iceland là gì - Nghĩa của từ iceland

iceland có nghĩa là

Iceland is, as has been well documented, a small island in the North Atlantic. It was settled in the 9th century, mainly by Norwegians and other Scandinavians, but also by a few Celts from Scotland and Ireland. There is a theory that the Norwegians in particular left for Iceland to escape the growing tyranny and expanding power of the Scandinavian Kings, especially King Harald Fair-hair of Norway. The first settler was Ingolfur Arnarson, arriving in 870 AD, and he built a farm on the site of modern day Reykjavik, the capital. Iceland was the first republic and developed a system of proto-democracy with a national Parliament called the Althing established in 930 AD, and a very sophistocated system of law developed. This was surprisingly liberal; women had practically equal rights to men. For instance, they could take part in legal proceedings and declare themselves divorced whenever they wished, whilst retaining all property rights. Considering women only got equal property rights in Britain in the 19th century, this is impressive I feel.
The term 'Viking' as an ethnic term is wrong; to the Scandinavians it meant specifically a raider, so not all, or even most, Icelanders were Vikings. Practically all were simple farmers. No towns existed in medieval Iceland, and farms were self-sufficient units.
An Icelander was the first to land on Greenland, which was settled by Eirik the Red after he had been outlawed from Iceland, who called it this to make it more attractive to other settlers. It was his son, Leifur, nicknamed Leif the Lucky, who was the first European to set foot on the continent of North America (not Christopher Columbus) around 1000 AD, the year in which Iceland became Christian by democratic vote. Leif christened the area Vinland, after the wild grapes he found there. Nobody has been able to prove the exact location of Vinland.
Geographically, Iceland is mostly volcanic, and large areas of it are covered in lava fields. It has geysers, hot springs and sulphorous jets of steam coming from the ground, as well as active Volcanoes. The amount of geothermal energy at her disposal means that Iceland is a very environmentally green country. However, it also means that all the washing water smells slightly of egg. Iceland also has Europe's most powerful waterfall (Dettafoss) and Europe's largest glacier (Vatnajokull), which did feature in the James Bond film 'Die Another Day'.
Iceland is famous for its medieval literature, which ranks as amongst the finest in the world. These are mostly sagas, the most famous being Egil's Saga, Njal's Saga, Laxdaela Saga and Volsunga Saga, the last of which was a major inspiration for Tolkein and Wagner. However, Iceland also produced histories such as The Book of Icelanders and The Book of Settlements by Ari the Learned, and the most important source on Norse mythology, Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson.
Icelandic has changed relatively little since then, and the system of patrynomics, and sometimes matrymonics is still used. For example if a man called Njal Eiriksson had a son and a daughter, they might be called Ingolfur Njalsson and Gudrun Njalssdottir; they would not have the surname Eiriksson.
In 1262, Iceland came under the control of Norway, and Denmark in 1380, but regained Home Rule in 1874 and became fully independent in 1944. Today, Iceland is most commonly known for musicians Bjork and Sigur Ros, being the most expensive country in Europe, puffins and reindeer, the Northern Lights, and being cold. However, this does not even come close to doing justice to this beautiful, sometimes bleak, truly unique landscape and its rich and fascinating history and mythology.


Iceland is my favourite European country apart from my own. I wish I was Icelandic.

iceland có nghĩa là

the real most bad-ass bad-ass they got kicked out of normal scandinavia. they make chuck norris look like a small child.


Smart people don't fuck with the Icelandic.

iceland có nghĩa là

an volcanic, harsh but beutiful and indepentend island north of Britain.
It was settled last of the contries in Europe but has enjoyed an republic leadership for the longest of any contries in the world
We are not Norwiegian


On iceland youl know the menaning of beuty

iceland có nghĩa là

An island in the Atlantic Ocean north of England. Known for it's volcanos, beautiful nature and of course the Blue Lagoon. Low crime rate and a pretty cool country to live in. Sigur Rós is from Iceland.


Ever been to Iceland?

iceland có nghĩa là

Iceland vs. Canada?? god help you. As one higly ranked officer on the base in Keflavik said: "We, and the rest of the world should be thankful that this nation does not have an army and is peaceful, because specially trained navy-seal go partying downtown Reykjavik,and if they have an attitude towards the locals and go looking for a fight, they get beaten up by teenagers!! The vikings are alive but peaceful, but don´t give a drunk one a attitude, because they don´t know what it means to run away and don´t care about getting hurt, they just go berserk (another word for viking). It´s a matter of pride for them, imprinted in their genes. An army of Iceland would be without a dought the best fighting force of the planet, but as the acient warriors, they understand that fighting and violence is not the way to live. But when they drink all that can be easily forgotten, and they do drink alot.
Just look at the cod-wars. Icelandic coastguard-ship going head on in a game of chicken with huge british warships, and simply dare-ing them to use their guns. And of course the Icelanders never backed, never gave up, and won these "peaceful"-wars three times in a row!" Canada? Don´t mess with what you know nothing of, ´cause you might hurt yourself in the progress.


Iceland : named the land of ice so people in overcrowded cities of Europe wouldn´t flock out there. Some say the best kept secret of the world.
Greenland: named so to attract people in Iceland to move there, but it didn´t work but the name stuck.

iceland có nghĩa là

An unusual chain of British supermarkets selling a large variety of low-price food and, for no apparent reason, bad quality dishwashers, freezers and other kitchen equipment.

Chosen grocery store of the more upmarket chav, Iceland also specialize in extravagant but completely irrelevant deals, such as:
'Buy these chicken dippers, get this tin of vitamin supplements, this jar of pickled gherkins, this bag of dog food, a whole turkey, this tub of butter and a kettle - free! All for just £2.95!'


Iceland - because mums are heroes.

iceland có nghĩa là

Referred to as the "shit-hole" of the planet. Iceland has a population of approximately 400 people. The gay population on iceland is estimated to be around 395. The other 5 people are phedophiles. There were recent discussions of what to do with the island. Many world leaders voted to nuke it, others voted to invade it and make it a colony. The question of what to do with iceland remains, although Canada may be gearing up to take it over, as they have sent 3 highly trained mounties to overtake the shit-hole.


Iceland sucks Canadas balls

iceland có nghĩa là

Volcanic island, north of Britain.
We are known for our strong vikings and our beutiful girls.
In Iceland, there are always party.
That's probably one of the reasons why we're always drunk.
But there is everything very expensive (specily the beer.)
Iceland is one of the riches countries in the world, and it is the best place in the world to live in.


Famous Icelanders:

Eidur Gudjonssen

and many, many more....

iceland có nghĩa là

A small and isolated country in the northern Europe, which is very green and has beautiful pastures, and does NOT have glaciers, like the Americans seem to think (see James Bond, Die another day).


My cattle are out on the green pastures in that valley. Just because the name of the country is Iceland it doesnt mean that it has glaciers...

iceland có nghĩa là

To oppose corruption & do something about it using the power of people in numbers. And to succeed because the right to have rights is stronger than the desire to be controlled by cronies.


"I'm sick of the man sticking it to us, let's mobilize the people and start Icelanding!"