the foxs là gì - Nghĩa của từ the foxs

the foxs có nghĩa là

1. A television network that produces the most degrading, mind-retarding, digressive, low-budget reality programming on the planet. It has gained credibility as a major network by consistently feeding the masses with crap that fills them up. High points for the network include animated shows, especially Family Guy, which they eventually cancelled.

2. A news program that is the most sensationalist of all of the 24 hour news channels. Again, FOX NEWS has experienced high viewership due to its unparalleled ability to catch the eye of the imbecile with ridiculously exaggerated reporting and other tactics aimed at getting viewers first, and giving correct, unbiased, factual news second. Also a perfect example of how the media, in all actuality, is much more conservative than liberal. The common misconception that the media is liberal is based on surveys that asked anchors, reporters, and other people that are on the camera to give their political affiliation. The survey should have been done on the big businessmen that own everything, who are the people that get to decide what gets on the air and who gets to keep their jobs.

3. Any of various carnivorous mammals of the genus Vulpes and related genera, related to the dogs and wolves and characteristically having upright ears, a pointed snout, and a long bushy tail.


Fox news is the current administration's propoganda machine and is a much sadder comment on the state of American affairs than the current trend of low voter turnout.

the foxs có nghĩa là

(noun) A beautiful and attractive woman


She's a stone fox!

the foxs có nghĩa là

A fox is a cute little animal, duh!


Hey, look at the fox!

the foxs có nghĩa là

A term used to describe someone thought of as very attractive/sexy. Can be used for males or females. See also foxy for adjective form.


Look at her, she's a total fox!

Kathy had a date with a fox last night.

the foxs có nghĩa là

A vulpine. That is, a small, mainly carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and a fuzzy tail. In the dog family, but possessing feline characteristics.


"The little gray fox narrowly avoided being hit by a car."

the foxs có nghĩa là

1. a hottie
2. a cute orange sly animal
3. a smart, sly person


Heath Ledger is a fox!

the foxs có nghĩa là

FOXING; (verb) 'To Fox'

The art of going into places you shouldn't, taking things you oughtn't to, and doing things that in most countries are probably just a tiny bit illegal. Acts are usually performed while under cover of darkness, with an MO directed in a more lighthearted vein, as opposed to an operation of terror or destruction. Can also be used to describe an outing of mischief. Similar to reality hacking, urban infiltration/urban exploration, and parkour, but with the added bonus of 'finding' random items to be 'purchased' as trophies for well-run missions.


Sample Activities and Term Usage;

1. Finding an 'open' door to an office and 'purchasing' a half-dozen paperclips from the workstation for trophies. Perhaps if time, rearranging important looking papers that were found in the 'unlocked' filing cabinet and drawing smiley faces in the centre of each one. Take the umbrella.

2. Collecting goslings.

...I don't think this one needs any explaination.

3. Deviant #1: "Man, we should go Foxing!"
Deviant #2: "Yeah! I love Foxing! So when do we start?"
Deviant #1: "Right now. Behind three locked doors, past a rabid pirate, and down a pitch-black ventilator shaft, there's an elastic band waiting with my name on it. You in?"
Deviant #2: "Yeah! But what do I get?"
Deviant #1: "...Uh, you can have the post-it pad."
Deviant #2: "Yeah! I love post-its!"
Deviant #1: "..."

the foxs có nghĩa là

A small animal that says:


Friend: What does the fox say?
Me: If you ask me that or sing it one more time, I will end your existence with a Falcon Punch. God!!

the foxs có nghĩa là

Published on September 3, 2013, the parody has become the latest internet video sensation, created by two brothers of a Norwegian talk show. The song revolves around their curiosity of the sound of the fox, but is portrayed through hilarious animal-costumed singers/actors and creepy dancers in masks and ties. The video has been described as the "Gangnam Style" of Norway. As of date, the video already has already gained 32 million views in a mere week, and that number continues to rise.


Girl: Hey guys! Guy 1: Yoo friends, did you see that crazy video on youtube-- Guy 2: Yeahh, totally, The Fox? It was epicccc. Girl: OMG WEREN'T THE YVLIS BROTHERS SO HAWT? Guys: ...Ehh, sure.

the foxs có nghĩa là

To be pressured by a number of people to do something; to masturbate with ejaculation during class; to pay for pornographic website memberships via Pay Pal Account linked directly to bank account.


Hey Kevin what are you doing?
Ah brah, I'm just foxing it oh ahhhhhhhh!
Oh it's all over the desk!!!!!