goguardian là gì - Nghĩa của từ goguardian

goguardian có nghĩa là

The crappiest piece of shit ever. Just another excuse for teachers to ruin your hopes and dreams even more. If your teachers find goguardian, smash your device.


Goguardian danger if you see it on your device, run.

goguardian có nghĩa là

One of the worst fucking extensions you can ever have. Normally used in a school environment. Restricts people from random websites for no reason and is just a pain in the ass overall.


I can't read this article because GoGuardian won't let me. Fuck this shit

goguardian có nghĩa là

a blocker that doesn't let you do a single thing in the internet except watch youtube videos and chat on zoom or google.


bruh, our Chromebooks are monitored by goguardian now!

goguardian có nghĩa là

Something that sucks. It does many bad things:
1. Blocks Sites
2. Blocks Extensions
3. Blocks Apps
4. Blocks Games
5. It is torture
6. It blocks Urban Dictionary (Yeah I am using a different account)
7. Teachers get mad when you are not on GoGuardian
8. Students just think of "Get that thing away right now!"
9. It is 99.99% s***
10. Wow 10 reasons! And yet, ALL of them give me a heart attack.
11. Some settings are controlled
12. Teachers can see your devices during class (I wouldn't say that is bad but still...
13. Sometimes in my school, GoGuardian is called GG, which stands for "good game." But I think it stands for "Good Grief," or maybe "Giving Gastroenteritis." Yeah, the last one sounds better. GoGuardian gives people Gastroenteritis. So why do administrators use it? Because it gives Gastroenteritis. Fortunately, there are some BYPASSING strategies:
1. Go to extensions, and REMOVE EXTENSION.
If that button doesn't appear,
2. Turn the extension off.
If that doesn't work,
3. Search up the website you are looking for. Click "cached."
If the web cache site is blocked, then... keep reading.
Bad news, if you are still reading here to see ways to bypass GoGuardian, you have reached the ways I DID NOT FIGURE OUT BY ONE MONTH.
4. An amazing site! Titaniumnetwork.org lets you bypass many site.
Now, if this gets blocked, you are unlucky.


Person A from State X: Let's go play this game together!
Person B from State Y: GoGuardian!!! >:(

goguardian có nghĩa là

shitty school extension that invades students privacy


why did it exist i the first place tho? they shouldve set their marketing to "invade students privacy" or something like that. Im scared that my teacher can see my browsing history, yt vids i watch, and all of those nasty stuff. im really thinking of using my pc because of that, and take control on what they are invading. just for laughs but i might hack their mainframe because ik a little bit of batch coding. but one thing thats keep triggering my BS alarm is the fact they can see everything your searching, then if your searching "stuff" goguardian is going to buzz the "WTF ARE YOU SEARCHING EAT THIS BARRIER B***H" block screen. after that its going to make log info then send it to the it and admins. how do i know that? ITS BECAUSE I DECOMPILED IT AND SAW THE CODE FUNCTIONS AND THE CODE ITSELF. they didnt even did a good job making goguardian. one time i used a chromebook exploit to corrupt the extension and "disable" it for the next 6-8 months. too bad it got patched.

goguardian có nghĩa là

Shit extension where students of every grade basically face dictatorship and anti privacy. Unless you have a phone and you're hiding it from your teacher, goguardian will prevent you from doing shit. Similar to Securly, teachers can block websites, but thats not all. With goguardian, teachers can see what tab your on. Not only that, they can see ALL OF YOUR FUCKING TABS and what you've recently viewed after school. So not only are you not safe in school, you're being invaded of privacy outside of school. Nobody wants your damn teacher staring at you for all day and night. This extension is awful, teachers just shouldnt use it, just go use Securly or Securely, however the fuck you spell it. Goguardian can also ban you from searching shit, and lock your screen, preventing you from doing anything. Teachers can use this to be a dictator. You can pretend you're doing work but you're actually on your phone. but if you're idle for like 10 seconds, the teacher will catch you.


Person 1: hey lets watch youtube.
Person 2: yeah sure.
Person 1: dude the teacher sucks.
Person 2: yeah i know, i wish the principal didnt actually find out about this shit extension GoGuardian, it should be called ShitGuardian.

goguardian có nghĩa là

Literally the worst extension you could ever find on the chrome web store. It is the absolute worst and it blocks good websites half the time.


Omg goguardian wouldn't let me get to the math website.

goguardian có nghĩa là

When the BIG 404 drops in front of the raccoon in the Error 404 page, which you record on youtube or stuff like that.


Person 1: Hey, Person 2, you were late to work today, were you stuck in traffic?
Person 2: No, I was GoGuardian Eggplant_Happying. Check out my newest video.

goguardian có nghĩa là

The world's worst extension that you can possibly get at the Chrome Web Store. It's just a fucking dipshit-like piece of crappy-ass bullshit that literally blocks any website that you can possibly think of. You can bypass it, but that doesn't matter, since this hellish motherfucking monstrosity of a extension shit act like an asshole who has no soul, no heart. Crushes your dreams for absolutely no fucking reason. It's just a cunt who is created by 3 Satan-like people known as Advait Shinde, Aza Steel, and R. Todd Mackey. This bitchass cunt is by far the worst thing anybody has ever created for a computer. It is mostly used at schools (aka learning prisons) that look at your screen for the rest of the school day, like a fucking FBI spy. If someone said you can get rid of anything you want to get rid of, then one of those things would be GoGuardian. Without that fucking hellish mess, then we would be in peace. This peace of crappy-ass motherfucking bullshit better not exist in the future, because if it does exist, everyone who is reading this has to smash their device. Make sure the teacher leaves, because if they do, get to their computer and uninstall this crap.


Person One: "Hey, why didn't you finished your homework?"
Person Two: "GoGuardian."