scotty, had this to say: "The oxford dictionary defines the word MARRIAGE as the formal union of a MAN and a WOMAN, you stole the word GAY from OUR vocabulary just leave the word MARRIAGE alone, you maggots, why can't you just make up your own word, and do that besides playing choo choo trains." The gay community immediately dropped their choo choo trains and agreed with Scotty. It would be much easier to add a completely different word to the dictionary, rather than slightly change the definition for 'marriage', which is many centuries old. Thus, they pulled a bogus word out of their asses and invented 'floosh'. Floosh is the exact same thing as marriage, but it only applies to gay people. To avoid having to change the meaning of any other words in the straight people dictionary, homosexuals throughout the globe are in the process of creating a completely different vocabulary that is compiled of words that only gay people may use. 'The Coxford Dictionary' is expected to be released around September 2069, and will feature a picture of Scotty next to the definition of 'ignorantfuckingbogan', meaning 'anyone who posts stupid comments on Yahoo! News'.


Yasmin and I are getting flooshed tomorrow, I'm so excited! Walter decided he was going to save his virginity until floosh. Sudha's parents planned an arranged floosh for her. The flooshing ceremony was beautiful! Sean, will you floosh me? Devoted Christian: Jesus Christ does not approve of floosh!
Devoted faggot: Screw you.

flooshs có nghĩa là

Floosh is the company Floosh, Inc.
Creator of a self contained, solar powered luxury restroom for outdoor weddings and special events. Derivation: flush with two o's -- because it has a porcelain flushing toilet. www.floosh.com


We rented two beautiful Floosh units for our wedding. Everyone loved them!